Why are there no Vulcans in the next generation?

Because Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry wanted to distance TNG from TOS, Vulcans did not make regular appearances on TNG. Having a Vulcan as one of the main crew members on Picard's Enterprise might have made the dynamic feel too similar to TOS.
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Where is Spock during next generation?

Spock played a pivotal role in the TNG episodes “Unification 1” and “2,” a two-part story in Season 5. Spock at this time has left his iconic role within Starfleet and spends his time as a Federation Ambassador, working hard to try and reunite his people with their long-lost cousins the Romulans.
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Why was Next Generation cancelled?

Paramount's rationale for ending TNG was driven by the increasing budget for the series and the studio's desire to keep the Star Trek movie franchise going. By the early 1990s, the films that starred the aging cast of TOS were waning, and Paramount saw TNG as the future of the Star Trek movies.
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What happened to the Vulcans in Star Trek?

Using his space mining vessel, Narada, Nero created a singularity in Vulcan's planetary core as part of his quest to avenge the destruction of Romulus that Spock failed to save. The resulting implosion destroyed Vulcan, killing most of its six billion inhabitants. Only around 10,000 managed to escape.
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Is there a difference between Romulan and Vulcan?

In contrast to the Vulcans and their peaceful logic-based culture, the Romulans are shown to be very military-focused, ruling an emotion and war-driven empire. The relationship and ancestry between the two physically similar, but culturally opposite, species is shrouded in mystery.
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Vulcans Are Afraid of Humans - Enterprise Clip

Who is stronger Vulcans or Klingons?

While Klingons are normally shown to be the strongest of all species within the Star Trek franchise, they are surprisingly weak when compared to the Vulcans. This is another perfect example of how Star Trek subverts expectations, hoping time and time again that raw power is not what gives a person power.
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Is Spock more Vulcan than human?

Many of the in-canon descriptors applied specifically to Spock, who was half-human and whose physiology likely diverged from the Vulcan norm quite a bit. His heart lies in the lower portion of his abdomen and beats hundreds of times per minute, and his blood pressure is unusually low as a result.
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What is the lifespan of a Vulcan in Star Trek?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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Do female Vulcans have Pon Farr?

Both the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Amok Time" and the film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock state that pon farr is particular to Vulcan males. This is, therefore, at odds with ENT: "Bounty", in which pon farr is attributed to both sexes.
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Have the Borg assimilated Vulcans?

In unlockable motion-comics that are unlocked after completing each era, it is revealed that the Vulcan T'Uerell experimented on Borg corpses left behind from the Enterprise episode "Regeneration", and became assimilated.
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Is Wesley Crusher Picard's son?

You are such a tool. Wesley crusher was the son of Dr. Beverly crusher. His father was jack crusher Captain Picard was only a close friend of the family.
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Why is Tasha Yar a Romulan?

Yar's half-Romulan daughter Sela explains in "Redemption" that several members of the Enterprise-C crew were captured by the Romulans when it returned through the rift, including Yar. A Romulan general offered to spare the crew's lives if she became his consort. After a year, Yar gave birth to Sela.
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Did the cast of the next generation get along?

The TNG cast all got along swimmingly. They had fun with their roles, Patrick Stewart had learned to loosen up and have fun with the crew, and by the end of the show everyone felt like a family.
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Has Picard ever met Spock?

At some point, Picard mentions that he has met Spock only once in the past. Indeed, in "Sarek" Picard mentioned that he had met Sarek during Sarek's son's wedding (the son presumably being Spock). While conversing with Picard, Sarek mentioned the many times that Spock would disobey him and travel to the mountains.
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How old is Spock when he dies?

The elder Spock died off-screen on New Vulcan on January 2, 2263. Ambassador Spock was 161 when he died in the Kelvin timeline, although his final death chronologically happened 12 years before his original Prime timeline death in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
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Who did Spock marry?

As Spock explained to Kirk in Star Trek: TOS, his union with T'Pring was "less than a marriage but more than a bethrothal." Indeed, Spock was meant to finally undergo the koon-ut-kal-if-fee marriage ritual with T'Pring in "Amok Time" before she invoked her right to have Spock fight to the death for her.
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What is Spock's girlfriend name?

Uhura's first name was not used in Star Trek canon until Abrams's 2009 film. The mystery regarding Uhura's first name is the subject of a running joke in the film, as Captain Kirk repeatedly tries to find out what it is, before finally hearing Spock call her "Nyota" in a moment of intimacy.
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Did Spock and Saavik mate?

When Spock aged into adolescence, he underwent Pon Farr, the painful Vulcan mating ritual. Understanding what this meant, Saavik has sexual intercourse with the young Spock to alleviate his suffering — and originally, this resulted in Spock getting Saavik pregnant.
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How do Vulcans kiss?

Vulcan finger-touching was a ritualistic gesture among Vulcans involving the index and middle fingers. It was used throughout their culture, including in public as a greeting or to signify affection, intimacy, respect, or meditation. It was also used at reunions, at wedding ceremonies, and during the pon farr.
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How long do Klingons live?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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What is the lifespan of a Romulan?

Yes, Romulans have a maximum life expectancy of 250 years, but the average appears to be 200 to 230 years. The same is true for Vulcans, with the average being about 220 years. Spock's father, Sarek, lived to be 202 years. A good deal longer than his half-Vulcan son, Spock, who only lived to be 162 years old.
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Did Spock have a child?

No canonical children have been mentioned for Spock. Drafts of the scripts for Star Treks III and IV hinted that the rejuvenated Spock impregnated Saavik during his accelerated Pon Farr, but this was not referenced in the script as filmed.
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What is Spock's human name?

Spock's full name was revealed in TOS novel: Ishmael.
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Was Spock Smarter Than Khan?

Spock's Vulcan physiology makes him many times stronger than a human while Khan was enhanced with superior physical abilities. Khan's boosted intellect is also comparable to Spock's Vulcan intelligence.
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