Who killed Deadpool's parents?

During Original Sin, it was revealed that Deadpool was manipulated by Butler into killing his parents, which he did via arson.
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What happened to Deadpool's parents?

History. Thomas Wilson was Deadpool's father. Under the influence of the Butler, Deadpool murdered him and his mother in their house in Canada via arson, without knowing they were his parents due to the mind-wipe drugs Butler constantly administered to him.
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Who killed Deadpool's father?

During the events of "Original Sin", it was revealed that Deadpool was tricked into killing his parents by a scientist known as Butler (who abducted Eleanor and gave her to his brother), however, Deadpool does not know about it.
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What did Deadpool's dad do to him?

Deadpool's Father Abandoned Him

According to Wade, his father walked out on him and his mother early on, with no further explanation (leaving Wade with doubts about his own skills as a parent, assuming he will one day become his father). And that's the same story introduced in the comics.
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Who is Deadpool's abusive father?

Thomas Wilson was Deadpool's abusive father, eventually getting lots of different reboots of his death. He was murder by wade via arson after the butler manipulated him into killing him a and his wife haile via drugs.
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Parents of 7-year-old who died in sand hole break their silence

Who is Deadpool's biggest enemy?

A mercenary for hire, he played an important role in the series Deadpool; T-Ray served to remind Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, what a failure he was. He is Deadpool's archenemy for many issues and almost everything that happened to Deadpool was a part of an elaborate plan orchestrated by him.
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Who is Deadpool's strongest enemy?

Marvel Comics: 15 Most Powerful Deadpool Villains
  1. 1 Thanos. By far the most powerful villain Deadpool has ever faced is the Mad Titan himself, Thanos.
  2. 2 Mister Sinister. ...
  3. 3 Juggernaut. ...
  4. 4 Lady Deathstrike. ...
  5. 5 Stryfe. ...
  6. 6 Bullseye. ...
  7. 7 Hit-Monkey. ...
  8. 8 Taskmaster. ...
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Why does Deadpool have baby legs?

It's when Wade Wilson aka Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) is stuck on the couch of his elderly blind roommate Blind Al (Leslie Uggams) while his legs re-generate, having been earlier torn in half by Juggernaut (oh yeah, that was pretty crazy, too). We first see the stumpy legs – and possibly more – as Wilson sits.
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What is Deadpool's greatest weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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Why did Deadpool's mouth shut down?

Given Deadpool's established need to speak incessantly despite the situation, he would have unleashed a swarm of locusts he'd be unable to control. However, with his mouth sewn shut, Deadpool can better regulate the disgusting ability.
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Why Deadpool kills Marvel?

The storyline where Deadpool infamously killed the Marvel Universe occurred outside of main comics canon. It was just a fun elseworlds storyline, of what might happen if Deadpool tried killing the Marvel Universe. The Deadpool kills the marvel universe was an off-canon, one-shot story and it was purely meant for fun.
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Has Deadpool ever killed a kid?

Deadpool is a lot of things; profane, obnoxious and a frequent murderer. But he is definitely not a murderer of babies, even if they are eyeless monsters from a different dimension.
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What kills Deadpool?

4 Weapon X Kill Switch

When Weapon X upgrades Wade's healing factor, they also add a brutal kill switch, choosing to disintegrate him when he turns against them. Deadpool was resurrected using magic shortly afterwards, but it's made clear he's truly dead thanks to the kill switch, even appearing as a ghost.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Wolverine is a killer, but one who managed to become a hero. Deadpool is not, he knows it and he hates it.
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Did Deadpool lose his immortality?

Deadpool, the fourth-wall-breaking comic book hero turned movie star known as the “merc with a mouth,” is effectively immortal. No matter which way he gets sliced and diced, he does not die.
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How did Deadpool get a daughter?

Ellie Camacho was born after a short fling between Deadpool and Carmelita Camacho. With Deadpool unaware of her existence, Ellie was raised by her mother until she was kidnapped by a Weapon Plus operative named Butler.
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What animal is Deadpool afraid of?

Funny enough, Domino isn't the only one with a fear of a particular animal, as Deadpool tells her he's scared of cows while gaining the information from her.
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Who can Deadpool beat in a fight?

Deadpool might have his fair share of comedic moments in the Marvel universe, but the mercenary's powers allow him to be one of the strongest Marvel characters, proficient enough to defeat and kill major Marvel heroes ranging from Captain America to The Fantastic Four.
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Who is stronger, Deadpool or Wolverine?

Wolverine definitely can beat Deadpool and is stronger than him, but Deadpool's speed and healing factor have allowed him to get the drop on Wolverine and do a lot of damage.
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What disease did Deadpool have?

The Weapon X program did more than just cure Deadpool's horrific cancer. It granted him a healing factor that enables him to regenerate destroyed tissue and organs at a superhuman rate. Whether it's a paper cut or a decapitation, Deadpool can recover from it so long as his head remains intact.
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Can Deadpool regrow his head?

Most likely, Deadpool would have to place his head back onto his neck, and it will then Regenerate in that location. This is also seen possible because of this, yes I know this is just epic cover art to build suspense, but it shows us that Deadpool can actively hold his head rather than it just regenerating instantly.
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Why did Deadpool's skin get messed up?

The explanation for this anomaly is tied to his medical history before he became the subject of the infamous project. Wilson was battling a form of cancer when he received his healing powers. However, rather than curing him, the procedure caused the cancer cells to become undying.
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Who is Deadpool's best friend?

Weasel is perhaps Deadpool's best friend. However, because of his frequent mood swings and tenuous mental state, Deadpool still often abuses or mistreats him. Weasel has also displayed an opportunistic streak against his friend's interests on occasions. Weasel as seen in Cable & Deadpool.
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Who is more powerful Deadpool or Thor?

He is somewhat the same in the comics, so if Deadpool ever faced Thor, the god of thunder would have the winning edge. It's true that Deadpool managed to terminate Thor using Pym Particles in a non-canon comic by enlarging Mjolnir. But MCU Thor never needed Mjolnir in the first place.
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Who is more invincible Deadpool or Wolverine?

Eventually, Wolverine's body won't be able to fend off illness or heal from injury, and he will naturally die. Deadpool, however, will not experience the same decline, making him the more effectively immortal between the two of them.
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