Who did the Doctor love most?

Truly, madly, deeply. To some, companion Rose Tyler was the greatest love of the Doctor's life. He seemed to have a closer bond with her than almost anyone he'd travelled with before, and as time went on it was increasingly clear that she was deeply in love with him.
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Who is the doctors one true love?

The Tardis. Ultimately his very first companion from the very start. She's always been there and he's always done everything he could to protect her. Then when she takes human form they both finally express their emotions towards each other.
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Did the Doctor love Clara the most?

Both of them had ties to each other since their childhoods ⁠— thanks to time travel ⁠— and their relationship blossomed as she was the companion of his eleventh and twelfth incarnations. Soon enough, it became clear that Clara and the Doctor were most definitely in love with each other, despite not becoming lovers.
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Does the Doctor love River or Clara?

The Doctor loved River Song enough that he suppressed the urge to roam for over two decades. This is something he was never able to do before River, and has never done again since. This proves, definitively, that River Song was not, and never will be, just another companion.
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Who is the most loved companion in Doctor Who?

Arguably one of the most beloved companions, Amy was a Scottish young woman who met the Eleventh Doctor when she was a child. They immediately developed a special bond when she told him about the crack in her wall and fed him fish sticks and custard right after his chaotic regeneration.
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The Doctor Mentioning Rose :(

Who is the least favorite Dr Who?

From worst to best, Redditors voted for their favorite portrayals of the beloved character.
  • 8 The 8th Doctor - Paul McGann.
  • 9 The 9th Doctor - Christopher Eccleston. ...
  • 10 The 5th Doctor - Peter Davison. ...
  • 11 The 1st Doctor - William Hartnell. ...
  • 12 The 6th Doctor - Colin Baker. ...
  • 13 The 13th Doctor - Jodie Whittaker. ...
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Who was the Doctor's longest companion?

Jamie McCrimmon accompanied the Second Doctor in 113 episodes, far more than any other companion. Frazer Hines happened to be working on the show during one of its busiest times ever and stayed with the program at the request of Patrick Troughton who wished to have Jamie and The Doctor together until the end.
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Did the Doctor love Rose or Clara more?

Truly, madly, deeply. To some, companion Rose Tyler was the greatest love of the Doctor's life.
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Is Clara River song's daughter?

Clara is the future child of the Doctor and River who's had her memory erased. The two Time Lords must be up to something on their nights away from River's prison cell.
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Did Dr Who ever fall in love?

Taking Doctor Who romances to an entirely new level, the Tenth Doctor gradually fell in love with his first companion, Rose Tyler. These feelings were strongly reciprocated by Rose, but it took the threat of Cybermen from a parallel universe for these emotions to finally manifest into words and actions.
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Why does the Doctor like Clara so much?

She sacrificed everything she had in order to save him, plus the first face a newly generated Doctor sees is like an imprint for the character. Rose to 10, Amy to 11, Clara to 12, etc. In addition, Missy introduced Clara to the Dr to instigate pure Chaos, which also strengthened their bond.
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Who did the eleventh doctor love?

Clara Oswald was always the Eleventh Doctor's “Impossible Girl,” a mystery to be solved “wrapped in an enigma, squeezed into a skirt that's just a little bit too … tight.” And according to the Eleventh Doctor himself, she was also his girlfriend.
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Does Clara ever kiss the Doctor?

The Christmas Kiss

The Doctor and Clara were good friends, very close ones, but never really became a couple. That didn't stop them from sharing a beautifully awkward and hilarious kiss. Well, more precisely, it didn't stop Clara from planting one on the unsuspecting Doctor.
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Has the Doctor ever had a male companion?

Prior to the 1995 reboot, the Doctor had several male companions, including military man Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, conniving alien Turlough, boy genius Adric, and many, many others.
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What did the Doctor whisper to Rose?

In the Doctor Who Confidential episode End of an Era, executive producer Julie Gardner confirmed that the intention was that the new Doctor did indeed say "I love you" when he whispered in Rose's ear. On screen, this character was only ever referred to as the Doctor.
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Has the Doctor ever kissed a companion?

Since the series revival, the Doctor has kissed many of his companions, including Rose and Jack, although each instance was not necessarily in a romantic context (see also "The Doctor and romance").
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Why did the Doctor forget Clara?

Increasingly desperate to save her, the Doctor threatened to fracture time and space itself to avert Clara's death, despite her end on Trap Street being a fixed point. Ultimately, the Doctor had to have his memory of Clara wiped to allow her to return to Trap Street and restore the timeline.
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What did River whisper in the doctors ear?

River, who is a professor of archaeology and carries a TARDIS-colour/pattern diary of her adventures, is able to convince the Doctor of his future trust in her by whispering his real name into his ear, which he explains he would only divulge under rare circumstances.
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Why did Clara betray the Doctor?

Plot. Clara phones Danny, ready to admit the full truth of her travelling with the Twelfth Doctor and that she sincerely loves Danny. Danny is killed by a passing car midway through the call. Visibly upset, Clara schemes to use a hypnotic patch on the Doctor to blackmail him into saving Danny.
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Was Rose pregnant with the Doctor baby?

Settling into her new life with the Meta-Crisis Doctor, Rose later became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. Years later, she was briefly transported to her original universe and met the Eighth and Eleventh Doctors, after which she returned to her family.
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Does the 13th Doctor remember Clara?

At the end of an adventure, an avatar of Bill Potts restores the Doctor's memories of Clara with a mental image of her telling him not to forget her again.
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Does the Doctor love Martha?

Martha developed romantic feelings for the Doctor during her time traveling with him; however, they were not reciprocated and barely acknowledged by the Doctor, who was still pining over his lost love.
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What is the scariest Doctor Who episode?

Though time will only tell if they're as shocking as this updated list of the Doctor's most nerve-wracking episodes.
  1. 1 The Empty Child (Series 1)
  2. 2 Blink (Series 3) ...
  3. 3 The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon (Series 6) ...
  4. 4 Midnight (Series 4) ...
  5. 5 The God Complex (Series 6) ...
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Who is the youngest Doctor Who companion ever?

The actor born closest to the start of Doctor Who is Daphne Ashbrook on 30th January 1963. (Or, if you consider River Song a companion, Alex Kingston, on 11th March 1963.) The youngest actor to play a companion is Matthew Waterhouse, at 18. Millie Gibson is the first actor born in the 21st century to play a companion.
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Why was Clara the impossible girl?

Clara Oswin Oswald is the third (and current, as of December 2013) female companion of the Eleventh Doctor. She exists under Moffat as producer. The Doctor calls her "The Impossible Girl." Clara is called "The Impossible Girl" because she has died and then reappeared again in the Doctor's life numerous times.
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