Who would win Green Arrow or spider man?

Oliver Queen is a wealthy businessman who trained for years in order to become Green Arrow. He is a master in martial arts, a skilled swordsman, and of course, an expert marksman. Despite all of his skills, Spider-Man would be able to beat the Green Arrow because of his superior agility and instincts.
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Who could beat Green Arrow?

Spider-Man's spider-sense and agility are what cement this victory for him. Green Arrow can't hit him. Sure, he has some wide effect trick arrows at his disposal, but Spider-Man can take a beating and has faced things like this before. It would probably only take one punch before Green Arrow went down.
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Who would win Spider-Man or Green Lantern?

Green Lantern can create force fields easily so Spider-Man can't even touch him with his hands or webbing. Green Lantern can also shoot energy beams completely decimating Spidey or at least cutting his webbing to where he falls to the ground.
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Can Green Arrow beat Moon Knight?

Green Arrow's long-range offense would take its toll, but Moon Knight isn't an idiot. He wouldn't keep running at Green Arrow and get hit by arrows over and over. He'd find a way to take the fight to a place where he has the advantage and nullify Green Arrow's bow.
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Can Green Arrow beat Wolverine?

Green Arrow is a tough customer. Not only is he a skilled archer but he's dangerous even without bow. However, none of that is going to help him against Wolverine. Wolverine is a sponge when it comes to damage and even if Ollie busts out some trick arrows, he doesn't have a chance.
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Can Green Arrow beat Black Adam?

Green Arrow is, more or less, the best archer in the entire DC Universe. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the tools needed to take down a powerhouse like Black Adam. Given that Green Arrow has no powers, just a quiver full of arrows, it's unlikely that he could defeat someone as strong as Black Adam.
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Can Green Arrow beat Superman?

Yes, Green Arrow Can Beat Superman

Even a Superman-level threat can't actually assume that they're safe from Green Arrow, giving him a huge psychological edge in battle.
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Can Batman beat Green Arrow?

' Batman may have more skill than Green Arrow in a lot of ways, but Oliver has surprised all kinds of foes over the years. He's worked with Batman, so he knows how The Dark Knight operates. If anyone could figure out a way to beat Batman, it's Green Arrow.
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Can Green Arrow beat Bane?

4 Bane Wouldn't Do Well In A Fight With Green Arrow

Through a potent mix of brains and brawn, he's been able to hand the Caped Crusader some grievous losses and has a fearsome reputation, even cowing Apex Lex during the Year of the Villain.
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How tall is Green Arrow?

Tallest: Green Arrow, Played By Stephen Amell (6'1")
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Can Spider-Man beat Hulk?

Marvel fans know Spider-Man is a strong superhero, but it's now official: Peter Parker is strong enough to defeat the Incredible Hulk in a one-on-one brawl, with modern comics confirming that Spider-Man is even stronger and more invincible than his fans assume.
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Can Spider-Man defeat Thor?

Spider-Man has fought by Thor's side many times. He knows how the Norse god fights, and he knows that it would be impossible for him to beat Thor. He's smart enough to know the only hope he'd have against Thor is with a group, one that would distract the god long enough for Spider-Man to make a difference in the fight.
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Can flash beat Superman?

While Superman is one of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe, enhanced to godlike levels by the Sun's radiation, The Flash's physics-defying powers are capable of killing him not by playing on his famous vulnerability to magic or his weakness to Kryptonite, but simply by hitting him so hard, even his ...
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Who is Green Arrow's worst enemy?

Merlyn/Dark Archer

Years later, Merlyn became a mercenary for the League of Assassins and became the archenemy of Green Arrow. Tommy Merlyn and John King are separate characters based on the original Merlyn.
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Can Green Arrow beat Deadpool?

Their senses of humor would play well off each other, and their skills are rather evenly matched. The healing factor is Deadpool's biggest advantage and that's what is going to give him the win. Green Arrow has some devastating trick arrows but none of them are going to be enough.
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How weak is Green Arrow?

Like Batman, Green Arrow's primary weakness is that despite all his vaunted skills, he is still human. However, he doesn't have the same tactical mind as the Dark Knight and he is prone to making mistakes. Besides his human limitations, he can get cocky and fall victim to his own pride.
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Who can beat Black Adam?

10 Marvel Characters Who Could Beat Black Adam In A Fight
  • Apocalypse. Apocalypse and Black Adam have many similar powers and strength levels, but when it comes down to an all-out brawl, Apocalypse is far superior. ...
  • Sentry. ...
  • Wonder Man. ...
  • Thanos. ...
  • Ultron. ...
  • Hulk. ...
  • Scarlet Witch. ...
  • Thor.
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Can Iron Man beat Green Arrow?

He was faster, and WAY more durable, and his suit could easily regenerate from anything Green Arrow could throw at him, and this is just talking about Iron Man's standard suit. Boomstick: Looks like Oliver got Green Arrowned. Wiz: The winner is Iron Man.
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Why does Bane hate Batman?

Gotham City fascinates Bane because, like Peña Duro, fear rules Gotham—but it is the fear of Batman. Bane is convinced that Batman is a personification of the demonic bat which had haunted his dreams since childhood. Therefore, Bane believes fate placed Batman on a collision course with him.
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Does Superman hate Green Arrow?

Despite finding Green Arrow abrasive, Superman has put aside any personal beef or annoyance with the hero in the name of protecting the world and being a team.
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Who is richer Batman or Green Arrow?

Joker War destroyed Batman's fortune, leaving Green Arrow far richer than Bruce. But how will this influence their new roles with the Justice League? Warning: contains spoilers for Infinite Frontier #0!
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Could Green Arrow beat Flash?

The ridiculous speed of the Flash would be overwhelming for almost any character in the DC Universe, especially those without the powers to handle it. Any fight has the potential to be over in the blink of an eye, with the Flash incapacitating Green Arrow before he can even move.
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Can Green Arrow beat Darkseid?

As mentioned before, there were two heroes responsible for Darkseid's demise, and the other was none other than Green Arrow.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Superman?

With a record of six wins, four losses, and five draws, they found that Wonder Woman narrowly defeats Superman. While it is difficult to determine the outcome of fights between friends, it quickly becomes clear that the Man of Steel and the Amazing Amazon are almost evenly matched.
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Is Superman weak to Green?

Green kryptonite weakens Superman and other Kryptonians, and is fatal with long-term exposure. Kryptonians under green kryptonite's effects experience severe muscular weakness, usually to the point of collapse, and excruciating pain, with both conditions progressively intensifying.
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