Why did Gamora not get snapped in endgame?

Gamora survived Tony's snap because she had changed allegiances when it happened. The stones can interpret the users' intentions, and Tony only snaps Thanos' invading forces. Nebula had already convinced Gamora that Thanos was in the wrong by this point, so the soul stone likely sensed that she was no longer a threat.
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Why didn t Gamora get snapped in endgame?

Since Gamora also died on Vormir so Thanos could obtain the Soul Stone, her death would be irreversible through the use of the stones. Her link to the Soul World could be used to help explain how 2014 Gamora survived the snap.
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Why wasn t Gamora in the last scene of endgame?

We assumed that she probably disappeared back to space. After all, 2014 Gamora was technically still part of Thanos' army. She probably had some things to sort out having betrayed her adoptive father and witnessed his death at the hands of the Avengers. Ultimately, the scene was cut due to its redundancy.
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Why did Gamora come back but not Black Widow?

It's a different Soul Stone. They're using the Soul Stone that Hawkeye collected when Black Widow sacrificed herself. Because that is not the dead Natasha they are bringing back.
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Why does Gamora not remember quill?

Because she does not have a history with the Guardians, she does not reunite with them at the end of Endgame. Instead, she starts her own journey while Peter Quill is left mourning his dead girlfriend despite the existence of another version of Gamora in his universe.
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What does Gamora call Quill?

Then Gamora tells him she doesn't think so, gets his name wrong (she calls him “Quinn” instead of “Quill”), and that's only the top note of Peter's song of embarrassment.
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Why does Gamora look different in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

That version of Gamora really did die when Thanos sacrificed her and the Gamora in Guardians 3 is the alternate-timeline Gamora. It's why she acts differently to the Gamora we knew, as she's had different life experiences.
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Is Black Widow alive if the Soul Stone is returned?

In the end of Endgame, Captain America had to return the Soul Stone, but did that revive Black Widow? No. Red Skull does not say that returning the stone could revive the dead people. Gamora and Black Widow are still dead, and their heads were bleeding.
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Why didn t nebula tell Black Widow?

Because she didn't know. Stephen McFeely already said so in exactly those words , but I think there was enough in-universe information to glean it ourselves. She didn't know. She told everyone what she did know; that Thanos went to Vormir with Gamora, got the soul stone there and killed her.
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Why didn t the snap bring back Black Widow?

However, Red Skull told Hawkeye that Black Widow's death is permanent. Later, the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) says that he tried to wish Black Widow back into existence when he held the Infinity Stones, but that it wasn't possible because, as Red Skull confirmed, the magic of the Soul Stone requires a permanent sacrifice.
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How did Gamora survive the snap in endgame?

Summary. Gamora survived Iron Man's snap in Avengers: Endgame because she had changed allegiances and was no longer a threat, according to the interpretation of the Soul Stone.
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How is Gamora alive at the end of endgame?

Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame saw Thanos' Infinity War snap reversed, but while most of the fallen heroes returned, those who died before Thanos' snap weren't so lucky, including Gamora. Endgame, however, brought Gamora back thanks to the Time Heist, allowing her 2014 self to journey to the present.
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Was Gamora at Iron Man's funeral?

In the Iron Man funeral scene, which features practically every Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) character, Gamora is not present.
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Why didn t Iron Man snap Gamora?

Gamora survived Iron Man's snap in Avengers: Endgame because she had changed allegiances and was no longer a threat, according to the interpretation of the Soul Stone. The Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
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Why did Thanos only love Gamora?

Thanos better appreciates Gamora, because he feels that her successes reflect upon him, as he raised and trained her. Conversely, Thanos does not show similar affection for Nebula.
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Does Gamora fall in love with Quill again?

By the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Peter Quill and Gamora do not end up in a relationship with each other.
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Why didn t nebula warn about the soul stone?

As Dr. Strange says, If I tell you what happens, it won't happen. Nebula would have thought that if she tells that one has to sacrifice their life for other to get the soul stone they might hesitate and would not happen. Nebula doesn't know that one has to sacrifice in order to get the soul stone.
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Why didn t the Avengers have a funeral for Natasha?

Originally Answered: Why didn't Black Widow get a funeral unlike Tony? The first thing was that half the people that attended Tony's funeral were still in dust form when the Avengers were grieving for Nat. Second, she simply didn't know as many people as Tony did.
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Why doesn t Natasha get a funeral?

Because no funeral that Endgame would have been able to show would have lived up to the one we can now imagine, knowing what we know after Natasha's standalone. Nat's funeral wouldn't have been a respectful private gathering, it would have been an international event.
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Why couldn t Hulk bring back Natasha?

She's gone forever. Bruce even says, after snapping everyone back, that he tried as hard as possible to bring Natasha back with the Gauntlet, and he couldn't do it. She didn't come back because her sacrifice cannot be undone.
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How did Captain America put the Soul Stone back?

After the Avengers successfully reversed Thanos' snap and defeated a version of the Mad Titan from 2014, they agreed to go back in time again to return the displaced stones. Steve Rogers aka Captain America volunteered to clip the branched timelines and put each Infinity Stone (and Mjolnir) back where they came from.
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Why can't the Soul Stone bring back the dead?

The sacrifices for the Stone are permanent and irreversible, as not even the nigh-omnipotent combination of the Six Stones could resurrect them.
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Does quill end up with Nebula?

A quick, comedic scene in Vol. 3's Orgocorp heist teases some potential romance between Peter Quill and Nebula, but James Gunn claims that it was never going to become anything more (per The New York Times).
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Why doesn t Star-Lord wear his mask in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

When asked about the missing Star-Lord mask, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director James Gunn explained why they were missing. “It's in his desk drawer in Knowhere. He had to get out of there fast as you know!” explained Gunn.
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Why is Gamora better than Nebula?

Nebula and Gamora's fight during the Battle of Xandar proves that it is Gamora's ability to regenerate quickly that gives her an edge over Nebula.
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