Who was in charge of Gatsby's funeral and why?

Who was in charge of Gatsby's funeral and why? Nick takes charge because no one else with a personal knowledge of Gatsby, the man, seemed to care.
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Who is in charge of Gatsby's funeral?

Nick is left to organise Gatsby's funeral. Daisy and Tom have left town. Wolfshiem refuses to come. Hundreds of people attended Gatsby's parties but no-one comes to his funeral apart from Nick, Gatsby's father, and some servants.
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Why is Nick responsible for Gatsby's funeral?

Nick took care of Gatsby's funeral because he was his only close friend and the only person who really cared about him. Nobody else showed any interest in Gatsby after his death.
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Why is Nick in charge of arranging Gatsby's funeral?

I am a book reviewer, editor, and teacher. I think Nick arranged Gatsby's funeral because no one else would. The significance, in that respect, is that Nick was the only one who cared enough about Gatsby to do so. While Gatsby was the center of partytown, he clearly had no close friends.
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Who takes responsibility for Gatsby's funeral?

Nick assumes responsibility for Gatsby's funeral arrangements. He tires to contact family and friends, but the only positive response comes from Gatsby's father, Henry C. Gatz, a 'solemn old man, very helpless and dismayed' (pg 158) travels from Minnesota as soon as he reads of his son's death in the Chicago newspaper.
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Why didn't Daisy go to Gatsby's funeral?

What was ironic about Gatsby's funeral?

Gatsby's funeral is ironic because only three people attend, while enormous crowds attended his parties. Despite being a popular figure in the social scene, once Gatsby passes, neither Daisy, his business partner Henry Wolfsheim, nor any of his partygoers seem to remember him or care.
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Who is responsible for Gatsby's death quizlet?

George Wilson actually pulled the trigger and shot Gatsby.
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Why didn't Daisy care when Gatsby dies?

Daisy does not want to be seen attending Gatsby's funeral because she does care about her reputation, despite the fact that she has never loved Tom. As a result, she makes the decision to abstain out of concern that she will damage both her connection with Tom and her standing in the eyes of the general public.
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Why is Nick in charge of arranging Gatsby's funeral Quizlet?

Why did Nick take care of Gatsby's funeral? Nick was the only person that cared about Gatsby for Gatsby and not Gatsby's money. He is probably the only person that would have been available to do the funeral arrangements.
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Was Daisy a gold digger?

Yet Daisy isn't just a shallow gold digger. She's more tragic: a loving woman who has been corrupted by greed. She chooses the comfort and security of money over real love, but she does so knowingly.
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Why did Gatsby never love Daisy?

Gatsby, in fact, is never capable of loving her at all; he was born with a life and status too drastically different from hers to ever really connect with her in a true, romantic way. Rather, he loved the idea of Daisy and what she stood for.
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Why didn't Daisy marry Gatsby?

Even though she was still in love with Gatsby, Daisy most likely married Tom because she knew he could provide her with more material comforts.
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Why is Tom most responsible for Gatsby's death?

Gatsby was murdered by Wilson, because he thought that Gatsby was the one that hit his wife and killed her. Tom is a main contributor to Gatsby's death because Myrtle was his mistress. Tom was the one that suggested he drive Gatsby's car to town with Jordan and Nick.
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Why is it ironic that Daisy killed Myrtle?

First, Daisy Buchanan is the driver of the mysterious “death car”—she's the one who accidentally runs over and kills Myrtle. This is ironic because while the reader knows that Tom Buchanan had been having an affair with Myrtle, Daisy has no idea that the woman she killed was her husband's mistress.
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What did Daisy do after killing Myrtle?

Possibly drunk from the day in the city, Daisy carelessly strikes Myrtle with Gatsby's car. She then negligently speeds off from the scene of the accident without stopping. She is only thinking about herself rather than the woman she struck.
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Why is Myrtle's death ironic?

Tom has no idea that his mistress has died in the wreck, but the reader does. The dramatic irony continues when Tom assumes that Gatsby killed Myrtle because it was his car that hit her. However, it was in fact Daisy who was driving Gatsby's car and accidentally hit Myrtle, causing the accident to occur.
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Did Daisy actually love Gatsby?

Although Gatsby truly loved Daisy, this love was one-sided because Daisy was only attracted to Gatsby because of his wealth and status.
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Why did Gatsby take the blame for Daisy?

Gatsby's decision to take the blame for Daisy demonstrates the deep love he still feels for her and illustrates the basic nobility that defines his character. Disregarding her almost capricious lack of concern for him, Gatsby sacrifices himself for Daisy.
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What did Daisy do after Gatsby died?

Although Nick contacts many of Gatsby's acquaintances as he organizes the funeral, almost no one shows up to pay respects. Daisy, who has run away with Tom, doesn't even bother to send flowers or a note.
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Why did Daisy marry Tom instead?

Quick answer: A quote in chapter 8 of The Great Gatsby that explains why Daisy married Tom instead of waiting for Gatsby is "She wanted her life shaped now, immediately—and the decision must be made by some force—of love, of money, of unquestionable practicality—that was close at hand."
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Why did Gatsby sleep with Daisy?

Gatsby reveals details of his and Daisy's long ago courtship. He was enthralled by her wealth, her big house, and the idea of men loving her. To be with Daisy, he pretended to be of the same social standing as her. One night, they slept together, and he felt like they were married.
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Why did Daisy not choose Jay?

Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents.
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Did Daisy lose her virginity to Gatsby?

The implication here is that Daisy was romantically experienced and certainly no virgin, an implication further supported in the fact that there was no mention of loss of virginity when Gatsby "took her."
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Who is the true love in The Great Gatsby?

Their love affair makes Gatsby optimistic that Daisy is his true love, but he really only sees and loves an idealized version of her that he has carried for years. In the end, Daisy chooses to stay with her husband even when knowing he had also had an affair.
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What is the biggest lesson in The Great Gatsby?

The moral of The Great Gatsby is that the American Dream is illusory. Gatsby's dream was to be with Daisy, but even after he attained her lifestyle, he was unable to be with her. Meanwhile, the people that had money, like Daisy and Tom, could not achieve happiness either.
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