Who trained Rocky after Mickey died?

Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed: The former Heavyweight Champion and Rocky's former arch-rival, who agrees to train him after the death of Mickey.
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Who trains Rocky after Mick dies?

Apollo Creed

Creed's time training fighters is somewhat limited and is seemingly limited to training Rocky himself, helping his former rival after the death of Mickey in Rocky III. Creed is supported by his own trainer, and his approach to teaching Balboa is very much like that of Duke.
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Who was Rocky's second trainer?

Burgess Meredith as Michael "Mickey" Goldmill: Rocky's friend, manager and trainer; a former bantamweight fighter from the 1920s and the owner of the local boxing gym.
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Who is the old guy that trains Rocky?

Oliver Burgess Meredith, known professionally as Burgess Meredith, was an American actor. He was best-known for portraying Rocky Balboa's trainer Mickey Goldmill in the Rocky films and the Penguin in the television series Batman.
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Why was Mick killed off in Rocky 3?

As Mick was old and already shown to be in poor health, his death was far less shocking than Apollo's. Instead, the fighter is tragically killed in the ring - once again using grief as a means of forcing Rocky to push himself past his limits to achieve the (seemingly) impossible.
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ROCKY III | Rocky Says Goodbye to Mickey

How old was Mick when he died in Rocky 3?

In Rocky III however, his headstone lists his date of birth as 1905, making him 71 in the original film. Furthermore, the headstone lists his date of death as 1981, which implies that he was 76; the same age he was four years previously (in the original film).
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Who was Rocky's trainer in Rocky 4?

Tony Burton as Tony "Duke" Evers: Apollo's father-figure, friend, trainer and manager, who becomes Rocky's trainer for his match against Drago.
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How old is Rocky in Rocky 4?

Rocky IV (1985) - Rocky IV also fudges the timeline by making it seem like it starts right after Rocky III but the movie then jumps forward to 1985 when Ivan Drago arrives in the U.S. Apollo was killed by Drago and Rocky defeated the Russian in a fight held in Moscow on Christmas 1985 when Rocky was 38 or 39.
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Who trains Rocky in Rocky 5?

Burgess Meredith as Mickey Goldmill: Rocky's deceased friend, manager and trainer, a former bantamweight fighter from the 1920s and the owner of the local boxing gym.
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Did Rocky lose to Clubber Lang?

Fame and complacency soon cause Balboa to lose his title to young thug Clubber Lang ( Mr. T ), who inadvertently causes the death of Rocky's beloved trainer, Mickey (Burgess Meredith), before their first championship bout.
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What accent does Mickey have in Rocky?

For a film shot in Philadelphia, and whose main characters were supposed to be born and bred Philadelphians, Rocky, Paulie, Gazzo, and Mike all spoke with a "Movie Brooklynese" accent. The only person with an authentic "Philly Accent" was the character, Marie, the young girl in front of The Atomic Hogie Shop.
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What were Mickey's last words to Rocky?

T), Clubber pushed Mickey to a wall causing him to have a heart attack. He was rushed to the locker room where Adrian proceeded to take care of him. Soon after the fight Rocky reunites with Mickey for one last time for he could barely talk, his last words were, "I love you, kid.
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Who trained Rocky in Rocky 3?

Burgess Meredith as Michael "Mickey" Goldmill: Rocky's friend, manager and trainer, who unexpectedly dies; a former bantamweight fighter from the 1920s and the owner of the boxing gym where Rocky trained for his first fight against Apollo.
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Did Clubber Lang go to jail?

During his time in prison, he discovered boxing as a way to let out his frustration and anger, which leads to the events of Rocky III. This is also evident in the game Rocky Legends, where Clubber's storyline begins with him fighting in the Chicago Prison in a ring actually inside the prison itself.
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Who killed Apollo Creed?

A 2013 poll of former heavyweight champions and boxing writers, including former WBA heavyweight star James "Bonecrusher" Smith, ranked Creed as the second-best boxer in the Rocky series, second only to Rocky himself, having only 2 losses: one to Rocky and the other, Ivan Drago, who killed him in their fight.
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What is the saddest death in Rocky?

That said, it still found time for drama, represented by the death of Apollo Creed. We watched Apollo grow throughout the “Rocky” series from cocky villain to mentor, and he quickly became Rocky's closest friend.
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Why didn t Rocky train Adonis?

Rocky is from Philadelphia, and would only be in LA if he was training Adonis for a boxing match. Since Adonis is retired, he would not need Rocky to help him train for anything. The reason Rocky is not in Creed 3 could be as simple as there was no reason for him to be in LA.
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How did Paulie lose Rocky's money?

Paulie gave a lawyer Power of Attorney, and after promising to invest the Balboa's money in surefire real estate investments with an unscrupulous accountant, along with failing to pay the taxes and mortgage on Rocky's house efor several years, ended up leaving Rocky and Adrian with very little.
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Who was Rocky's hardest fight?

Ivan Drago: Drago was a Soviet boxer who was trained to be a killing machine. He was incredibly strong and had a powerful punch. Rocky faced Drago in a 15-round fight in Rocky IV, and it was one of the most brutal fights in boxing history.
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Did Carl Weathers quit Rocky?

Lundgren threw Weathers into a corner of the boxing ring. After that, Weathers shouted profanities at Lundgren while leaving the ring and announced that he was calling his agent and quitting the movie. Only after Sylvester Stallone forced the two actors to reconcile did the movie continue.
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Why did Drago's wife leave him?

She is much more articulate than Drago, who seldom talks, and always speaks on his behalf at press conferences and interviews. In Creed II, it is revealed that Drago and Ludmilla had divorced as a result of his loss to Rocky Balboa and he is now raising their son - himself a professional boxer - alone.
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How old was Adrian when she died in Rocky?

Rocky Balboa

Adrian died peacefully in her sleep on January 11, 2002, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with her family along her side, aged 51. In the years since, Rocky, trying to break out of his bankruptcy, manages to open a small Italian restaurant, named after her.
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Did Sylvester Stallone really do the training in Rocky 4?

While training for Rocky IV, Dolph Lundgren joined Sly as he returned to Franco Columbo for assistance in carving the super-ripped physique which eventually made the final cut of the movie. No, unfortunately he didn't actually train in a barn like the movie, they trained in Franco's gym.
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Why is Drago in creed 3?

Viktor will likely have to overcome his father in order to break away from the violent and controversial history of his family. This story was not the focus of Creed 3, however, and Ivan was likely only brought into the film to keep him relevant in preparation for the Drago spinoff film, which is in the works from MGM.
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What does Drago say in Rocky 4?

Drago : [after "killing" Apollo in the ring] I can not be defeated. I beat all man. Someday, I will beat a real champion. If he dies, he dies.
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