Who taught Hermione to apparate?

Twycross taught the "Three D's of Apparition": Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. The student needed to apparate into a hoop by focusing their mind on the hoop and then spin around with the intention of appearing in the hoop.
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How does Hermione learn to apparate?

An Apparition instructor sent by the Ministry of Magic named Wilkie Twycross taught Harry, Ron and Hermione how to Apparate. For this class, Dumbledore removed the protective charms around Hogwarts that prevented anyone from Apparating or Disapparating in Hogwarts Castle, but only within the Great Hall.
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Who taught Harry Potter to apparate?

Apparition is an optional class for those in the sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts in preparation for obtaining their license to apparate, or disappear and reappear instantly in another location. In Harry's sixth year, Wilkie Twycross, a Ministry of Magic apparition instructor, teaches the lessons.
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Why did Harry never learn to apparate?

He does apparate with Hermione and Dumbledore using side along apparition. But due to time constraints, they cut apparition lessons.
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Did Hermione pass her apparition test?

Hermione passed the Apparition Test on her first try, but Ron left half an eyebrow behind and failed. It is unknown when and where Ron took the test a second time, or if he ever passed.
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Undetectable Extension Charm - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1

Who did Hermione lose her virginity to?

She lost her virginity to Ron sometime after the Battle of Hogwarts. Not to Krum or McLaggen and surely not Fred. Thank you.
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Why did Ron fail his apparition test?

Ron Weasley failed his Apparition test due to leaving half of an eyebrow behind. Having left school in his Seventh year without ever having passed the test, he was badly injured after splinching away part of his upper arm while escaping from the Ministry of Magic and Grimmauld Place in 1997.
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Why did Lily and James not disapparate?

Though James and Lilly are talented indeed, they did not master wandless magic and unfortunately they did not have their wands with them the night of the attack which means that they weren't able to preform magic which includes apperation.
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Why 7 Potters?

Just as Tom Riddle split his soul in seven parts through Horcruxes to preserve his life, Harry Potter "split" into seven "bodies" to preserve his life. Instead of accomplishing this by killing people, Harry's friends volunteered to help him in this task out of love.
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Why didn't James and Lily just Apparate?

The simple answer is she, like James, didn't have her wand on her. They were caught completely off guard by Voldemorts arrival. You NEED a wand to Apparate. When Harry & Ron were locked in Malfor Manors basement Ron actually tried to Apparate without his wand and nothing happened.
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Why didn't Hermione save Dobby?

Honestly, Hermione knew Dobby was a lost case... nothing could have revived Dobby after the attack or she would have definitely helped Harry with Dobby considering she was the girl who started S.P.E.W(Society for the Elfish welfare) and fought for elf rights. There was nothing to be done at that point.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

Family. Snape's family background is mostly shown in flashbacks during the course of the last three novels. Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince").
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Who killed Mad Eye Moody?

Voldemort fired a Killing Curse when Mundungus Disapparated, and hit Moody in the face, killing him. Moody fell backwards off his broom, and about a thousand feet to the ground. Because half a dozen Death Eaters were on their own tail, Bill and Fleur could do nothing.
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Why can't all wizards Apparate?

Weasley comments in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that some wizards will not Apparate because of the danger of splinching; they rely instead on their brooms and the Floo network.
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What are the three D's everyone must remember while learning to Apparate?

Twycross taught the "Three D's of Apparition": Destination, Determination, and Deliberation. The student needed to apparate into a hoop by focusing their mind on the hoop and then spin around with the intention of appearing in the hoop.
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Can Ron and Hermione Apparate?

In the final film, Voldemort can Apparate during the Battle of Hogwarts but it can be explained showing the fact that he broke all the protections, because Harry, Ron and Hermione couldn't Apparate into the castle.
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Why can't muggles see 9 3 4?

My guess is there is an enchantment that causes the muggles to either see them appear to board the train or some other inconspicuous action or cause them to not see it at all. Or possibly even a memory charm to make them forget what they have seen altogether. That is what I find most logical and likely at any rate.
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Was Umbridge a death eater?

Harry describes Umbridge to Sirius Black, saying that she's vile enough to be a Death Eater, despite not being one. Umbridge is also depicted to be a prejudiced person, despising half-breeds and Muggle-born witches and wizards to the point of firing Hagrid due to his half-giant birth status.
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What does 13 mean in Harry Potter?

Sybill Trelawney describing the misfortune attributed to the number thirteen. Thirteen was a number that was considered by members of both the magical and non-magical communities to be unlucky and to be the cause of suffering and misfortune.
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Why did Lily hate James?

One with a severe dislike of Lily's former best friend. Let's get into your points one by one, though I would like to say first that I'm not sure if that quote from Lily about James making her sick really matches up with her being the 'submissive one'. - Yes, Lily knows James is a bully. That is why she loathed him.
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Why was Voldemort going to spare Lily?

James and Lily, alongside their friends, had caused the Dark Lord a lot of grief during his first reign of terror, and eliminating them entirely would be a huge load off his mind. Two less meddlesome Order of the Phoenix members out there getting in his way was never a bad thing.
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Did Lily know James was an Animagus?

It is unknown if Lily Evans knew it, but as she married James Potter, it is likely she did.
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What disease did Ron pretend to have?

Worried that the Ministry, now taken over by Voldemort, will learn he is with Harry on a quest, Ron dresses the family ghoul up in pyjamas and spreads the story he is ill with "spattergroit", a type of highly contagious magical illness.
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Why couldn t Ron turn his rat yellow?

Scabbers was actually, as we know, Peter Pettigrew, an unregistered animagus hiding out as the Weasley's pet rat. No matter how hard he focussed his intention on turning the rat yellow, or even if he'd said the words rattus colovaria (erm, we did our best) the spell would never have worked because the rat wasn't a rat.
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Why did Hermione leave her scarf?

Having to face the inevitable the two decided to leave and carry on with their quest by heading to Godric's Hollow. Hermione took off her scarf and tied it around a tree nearby to where they had been camping when Ron left. She did this to signal to him that they had left, should he ever return and try and find them.
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