Who made the origami unicorn in Blade Runner?

The unicorn scene in Blade Runner occurs towards the film's end when Deckard is in his apartment. Reflecting on his existence, the blade runner picks up an origami unicorn made by police officer Gaff.
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What does the origami unicorn mean in Blade Runner?

From a symbolic standpoint, the unicorn most probably describes Deckard's subconscious mind, in which he yearns for unbridled freedom like the majestic creature, which, however, is akin to a myth in the blatantly capitalistic and autocratic world of Blade Runner.
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Why was there a unicorn at the end of Blade Runner?

As Gaff was one of the internal controls in law enforcement, the director, by using the origami unicorn, provided the audience with the message that Deckard is a replicant and that his memories have been implanted and that information on these implants can be found in his dossier.
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Why does Gaff leave origami?

What is the significance of Gaff leaving a unicorn figure for Deckard in Blade Runner? Gaff is showing Deckard that he knows about the unicorn dream that Deckard has had; he is showing Deckard that he is privy to Deckard's thoughts and memories.
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Is the origami guy in Blade Runner a replicant?

According to Ridley Scott, he is a replicant. According to Harrison Ford AND the original novel, he is not. There are subtle clues in the film that COULD indicate that he is a replicant. The most notorious of which is the little origami unicorn he finds on the floor at the end of the film.
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How to make an origami unicorn from Blade Runner

How did the replicant get pregnant?

The second film further develops Rachael's origin, and gives significantly more details about her radical design. It revealed that she was an experimental model of replicant with a high percentage of human organs, including human reproductive organs, and that Rachael conceived a child with Deckard.
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Is Deckard a replicant too?

Emmet Walsh (who portrayed Bryant) and Rutger Hauer (who portrayed Roy Batty). In a 2023 interview, Ford stated that he "always knew" that Deckard was a replicant, but wanted to "push back against it", adding that a replicant (or at least, Deckard) would want to believe that they are human.
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Why did Deckard see a unicorn?

One interpretation is that the unicorn was simply a message to Deckard to say I know you've got Rachael, but I'll let her live. Another interpretation (based on the script) is that the unicorn is Gaff's gauntlet and he will hunt them both down.
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Why did Gaff let Rachel live?

Gaff could have caught Deckard and Rachael, but his sympathy for their cause influenced him to allow them to escape, and that's exactly the type of person Cal was looking for.
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What does Gaff say to Deckard at the end?

Quotes. Gaff : You've done a man's job, sir. I guess you're through, huh? Deckard : Finished.
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Why does Roy put a nail in his hand?

Nearing the end of his life, Roy creates a stigmata by driving a nail into his hand, and becomes a Christ-like figure by sacrificing himself for Deckard. Upon his death a dove appears to symbolise Roy's soul ascending into the heavens.
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What is the message of Blade Runner 1982?

By its conclusion, the film suggests that one's ability and willingness to perceive systemic social inequality is the true measure of humanity. Blade Runner trains us into awareness of flawed social hierarchies by repeatedly emphasizing eyes and connecting them with perception beyond the physical.
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What do the eyes symbolize in Blade Runner?

As eyes are often deemed as windows to the soul, this symbolism extends into the themes of perception, appearance as opposed to reality, and the concept of memory in Blade Runner.
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Why does Roy kiss Tyrell?

When jilted by his father/creator, Roy expresses love by kissing Tyrell right before killing him—the kind of bruised, embittered love a child expresses toward an abusive, negligent parental figure.
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What does the wooden horse represent in Blade Runner?

On a thematic level, it represents K's yearning for humanity, a soul, and freewill. He wants to be "born, not made." Also, like the film itself, the wooden toy horse evokes nostalgia. It turns out that the wooden horse memory is Ana's and that it was embedded in K's memory as a safeguard to hide her identity.
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Is Deckard's daughter a replicant?

Biography. Stelline was born on June 10, 2021, the daughter of former Blade Runner Rick Deckard and Rachael, a Nexus-7 replicant, making her the first replicant-born child.
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Was Rachael a replicant?

Rachael wasn't a human as her eyes glowed as only a replicant's eyes do and she failed the Voight-Kampff test when Deckard tested her, although it took more questions over a longer period of time for the test to determine that Rachael was, in fact, not a human.
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How did Deckard know Rachael was a replicant?

After over 100 questions, Tyrell asked Rachael to leave him alone with Deckard. Deckard determined that Rachael was a replicant, to which Tyrell revealed that Rachael was implanted with memories to provide a cushion for her emotions.
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Why was Molly Grue mad at the unicorn?

One of the most poignant moments in “The Last Unicorn” is when Molly Grue confronts the titular unicorn after years of longing. Her initial reaction is not one of joy but of anger, frustration, and a deep sense of betrayal. Molly's exasperated outburst, “Where have you been?” encapsulates years of pent-up emotions.
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What does too bad she won't live mean?

To show Deckard that Gaff knows what he is thinking he says “it's too bad that she won't live”, with the “she” clearly referring to the female nexus that Deckard has fallen in love. His mock regret also alludes to the fact like Batty; the female Nexus too is on a limited life span.
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How did K have the memory?

However, he later learns that, even if the memory is real, it was not his own but Dr Ana Stelline's. Through her work, Dr Stelline shared her memory with K, and this allowed him to understand what it was like to walk in her shoes, but most importantly, to believe himself a free, loved replicant.
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Is K Deckard's son?

The big twist in the final act of the movie is that K isn't the son of Deckard and Rachael at all, but just another cog in the machine that might lead to the child's discovery.
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Why does Luv kiss Officer K?

During the final fight with K, after subduing him, she smugly kissed him and retorted "I am the best one!", as if trying to prove her superiority over not just K, but all other replicants, further hinting at her deep-seated insecurities that she kept well-hidden.
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