Who is the oldest living elf in Lord of the Rings?

Are any of the elves who first awoke Cuiviénen still around by the time of LOTR? The oldest elf in LoTR is Círdan the Shipwright, the oldest Elf still remaining in Middle-Earth, who appears at the end of Return of the King to sail to Valinor.
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Who is the oldest species in Lord of the Rings?

The Ent who figures most prominently in the book is Treebeard, who is called the oldest creature in Middle-earth. At that time, there are no young Ents (Entings) because the Entwives (female Ents) were lost.
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Who is the elder Elf in Lord of the Rings?

The oldest elf in the entire Tolkien Legendarium is Ingwë, the High King of the Vanyarin Elves, and the most ancient elf is Imin, one of the fathers of the Elves. It was certainly Cirdan the Shipwright, if you are talking about the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
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Who is the longest lived Elves?

The oldest Elf in the World, Círdan, was between 10741 and 11364 years old at the end of the Third Age.
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Who is older Gandalf or Legolas?

Gandalf's physical body is around 2000 years old, while Legolas' age is hard to determine but he is likely between 2000 and 3000 years old.
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How old is the oldest elf in Lord of the Rings?

Who is older Legolas or Gimli?

Well, we don't really know how old Legolas is, not in canon. But certainly he is much older than Gimli. But to a dwarf's eyes (and to be fair, our own) he looks younger. And in terms of lifespan, Gimli has lived far more of his own life than Legolas has of his own.
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Is Legolas related to Galadriel?

Yet, since Tolkien does give family trees for other important Elves in the book, such as Galadriel and Elrond, it's clear that Galadriel is not Legolas's mother. (Besides, she is one of the Noldor, not a Silvan or Sindar Elf.)
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At what age do elves stop aging?

Unlike the race of Men, they didn't physically age. They just remained constant -- an unchanging incarnation of their eternal form. Thus, once they were 100 years old, they looked the same for the rest of their lives. While Elves were done growing at 100 years old, they never stopped growing mentally.
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Who was the most powerful elf first age?

11 Most Powerful Elves in Middle Earth & Lord of the Rings
  • Luthien. Luthien was the most potent elf; in Middle Earth, she was also known as Tinviel. ...
  • Feanor. Feanor, the High King of the Oldor, was a talented craftsman, inventor, and warrior. ...
  • Galadriel. ...
  • Fingolfin. ...
  • Glorfindel. ...
  • Ecthelion. ...
  • Elrond. ...
  • Gil-galad.
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Is Elrond the oldest elf?

Elrond is phenomenally old by the time of The Lord of the Rings, but even with his 6,000+ years, he is surprisingly not the oldest elf in Middle-earth. Elrond's advanced years afford him a position of respect and seniority, and the Lord of Rivendell is rightly considered a rich source of knowledge, wisdom, and history.
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Who is the strongest elf in LOTR?

As powerful as Galadriel, Fëanor, and many other Elves worthy of a mention are, the title of most powerful Elf goes to Fingolfin, the High King of the Ñoldor. Fingolfin achieved many impressive feats, but one stands out and places him as the most powerful of them all: his legendary duel with Morgoth.
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What type of elf is Galadriel?

Galadriel's Elvish Race and History, Explained

Galadriel is one of the Calaquendi, meaning "Elves of the Light" in Quenya. Some of the earliest Elves to come into existence, the Calaquendi dwelt in Valinor with the gods during the halcyon Years of the Trees, which predate even the First Age of Middle-earth.
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What is the lifespan of an elf in Lord of the Rings?

Elves are immortal, and remain unwearied with age. They can recover from wounds which would be fatal to a Man, but can be killed in battle. Spirits of dead Elves go to the Halls of Mandos in Valinor.
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Who is older, Treebeard or Gandalf?

In that scene, Treebeard referred to Gandalf as "young master Gandalf," which would be the most obvious sign of Treebeard's age. However, Gandalf only appeared in the Third Age of Middle-earth. So, of course, Treebeard would be older than him.
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Who is older Galadriel and Gandalf?

When you realize that Galadriel is about 8.000 years old and Gandalf at least 55.000 years, and has looked like an old wizard for the last 2.000 of them. It really changes the scene, its a joke between old friends. And when Treebeard calls him "Young Master Gandalf" in ROTK...
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Who is the smartest elf?

Elrond was wisest in lore, i.e. he was a well-read historian. Círdan saw farthest, i.e. had greater foreknowledge of the future. Not necessarily the same thing as wisdom. Galadriel was greatest, i.e. the most powerful, as her preservation of Lórien shows.
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Who is the youngest elf in LOTR?

In the time of The Lord of the Rings, how old is the youngest elf in Middle Earth? We only know the ages of a few elves. All of them were thousands of years old. The youngest of these was Arwen who was born in TA 241 and was around 2,778 years old during the War of the Ring.
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Are elves older than dwarves?

Origins. The Dwarves are portrayed in The Silmarillion as an ancient people who awoke during the Years of the Trees, after the Elves did so at the start of the First Age, but before Men when the Sun and Moon were created.
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Do elves in LotR live forever?

Although Elves are immortal, it doesn't mean that they cannot die. One way in which Elves can die is by physical injury, for example in Peter Jackson's adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, Haldir of Lothlórien is slain by Uruks during the battle at Helm's Deep, although his fate is different in J.R.R. Tolkien's novels.
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How old is Legolas?

Legolas was portrayed by Orlando Bloom. In the "official movie guide" for The Lord of the Rings, a birthdate for Legolas is set to 87 of the Third Age. This would make him 2931 years old at the time of the War of the Ring.
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How old is Galadriel?

Galadriel leaves Middle-earth in TA (Third Age) 3021 when she is around 8,000 years old. Given that the events of The Rings of Power take place before the Third Age, she's around 5,000 years old in the show. This is also corroborated by her birth date in Valinor of 1362 in the "Years of the Trees".
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Why does Lady Galadriel turn dark?

Thus, Galadriel's dark form in Jackson's The Lord of the Rings personified what would have occurred had the Lady of Lothlorien given in to temptation and taken the One Ring for herself. She would have succumbed to evil because the Ring was indomitable, even with her power.
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Who is Legolas in love with?

It is later mentioned that Tauriel is a talented warrior and was therefore made leader of the Mirkwood border guards. Legolas, the son of Mirkwood's Elven king Thranduil, is indicated to be attracted to her, but as she is a lowly Silvan Elf, she does not believe herself worthy of him.
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Is Legolas Arwen's Brother?

Arwen probably got to know Legolas as her husband's friend and as the leader of the Elven colony in Ithilien. As Mary Tower points out, it is possible that they are distantly related, but it's nowhere stated.
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