Who kidnapped the girl in Slasher?

Almost immediately after they drove off, Iain Vaughn, an off-duty police officer, offered her a ride back home to her parents. After getting her in his car however, he drove past her house, claiming to be taking her somewhere she could 'sober up' but ended up raping and kidnapping her instead.
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Who kidnapped Ariel in Slasher?

On the night of Ariel's disappearance, Iain picked her up meaning to bring her home, but after feeling attracted to Ariel (because of her comments about his heroism) he raped and kidnapped her.
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Who killed Alison in Slasher?

Alison Sutherland - Decapitated w/ hunting knife by Cam. Marjorie Travers - given overdose of heroin by Iain Vaughn. Chief Iain Vaughn - Burned to death in crematorium by Cam.
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What did Sarah's parents do in Slasher?

History. When Sarah was due to be born, Tom Winston entered Rachel and Bryan's home as the original Executioner, and killed them both. Upon doing so, Tom forcibly cut Sarah out of her mother's womb. Tom then stayed at the scene of the crime, where police came in and found him cradling Sarah in his arms.
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Why is Heather crazy in Slasher?

She is deeply haunted by and obsessed with her daughter Ariel's disappearance, which occurred five years before Sarah Bennett returns to Waterbury. It might just be because of her suspicion and paranoia, but Heather appears to have a sixth sense about Waterbury's residents and their dark secrets.
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Teenagers Get Kidnapped And Must Fight For Their Lives | Horror Movie Recap

Is Heather Esme's mother?

That December, it's revealed that Heather is the biological mother of Esme Prince, whom she put as a newborn baby up for adoption after her relationship with Ryan Chamberlain ended. Years later, Esme found Ryan through his keepsakes, which Heather stole. It is also revealed that Esme is a twin.
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Why was Vincent kidnapped in Slasher?

After his immediate family arrives, they pressure Birgit, and she admits that her family kidnapped Vincent, as they needed money to get away.
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What was the secret in Slasher?

After their romp, they lie in bed and talk about the future and then the past as Theo reveals his big secret. It turns out, he ran his car into a daycare center and avoided consequence through his family's money and paying off the parents of the kids he killed.
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What was Sarah's sin in Slasher?

When the Executioner's book is first discovered, only two names are written on it before the actual target has been chosen. These being Tom Winston, for killing Rachel and Bryan Ingram, and Sarah Bennett for attempting to kill herself. Both acts attempt to play God by taking a life into their own hands, a sin of pride.
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Who is Sarah's real father in Slasher?

During the course of the season, it's revealed that Tom is Sarah's real father. Tom is unsure as to the validity of this idea at the start, but after obtaining a lock of her hair from Dylan, he gets Alan Henry to run a DNA test on it and it's confirmed.
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What was Allison's sin in Slasher?

Alison is the sixth of the Executioner's victims representing the sin of greed— where she was kidnapped, had her throat slit, then her decapitated head was placed into a fast food deep fryer.
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What was June's sin in Slasher?

She is the fifth of the Executioner's victims, representing the sin of sloth.
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Does Dylan cheat on Sarah?

Dylan took off on a tour leaving Sara behind. It wasn't long before he was drinking and smoking heavily, and cheating on his wife. Blood on the Tracks, the record that famously depicts the demise of the marriage, was released in 1975.
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Why is Judith the killer in Slasher?

Wanting to get revenge on the people who killed her son, Judith ended up creating the Wren persona in order to kill them without having the burden on her shoulders.
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Who is the Druid Killer in Slasher?

The copycat Druid ends up being Justine's two children Jen and Connor, who decided to kill all those they deemed responsible for their mother's suicide.
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Who killed kit in Slasher?

When he made his way outside, he was accidentally hit by Amy Chao's car. Between the stab wounds and the hit from the car, Kit died of his injuries.
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Who threw the brick in Slasher?

In 1968, Brenda Merrit dropped a cinder block on a car that was about to drive under the bridge she was standing on with the intention of hitting Sonja, the driver of the vehicle, as revenge for exiling her from the group.
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Who kept killing off Sarah's husbands?

Sarah Falsely Accused.

8For she had been given in marriage to seven husbands, but the wicked demon Asmodeus* kept killing them off before they could have intercourse with her, as is prescribed for wives.
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Is Cam in love with Sarah in Slasher?

At some point, around the age of 20, Cam attended a summer camp known as Camp Motega as a counselor, where he saw and fell in love with a 15 year old Sarah Bennett, thinking her to be pure and innocent. He then became friends with her, and when Sarah moved away with her grandmother, he became pissed and distraught.
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Who dropped the brick on Ada in Slasher?

After they came, Brenda dropped the block only for it to accidentally hit Brenda's best friend Ada, who wasn't supposed to be with them. The injury caused her to fall into a vegetative state, into which she is no longer aware of her surroundings.
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Who is the first Slasher killer?

There's no consensus on when slasher movies actually began, since the development of the subgenre is a continuum of sorts, but Tobe Hooper's 1974 classic The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is the first movie to introduce a long-running slasher character (chainsaw-wielding hillbilly killer Leatherface).
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Who killed Violet and Joe in Slasher?

The Druid stabs Joe in the crotch several times, killing him, then forces Violet to record a video condemning herself and her website, before stabbing her in the head with a knife.
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Who killed Cassidy in Slasher season 3?

The Druid grabs her head and begins to submerge it in the toilet, which is revealed to be full of hydrochloric acid when it burns her necklace. She screams for help, attempting to fight back but the Druid repeatedly dunks her head in the acid, causing chemical burns to her face.
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What is wrong with Amber in Slasher?

Joanne Vannicola as Amber Ciotti, the mentally ill, widowed stepmother of Connor and Jen. She became mentally ill after suffering a psychotic break after the suicide of her wife Justine.
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Is Judith the killer in Slasher?

In the second season finale (The Past is Never Dead), it's revealed that Judith is The Camp Motega Killer and that Wren is actually Owen Turnbull, her son who committed suicide after being framed for Talvinder's murder.
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