Why did Daisy marry Tom and not Gatsby?

Why did Daisy marry Tom? Even though she was still in love with Gatsby, Daisy most likely married Tom because she knew he could provide her with more material comforts. In Chapter 4 Jordan recounts how, the day before the wedding, she found Daisy drunk, sobbing, and clutching a letter.
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Why does Daisy marry Tom and not Gatsby?

Quick answer: A quote in chapter 8 of The Great Gatsby that explains why Daisy married Tom instead of waiting for Gatsby is "She wanted her life shaped now, immediately—and the decision must be made by some force—of love, of money, of unquestionable practicality—that was close at hand."
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Did Daisy ever love Tom or Gatsby?

Though Gatsby insisted that Daisy never loved Tom, Daisy admitted that she loved both Tom and Gatsby.
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What reason does Gatsby give for Daisy marrying Tom?

What reasons does Gatsby give for Daisy's original decision to marry Tom? She thought Gatsby had died in the war. She didn't think Gatsby would wait for her. Deep down, she had always loved Tom.
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What factors drove Daisy to marry Tom?

She went out with more soldiers from Camp Taylor. Then she met Tom Buchanan and was flattered by him and his position. She was motivated to get married and Tom came from a similar and good background with money and position. This tells us that Daisy was more shallow and just wanted to get married.
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Why did Daisy marry Tom instead of Gatsby quotes?

Why did Daisy fall out of love with Tom?

Daisy appeared quite in love when they first got married, but the realities of the marriage, including Tom's multiple affairs, have worn on her. Tom even cheated on her soon after their honeymoon, according to Jordan: "It was touching to see them together—it made you laugh in a hushed, fascinated way.
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Did Gatsby truly love Daisy?

In Gatsby's eyes Daisy represents the American Dream, wealth, power, fame, and beauty which is the reason why Gatsby is attracted to her. Although Gatsby's fantasies with Daisy never become a reality, his love for her can only be felt in the pursuit, not in 'having' her as his own.
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Why is Gatsby's love for Daisy doomed to fail?

Why is Gatsby's love for Daisy doomed to fail? She can never live up to the idea of who Gatsby thinks she is.
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Was Daisy supposed to marry Gatsby?

Eventually, Gatsby won Daisy's heart, and they made love before Gatsby left to fight in the war. Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents.
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Is Nick Carraway autistic?

Without giving too much of the story away—in part because it describes almost any budding author, with that slight touch of autism that never quite connects with the world except through imagination and writing—Carraway eventually winds up back in New York.
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Why did Daisy betray Gatsby?

She betrays him by being her cowardly self. She tried once to stand up for her love of him when they first met, but her life is more complicated now with an aggressive, domineering husband and a child. She doesn't have any support -other than Nick, her distant cousin, to help her do the right thing.
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Why is Gatsby so obsessed with Daisy?

(Fitzgerald 155-56) Daisy's influence over Gatsby due to what her voice expresses cannot be disregarded. Daisy's voice is a crucial part of what makes Gatsby fall in love with her. Driving men to madness and submission with the help of her voice, Daisy comes to control Gatsby with gentle whispers.
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Why did Daisy abandon Gatsby?

Realizing that Gatsby is not made of old money and has illegally acquired his wealth, Daisy begins to lose interest in Gatsby and remains loyal to Tom.
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Does Daisy regret marrying Tom?

The night before their wedding, she wants to call everything off and not marry him but she decides to go through with it because of her desire of money. Daisy and Gatsby get reunited 5 years later and Daisy is filled with regret regarding her decision to marry Tom.
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Why didn't Daisy go to Gatsby's funeral?

Daisy does not want to be seen attending Gatsby's funeral since she does care about her image, despite the fact that she has never loved Tom. As a result, she makes the decision to abstain out of concern that she would damage both her connection with Tom and her standing in the eyes of the general public.
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Did Daisy only marry Tom for money?

Daisy chose Tom because to her he represented a secure social position and the wealth she was accustomed to. Daisy believed that Tom could make her happy because he represented things that made her happy besides love, like material things and money.
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Who is the true love in The Great Gatsby?

Their love affair makes Gatsby optimistic that Daisy is his true love, but he really only sees and loves an idealized version of her that he has carried for years. In the end, Daisy chooses to stay with her husband even when knowing he had also had an affair.
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Why did Daisy cry over the shirt?

The shirts represent the beautiful life that Daisy could have had if she waited for Gatsby. Since she married Tom, she lost her chance at a life with someone she loved and the money she wanted, "It makes me sad because I've never seen such--such beautiful shirts before." (Fitzgerald 92).
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Was Nick in love with Gatsby?

This is at the very end of the novel. Of the late Gatsby, Tom says, “That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust in your eyes just like he did in Daisy's….” And that's why it matters that Nick is gay and in love with Gatsby: because Tom's assessment is spot-on, but Nick will never admit it.
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How did Daisy ruin Gatsby's life?

Her selfishness, caused by wealth, leads to Gatsby's death and with that the death of their affair. Daisy, like many people today, is a perfect match to Walker's words. They use their power for their own benefit and have little care as to what havoc they cause in the process.
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What does the last sentence of The Great Gatsby mean?

"And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." This line works on a few different thematic levels at the end of the novel: It sums up the story of the novel, as Gatsby has been trying to work hard enough to both erase and reclaim his past with Daisy; he is unable to do either.
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What was Jay Gatsby's famous line?

Jay Gatsby : I never realized how extraordinary a nice girl could be. Jay Gatsby : If there's anything that you want, just ask for it, old sport. Jay Gatsby : If it wasn't for the mist, we could see the green light.
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How did Gatsby get rich?

Apparently, he started off penniless and made his money selling illegal, over-the-counter liquor in his drug-store empire during the first two years of prohibition.
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What does it mean that Daisy's voice is full of money?

Her voice may sound like a stereotypical rich person's voice. Nick also suggests that her voice sounds like coins clinking together, sort of high and musical. Ultimately, though, Daisy and money are inextricably linked in Gatsby's mind. She has always been wealthy and he has always aspired to be wealthy.
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Who is Nick Carraway's love interest?

This inner conflict is symbolized throughout the book by Nick's romantic affair with Jordan Baker.
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