Who is more powerful lady Galadriel or Sauron?

In The Lord of the Rings, it is said that had Galadriel chosen to use her powers for evil instead of good, she would have been even more destructive and terrifying than Sauron himself. Galadriel was the greatest and most powerful of all Elves in Middle Earth in the Third Age.
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Was Galadriel stronger than Sauron?

Additionally, while he was in his weakened state, Galadriel could hold him off through the power of will alone. However, if Sauron had his One Ring and faced off in a battle against Galadriel, it's unlikely that there would be much she could do.
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How could Galadriel defeat Sauron?

Rather than cast magic at Sauron, Galadriel opts to challenge him on the spiritual plane; she resorts to her Wrath form to penetrate Sauron's mind and break his will. She obviously succeeds, as Sauron audibly cries aloud as he flees.
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Who is more powerful, Saruman or Galadriel?

Galadriel's powers were so vast that it's said that other powerful beings like Saruman or even Elrond could not fully comprehend them. The powers she did have were used for good, of course, such as protecting Lothlórien and even toppling Dol Guldur, a fortress that was enhanced by Sauron's magic.
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Who was more powerful than Sauron?

Characters who can easily defeat Sauron are; his Creator Eru Ilúvatar, his old master Melkor, and the Valar. Others who could overcome him would be Ungoliant who physically dwarfed Morgoth, and some great Maiar of Valinor described as almost as great in power as the Valar themselves.
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Why Was Galadriel so Powerful? Middle-earth Explained

Who actually defeated Sauron?

Finally Sauron came out to fight Elendil and Gil-galad face to face. When Elendil fell, his sword Narsil broke beneath him. Isildur took up the hilt-shard of Narsil and cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand, vanquishing Sauron.
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Who is more evil than Sauron?

Morgoth, the first to reign terror upon Middle-earth, was more powerful than Sauron and commanded an army of dragons and Balrogs. While both Morgoth and Sauron were cunning, Morgoth's rule and terror lasted longer and his corruption spread further, making him more formidable in the Lord of the Rings universe.
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Is Galadriel as powerful as Gandalf?

Yet Gandalf's power level exceeds even that of Galadriel, as shown by his rebirth in the Two Towers.
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Who can beat Galadriel?

Contrary to assumptions that Sauron would likely be the one to offer Galadriel the biggest challenge, Clark instead revealed that she felt that the High Elf Glorfindel would be the only one capable of beating her.
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Who is stronger Galadriel or Elrond?

Though neither is someone you'd wish to annoy, Galadriel is generally considered more powerful than Elrond in Lord of the Rings. Not only is she older than her Rivendell counterpart, but Galadriel witnessed the light from Valinor's Two Trees, giving her a mystic quality.
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Why is Sauron afraid of Galadriel?

In his notes, Tolkien remarks that Sauron saw Galadriel as his equal. Add that to the fact that she's untrusting of Sauron (yes, even when he's in his Annatar guise) and an unwavering, single-minded force, and it's more likely than not that Sauron feared Galadriel — or the potential she held to upend his plans.
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Why did Sauron love Galadriel?

Sauron is an expert manipulator and likely sees Galadriel and her power as an asset. In line with the old adage, "Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer," he'd rather have her on his side than against him.
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Did Sauron manipulate Galadriel?

In the final episode of season one we found out that Halbrand was, in fact, Sauron and has been manipulating Galadriel in order to access knowledge that only elves have.
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Who kills Morgoth?

He will fight in the Last Battle against the Valar and their allies, but will ultimately be slain by Túrin Turambar, the Man he cursed. By finally defeating Morgoth, Túrin will avenge not only himself, but all members of the race of Men.
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Why is Lady Galadriel so powerful?

The majority of her powers come from her Ring of Power, Nenya, the Ring of Water. The ring, also known by the names the White Ring and the Ring of Adamant, is one of the three Rings of Power given to the Elves of Middle-earth in the Second Age.
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Why does Galadriel turn dark?

Thus, Galadriel's dark form in Jackson's The Lord of the Rings personified what would have occurred had the Lady of Lothlorien given in to temptation and taken the One Ring for herself. She would have succumbed to evil because the Ring was indomitable, even with her power.
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Is Galadriel or Sauron stronger?

In The Lord of the Rings, it is said that had Galadriel chosen to use her powers for evil instead of good, she would have been even more destructive and terrifying than Sauron himself. Galadriel was the greatest and most powerful of all Elves in Middle Earth in the Third Age.
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Is Gandalf more powerful than Sauron?

This Gandalf defeated Saruman, so he is also above Saruman. However, he is still les powerful then Sauron.
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Can Gandalf defeat Sauron?

NO, Sauron was so much more powerful than Gandalf. Had all the 5 Ishtari worked together they could not have defeated Sauron in combat. Besides they were forbidden by the Valar from doing so. Their mission was to raly the Free Peoples to fight against Sauron and his minions.
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Who is stronger Saruman or Galadriel?

Galadriel is one of the most powerful elves. Galadriel's brother engaged in a contest of power with Sauron and was not beaten by much. Sauron is certainly more powerful then Saruman. After thousands of more years of life, Galadriel would probably have become more powerful.
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How did Galadriel banish Sauron?

Out of her assumed defeat rises Galadriel. She is the same “drowned” Galadriel we have seen in the Fellowship of the Ring when Frodo offers her the One Ring. She stands before Elrond and Saruman facing Sauron on her own with her phial in her hand. Decisively she strips Sauron of every power, driving him to flee.
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Who is the most powerful LOTR character?

There's no question that Sauron is among the strongest beings in Middle-earth, so powerful that even when defeated, he lay dormant and gathered strength in non-corporeal form. Sauron poured his power and will into the One Ring so that as long as it existed, he could never be truly defeated.
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Who is Sauron most afraid of?

Sauron's deepest fear was that Aragorn would use the Ring against him. With its powers of domination, Aragorn could comfortably take over the entirety of Sauron's dark army. Though this would eventually corrupt Aragorn, it would allow him to destroy Sauron and take his place.
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Who does Sauron hate?

Meanwhile, a few faithful Númenóreans, led by Elendil, were saved from the flood, and they founded Gondor and Arnor in Middle-earth. Sauron still considered them his hated enemies and he launched a pre-emptive attack on Gondor in S.A. 3429.
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Who is Sauron's nemesis?

Mainly Eru for going against his will and siding with Morgoth. After the fall of Morgoth and Sauron's rise to power his primary nemesis would be a collection of leaders who opposed him: Gil-Galad, Elrond, Cirdan, Galadriel, Celeborn, the line of Elros and the Numenoreans.
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