Why did Draco's wand work for Harry?

When Harry disarmed Draco in Malfoy Manor, the Elder Wand's allegiance shifted to him. Thus, when Voldemort tried to use the Killing Curse on Harry, the Elder Wand refused to attack him. The curse backfired, defeating the Dark Lord once and for all.
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Why did Draco's wand switch allegiance?

That is because when Draco disarmed Dumbledore, he took allegiance of the wand, then when Harry disarmed Draco, he proved that he's more powerful then him, causing the wand to switch allegiance to Harry. Potterhead since 2002.
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Why did they cut out Draco throwing Harry his wand?

Including the scene would have presented a problem regarding the ownership of the Elder Wand and could have affected the outcome of Harry's battle against Voldemort.
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Why did the Malfoys help Harry?

Narcissa Malfoy is often credited with saving Harry's life by not telling Voldemort about him. The only reason she does this is because she thinks Draco may still be alive, and she is not willing to chance to lose her son. While this saved Harry, she ultimately did it for herself and Draco.
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Did Harry use Draco's wand to defeat Voldemort?

Harry used Draco's wand to disarm Voldie at the same instant he cast Avada Kedavra with the Elder wand. The Elder wand refused to attack it's master and flew into Harry's hand. The Avada Kedavra curse then killed Voldemort. Voldemart's own hatred is what killed him.
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The Elder Wand Did Belong To Whom ? (Draco? Snape? Voldemort? Or Harry Potter)

Why does Voldemort hug Draco so weird?

In his memoir, Felton said that Fiennes improvised Voldemort awkwardly hugging Draco Malfoy. "It gave me goosebumps then, and the memory gives me goosebumps now," Felton wrote.
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Could Dumbledore beat Draco without a wand?

yes. while limited Dumbledore was able to use consciously wandless magic and draco isn't as powerful as he believes to be.
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Why didn't Draco go to Azkaban?

Later life. Lucius and Draco's crimes were forgiven due to their abandonment of Voldemort and his cause and Narcissa's lie to the Dark Lord that saved Harry Potter's life in the Forbidden Forest in the Battle of Hogwarts. None of them served time in Azkaban.
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Why did Draco cry in the bathroom?

Throughout the 1996–1997 school year, Draco Malfoy would go to the washroom to find company with Moaning Myrtle, confiding the stress of his mission and fear of failing it.
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Who's wand killed Voldemort?

The Elder Wand, however, refused to harm its true master and flipped over, flying high toward its rightful master. The rebounding Killing Curse hit Lord Voldemort, and his lifeless body hit the floor, his white hands then empty.
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Why did Voldemort pick Draco?

Voldemort intended Draco to die in the attempt to kill Dumbledore so that Lucius would be punished for his failure to retrieve the prophecy from the Ministry of Magic.
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Why was Draco bleeding out?

Malfoy spots Harry and casts a Cruciatus curse; Harry, defending himself, using the Half-Blood Prince's Sectumsempra spell without knowing its effects. To his horror, it gashes Draco's face and chest, spilling his blood everywhere. Moaning Myrtle flies off, screaming.
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What is Draco's patronus?

J.K. Rowling says Draco doesn't have a patronus because he never learned the spell but I think it's because he doesn't have any powerful happy memories to use.
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Why does Lucius Malfoy have 2 wands?

History. After Lucius gave his previous wand to Lord Voldemort, which was destroyed during the Battle of the Seven Potters in 1997, he started using this second one.
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Why was Lucius Malfoy hesitant to give his wand?

Also they were highly unsure if their wand worked according to Voldemort's wishes and they would have to face huge repercussions if it failed to do so. Hence , Lucius Malfoy was scared to give away his wand to The Dark Lord.
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How does Snape heal Malfoy?

It's implied that Septum Sempra is Snape's own creation, that he used a specific counter-curse to heal Draco, and that the spell isn't designed to be instantly fatal, but to inflict a gruesome, but relatively slow death if left untreated. It's likely Snape is the only person who knows said counter-curse.
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Who had a crush on Draco?

Tom Felton Says Harry Potter Was Constantly Crushing On Draco Malfoy - IMDb. Harry Potter had a few love interests during his time at Hogwarts. Though he eventually settled down with Ginny Weasley, he also had a thing for Cho Chang in his earlier school years. Then, of course, there's his secret love for Draco Malfoy…
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Did Draco feel bad about killing the bird?

He didn't care about the bird. His tears were due to the fact that since the bird had died, he had failed once more to repair the Vanishing Cabinets. Draco needed to repair them in order to give the Death Eaters a safe way to infiltrate Hogwarts. Failure meant death, Voldemort had made that very clear.
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Did Narcissa divorce Lucius?

In fact, Lucius' own support to Voldemort is revealed to come only under some form of duress, which is likely Narcissa's Veela Allure. When Lucius turns on Voldemort due to the reveal of his Horcruxes, Narcissa divorces him, taking 75% of Malfoy's wealth with her.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

Family. Snape's family background is mostly shown in flashbacks during the course of the last three novels. Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince").
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What happened to Malfoys after the war?

The Malfoys are able to avoid serving time in Azkaban, as they provide evidence that helps the Ministry track down the Death Eaters who had fled after the war. It is also probable that, since Narcissa's lie to Voldemort saved Harry's life, the family is pardoned for their crimes.
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Can Draco Malfoy do wandless magic?

It's never explicitly mentioned, but it's possible that Draco Malfoy can perform wandless magic. After spotting an invisible Harry in his compartment, Draco shuts the door and closes the blinds to block out sight so he can confront Harry.
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What is the least powerful wand in Harry Potter?

Unicorn tail hair

Unicorn hair wands were not very powerful, but they were the least prone to accidents and the least likely to change loyalties. They were also the most difficult to turn to the dark art. They were prone to wilting if mishandled.
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Why did Dumbledore let Draco disarm him?

Ultimately, it's a good thing that Dumbledore's plans didn't work out because if Draco hadn't disarmed the headmaster, Harry wouldn't have gained the Elder Wand's power when he later disarmed Draco. This was proof that, unlike Dumbledore, Harry was destined to reunite the Hallows and become Master of Death all along.
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