Who would win in a fight Spock or Kirk?

While putting up a good fight, Kirk eventually loses out to Spock, who is then knocked unconscious by Uhura (Nichelle Nichols).
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Is Captain Kirk Smarter Than Spock?

In terms of overall knowledge and mathematical ability it's Spock. But in terms of tactics, quick-thinking, improvisation and people skills, it's Kirk. This is part of why they are a great team. They each cover what the other lacks and they know to trust the other man's abilities.
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Who is stronger, Khan or Spock?

Spock Couldn't Overpower Khan In Star Trek Into Darkness

Spock once took on a genetically enhanced human he couldn't overpower — Khan Noonien Singh. Khan was the product of late 20th-century genetic engineering and ruled over a significant portion of Earth during the height of the Eugenics Wars.
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What rank did Spock get to?

Spock, promoted to captain, is commanding officer of the Enterprise at the beginning of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982).
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Was Spock more popular than Kirk?

William Shatner's Captain Kirk was supposed to be the breakout star. Yet while Trekkies loved everyone on the bridge, their greater affection for Spock has made him the most beloved character in the entire decades-old franchise.
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Star Trek Generations alternate ending - Kirk and Spock reunited in the Nexus

What did Spock call Kirk?

In order to demonstrate how close they truly were, and how much Kirk had “humanized” Spock, they would have him use the diminutive of James, which is Jim. This is a name used by those close to the Captain or in intimate moments of friendship.
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How old is Spock vs Kirk?

Kirk was born in 2233 which was canonized in both Star Trek (2009) and the TOS episode, “The Deadly Years,” where he said he was 34 years old, and that episode took place in 2267. Spock was born on stardate 2230.06, or in the Earth year of 2230 which was canonized on Star Trek: Beyond on Ambassador Spock's obituary.
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How powerful is Spock?

Deathstroke is an amazing fighter, but then again Spock not only has strength that can easily kill a human, but he has martial arts training which he received on Vulcan. Spock also can Vulcan nerve pinch to make people fall asleep, or he could mind meld to stop them.
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Why was Spock killed off?

Spock Died in Every Version of the Star Trek II Script

The filming of the first movie was a disaster, and so Nimoy wanted no more to do with Spock or Star Trek. Jack B. Sowards wrote his first draft for Wrath of Khan with Spock in the story -- and killed him at the end of the first act.
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How old is Spock when he dies?

The elder Spock died off-screen on New Vulcan on January 2, 2263. Ambassador Spock was 161 when he died in the Kelvin timeline, although his final death chronologically happened 12 years before his original Prime timeline death in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
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What is Spock weakness?

Galef highlights Spock's weakness in understanding the illogical nature of human behavior and his failure to adapt his approach despite repeated mistakes. Spock's inability to learn from interactions with non-Vulcans exposes a fundamental blind spot in his logical framework.
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Did Spock ever get angry?

After being encouraged to use his anger to battle the vicious Gorn, Spock unleashes a palpable rage as he goes after the dangerous hatchlings. Spock states earlier in the episode that "without proper mindfulness, Vulcan emotion is dangerous," and that becomes clear when he releases his fury.
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Who is stronger Vulcans or Klingons?

While Klingons are normally shown to be the strongest of all species within the Star Trek franchise, they are surprisingly weak when compared to the Vulcans. This is another perfect example of how Star Trek subverts expectations, hoping time and time again that raw power is not what gives a person power.
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Does Kirk kiss Spock?

Did Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock ever kiss? Very much no. If they had, it would have created ripples that likely would have made the creation of any new Star Trek series impossible until right about now, and Star Trek Next Gen has been out for over 30 years.
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What is Captain Kirk's IQ?

Captain Kirk's IQ was never officially stated in the Star Trek franchise. Therefore, it is impossible to determine whether he was considered a genius by modern standards.
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Why did Kirk fight Spock?

The most famous Kirk and Spock fight is the duel to the death from Star Trek season 2, episode 1, "Amok Time". Taking Spock back home to Vulcan to participate in their ancient marriage rituals, Kirk became involved in a brutal duel for T'Pring's hand in marriage.
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Did Spock ever cry?

Spock “got his emotions back” several times in ST:TOS. In the episode, The Naked Time, the crew was infected by a virus that caused intense emotions. We saw Spock crying because he'd never told his mother he loved her.
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What does Spock say to Kirk when he died?

Spock : Do not grieve, Admiral. It is logical. The needs of the many, outweigh... Kirk : The needs of the few.
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Why did McCoy hate Spock?

My impression was that McCoy's usual relationship with Spock was needling him about his Vulcan culture of “logic,” which McCoy thought silly, irritating, and unhealthy. But if Spock needed help of a medical or situational nature, McCoy was always there for him.
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What is Spock afraid of?

Since showing strong emotions is a big taboo in Vulcan culture, this situation created a lot of anxiety for Spock because he was afraid of confirming a stereotype (that he can't control his emotions).
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What rank is Spock?

Spock to Capt. Christopher as "Lieutenant Commander Spock". Spock's rank throughout the entire series is Commander, not a mere Lieutenant Commander. Here, he is wearing the rank insignia of Commander (two full bars).
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Was Spock Smarter Than Khan?

Spock's Vulcan physiology makes him many times stronger than a human while Khan was enhanced with superior physical abilities. Khan's boosted intellect is also comparable to Spock's Vulcan intelligence.
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Was Kirk in love with Spock?

Star Trek: The Original Series writer David Gerrold, has also spoken about K/S slash sometimes. In 1985, Gerrold commented: One of the truths I've been telling lately is that Kirk and Spock are not lovers ... they're not even boyfriends. They're just good friends.
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Did Spock have a baby?

Sadly, Spock died without ever siring an heir, and in Star Trek canon, neither Kirk nor Spock got to have descendants to carry on their adventures and save the galaxy.
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