Who ends up killing Dumbledore?

Many believed he was a villain, and weren't convinced he was actually working for Dumbledore. Snape killed Dumbledore in an effort to protect Draco Malfo and spare him from the emotional trauma of murder. Snape used the Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) to kill Dumbledore and end his suffering.
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Who actually killed Dumbledore?

These attempts on Albus Dumbledore's life were the events that led up to the Battle of the Astronomy Tower on 30 June 1997. In the action, Dumbledore was killed by Severus Snape and not the primary perpetrator of the plot, Draco Malfoy.
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Why does Snape have to kill Dumbledore?

However, Draco was ordered by Voldemort to kill Dumbledore. Lestrange saw this as an opportunity to test Snape's loyalty and while making this vow to always watch over Draco, Lestrange forced Snape to agree to killing Dumbledore himself in case the youngster was unable to do so.
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Why was Malfoy chosen to kill Dumbledore?

So, during the summer between his fifth and sixth years at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy was tasked with the assassination of Albus Dumbledore to restore his family to Voldemort's good graces. Also at this time, Draco was branded with the Dark Mark.
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How is Snape the Half-Blood Prince?

Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince"). This is rare for a Death Eater, as remarked in the last book, though Voldemort himself also had a Muggle father.
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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (4/5) Movie CLIP - Dumbledore's Death (2009) HD

Is Snape half vampire?

That fan theory about Snape being a vampire? Not true... On a few occasions while reading the books, you'll come across descriptions comparing Snape to a bat, be it Professor Quirrell calling him an 'overgrown bat' in Philosopher's Stone, or his figure being called 'bat-like' when it's revealed he can fly unaided.
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How can Snape be in Slytherin if he is half-blood?

Because Slytherin was NOT the house for ONLY pure-bloods. If that were the case, then Slytherin would NEVER have a full house. Look, Slytherin house IS willing to accept half bloods. There are even reports of rare muggle borns entering their house.
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Who did Malfoy almost kill?

Firstly, Malfoy almost killed Katie Bell, a seventh year Gryffindor student and Quiddtich player who had been part of the DA. Katie Bell by DoraTheBrit Whilst on a trip to Hogsmeade, Madam Rosmerta (who had been herself under the Imperius Curse by Draco) put Katie under the Imperius Curse to make her…
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Why did Harry kill Draco?

When Draco attempted to utilise the Cruciatus Curse, Harry retaliated with Sectumsempra, a spell he remembered having read about in the Half-Blood Prince's copy of Advanced Potion-Making, which caused deep slashes across Draco, heavily wounding him and causing him to fall to the waterlogged floor, his blood floating ...
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Why did Voldemort stop attacking Dumbledore?

Albus Dumbledore forced Voldemort to retreat; the duel ended with the inability of Voldemort to maintain possession of Harry Potter and the arrival of Ministry Aurors and Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge.
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Who killed Voldemort?

For the second time in Voldemort's life, the unforgivable curse rebounded on him, as the Elder Wand wouldn't kill its master. Since Harry and his friends had already destroyed all of Voldemort's Horcruxes, this finally ended Lord Voldemort's life, with Harry finally defeating the Dark Lord.
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Who becomes headmaster after Dumbledore?

Minerva McGonagall, who was the deputy headmistress became the headmistress of Hogwarts after the death of Albus Dumbledore but Snape (usurped?) the position later. After Snape has been sacked, McGonagall takes back the position. She is the current headmistress of Hogwarts.
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Is Draco Malfoy evil?

By Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it's a stretch to call Draco a villain anymore. We just watched — or read — him struggle to reconcile his choices and morals in The Half-Blood Prince. He can no longer justify his actions, and is far more aware of the evil he was born and raised into.
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Why does Dumbledore let himself be killed?

Dumbledore was dying of a curse set by Voldemort, and only had a few weeks to live. If he died of the curse, that meant Voldemort had killed him and would get the mastery of the Elder Wand. If he killed himself, there was a possibility the Wand would still interpret that as Voldemort's victory.
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Why did Snape protect Draco?

He promised to protect Draco Malfoy from harm and guide him whilst he attempted to perform the task the Dark Lord had asked him to do: to kill Albus Dumbledore. Snape was actually a double agent working for Dumbledore, who requested Snape to kill him anyway to spare him of a painful and humiliating death.
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How does Snape heal Malfoy?

It's implied that Septum Sempra is Snape's own creation, that he used a specific counter-curse to heal Draco, and that the spell isn't designed to be instantly fatal, but to inflict a gruesome, but relatively slow death if left untreated. It's likely Snape is the only person who knows said counter-curse.
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What spell killed Voldemort?

The Disarming Charm became Harry Potter's signature spell, and it notably caused the final defeat of Lord Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts by rebounding his Killing Curse, because the Elder Wand recognised Harry as its master through the spell connection, and thus strengthened the Disarming Charm to the point ...
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Why was Snape the half-blood prince?

His father was a muggle.

His father was neglectful and sometimes abusive, which may have contributed to Snape's disdain for Muggles. At some point during his school years, he decided to reject his father's name entirely, giving himself the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince" with his mother's maiden name instead.
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Who killed Hedwig?

According to the films, Hedwig's killer might have been Selwyn, who was known to be pursuing Harry and Hagrid at the time since Hedwig's death in the film happened quite a while into the fight when there was only a couple death eaters following them, or it might have been Stanley Shunpike under the Imperius Curse.
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Is Narcissa Malfoy Dead?

Narcissa survived the final battle of the Second Wizarding War and later had a grandson, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, through her son's marriage to Astoria Greengrass. However, Narcissa was not too fond of Astoria for her stance on blood tolerance, believing her to be somewhat of a disappointment to the Malfoy lineage.
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Why did Dumbledore let Snape kill him?

While conferring with Snape about the inevitable outcome of this curse, Dumbledore also asks that Snape kill him when the time is right. Not only would this protect Draco from irreparable harm, but it would ultimately prove Snape's loyalty to the Dark Lord during a critical time.
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What house was Hagrid in?

6 December 1928) was an English half-giant wizard, son of Mr Hagrid and the giantess Fridwulfa, and elder half-brother of the giant Grawp. Hagrid stood at eleven feet, six inches tall. Hagrid attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1940 and was sorted into Gryffindor house.
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Why is Snape not in Ravenclaw?

Snape always wanted to be a Slytherin. For him, his genius and creativity wasn't about that nature per se, but what it could give him. A Ravenclaw learns for the sake of learning, for curiosity's sake. And while Snape had the potential for that, that's not how he applied himself.
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Did Severus love Harry?

In the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie, Snape showed how much he loved Harry, providing him with his memories and showing that he saw Lily in him, his last words echoing this: "You have your mother's eyes."
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