Which version of Superman is the strongest?

15 Strongest Versions Of Superman (In The Comics)
  • 8 Armored Superman.
  • 7 Val-Zod.
  • 6 Jon Kent.
  • 5 Calvin Ellis.
  • 4 Kingdom Come Superman.
  • 3 All-Star Superman.
  • 2 Cosmic Armor Superman.
  • 1 Superman Prime.
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Who is more stronger Superman?

Captain Atom has proven in past battles that he is stronger than Superman and has better fighting skills. He can also weaponize red sun radiation, which can weaken Superman like Kryptonite and magic.
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What is the weakest of Superman?

The most notable weakness to his name is kryptonite, radioactive slivers of his home world able to reduce him to a severely weakened state. Other wild cards such as overwhelming strength and magic can do real harm to Superman.
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Is Superman Prime a good guy?

Prime firmly believes that being Superman is his calling despite the fact that he has become a psychotic, murderous, and even sadistic villain. His overwhelming strength, speed, unpredictability, and ruthlessness make him one of the most dangerous foes in the DC Universe.
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Is Superman simply the strongest?

For DC, the unambiguous answer has always been Superman. No matter the version, Superman is simply the strongest.
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Top 10 Most Powerful Superman Variants

Who can lift more Superman or Hulk?

The Incredible Hulk, on the other hand, has a very different relationship to strength than Superman. While the Hulk's “baseline” level of strength only allows him to lift about 70 tons – a meager amount compared to Superman's lifting power – that level can quickly change as he gets angry… and he's usually furious.
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Is Hulk as strong as Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can Superman Prime be beat by Kryptonite?

While his powers burn out fast, he has some bonuses that Superman does not have. For one thing, Superboy-Prime has immunity to Kryptonite. Just like any human, Kryptonite has no effect on him because his Krypton was swallowed by the sun and there were no remnants spread throughout the universe from an explosion.
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Is Superman Prime stronger than Black Adam?

Black Adam's Magic Is No Use Against Superboy-Prime

In fact, he's also shown that he can't be harmed by New Earth's kryptonite, so it stands to reason that another world's magic can't hurt him either. But with Superman's power level and an invincibility to magic, Superboy-Prime eclipses Black Adam in power.
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Who is stronger Superman Prime or Black Adam?

DC Comics has already confirmed that while Black Adam may not be as strong as Superman, he is still considered far more dangerous. DC's Black Adam certainly lives up to his reputation as one of the World's Mightiest Mortals.
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Who can Superman never beat?

Superman has powers that a normal human could only dream of, but he's not unbeatable. 1 Superman Has Never Been Able To Conquer Darkseid Of Apokolips.
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Who can Superman not beat?

Without help, he'd get beat by them.
  • 6 Wally West Is Much Too Fast For Superman.
  • 7 The Highfather Has Access To The Source. ...
  • 8 Brainiac 5 Knows Superman's Every Weakness. ...
  • 9 Star Boy's Gravity Powers Are Too Much For Superman To Handle. ...
  • 10 Element Lad Could Easily Take Away Superman's Powers. ...
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Can Batman beat Superman?

Batman alone can't put a stop to Superman. If he had taken on the Man of Steel one-on-one, he would surely be clobbered. Unless he had a Red Sun Heater in his utility belt, there was no way he'd be able to subdue Superman had the Doom Patrol not showed up.
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Can Superman beat shazam?

Even though Superman is often considered the most powerful character in the DC Universe, Shazam definitely comes close, and he can even beat the Man of Steel. And with a massive power upgrade, there's no question that Shazam can meet Superman blow for blow—despite the upgrade's terrible side effects.
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Who has ever beat Superman?

Doomsday did something no one else could do in DC Comics. He killed Superman. This was one of DC's biggest comic book moments. Doomsday was raised on Krypton as a weapon of mass destruction, killed and resurrected constantly, ensuring it could never die the same way twice.
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Can Goku beat Superman?

Goku and Superman have strikingly similar origins and roles in their respective universes, leading fans to debate who would win in a fight. However, within the world of Dragon Ball, Goku has already proven his superiority to Suppaman, who is considered Dragon Ball's equivalent of Superman.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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Can Superman beat Thanos?

Superman has beaten everything the Multiverse has thrown at him and always come back for more. He's faced Thanos's type many times and always won. Superman is vastly more powerful and skilled than Thanos. It wouldn't take him long to realize how dangerous the Mad Titan was and once he did, he'd take the kid gloves off.
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Who would win Black Adam vs Superman?

Kryptonians Can Beat Black Adam (Despite His Magic)

As the Justice League reflect, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is the clear winner in any comparison.
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Who is faster Superman Prime or Flash?

As a general rule, the comics claim that The Flash is the faster hero, with Barry Allen, Wally West and even an octogenarian Jay Garrick having outrun Superman over the years.
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Can Superman Prime defeat Ghost Rider?

Superman will forever be known as one of the most powerful and skilled heroes in comics but Cosmic Ghost Rider would take him down. It wouldn't be an easy victory by any means but the Power Cosmic gives Cosmic Ghost Rider a power that will allow him to defeat Superman- the ability to manipulate energy.
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Can Dr Manhattan defeat Superman Prime?

In short, in a straight-up battle, Dr. Manhattan could easily destroy Superman. All he would have to do is disintegrate him and no matter how powerful Superman might be compared to other beings, Dr. Manhattan is simply too powerful.
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Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

Yes he can, he not only welded DC'S version of Mjolnir but also Marvel's Mjolnir. While later on in the story he couldn't do it, it was later retconned in Jane's Mighty Thor run that Superman is worthy.
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Did DC say Hulk is stronger than Superman?

The omniscient blue entity of the Watchmen universe even goes further, saying Superman will fight Thor across the universe along with "a green behemoth stronger than even Doomsday." This fairly obvious reference to the Hulk may have just been intended to give Marvel's behemoth the respect he deserves, but it confirms ...
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Who is stronger Hercules or Superman?

Hercules is very strong but that's pretty much it. While he's a demi-god, he doesn't really have a magic weapon or skill he can use beyond his strength and that's going to cost him against Superman. It's debatable whose stronger, although Superman probably has the advantage, but all Hercules can do is hit hard.
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