Why did Gene faint?

He's clearly terrified of having his cover blown, and the stress of being found out combined with the fact that his inner Saul wants to escape triggered a panic attack/heart attack on the floor of a Cinabbon.
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Why did Jimmy get 86 years?

Even though Jimmy tries to be optimistic in his talk with Kim, the reality is that he received an 86-year sentence for his crimes in Breaking Bad. This was designed to give Jimmy no way out since he fully confessed to everything in Better Call Saul's finale, which means any future deals are off the table.
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Why is Gene giving security Cinnabon?

Here's how it works: Gene starts offering Cinnabon to the two security guards working the night shift—one of the guards, Nick (Nathaniel Augustson), originally called for EMTs when Gene fainted at work, so the glazed treats are his way of showing gratitude.
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What is the point of the Cinnabon scenes in Better Call Saul?

The fact that Saul Goodman is spending his time after Breaking Bad managing a the Better Call Saul Cinnabon in Omaha is a direct callback to the final conversation had between Saul and Walter White before they parted ways for good.
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Why did Gene cut Marion's wire?

On her way home, her scooter becomes stuck in the snow. She attracts the attention of "Gene Takavic", who is stapling posters around the neighborhood looking for a lost dog named Nippy. He offers to help Marion, during which he cuts the control wire of her scooter to ensure that he manually wheels her all the way home.
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Better Call Saul Gene Season 5 Breakdown! Gene Scenes Explained

Why does Kim cry in waterworks?

The confrontation contributes to Kim's breakdown, but it isn't the sole reason she hysterically cries on the bus. More than that, it is the culmination of guilt, grief, and the realization that whatever life she built in Albuquerque really is gone.
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Why does Jimmy become gene?

He goes from young lawyer Jimmy McGill to the corrupt Saul Goodman and then finally to Gene Takovic, the persona he adopts to avoid the law after the events of Breaking Bad. Jimmy McGill's character defies categories, capturing the complexity of personal development shaped by circumstances and personal choices.
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How did Saul become gene?

Saul Goodman first requested an identity change in Breaking Bad season 5's penultimate episode, "Granite State." With the help of Ed Galbraith, also known as "The Disappearer," Saul became Gene Takavic, the manager of the Cinnabon in an Omaha shopping mall.
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Did Better Call Saul get permission from Cinnabon?

But Cinnabon didn't just give permission for “Better Call Saul” to use its name and logo. In helping to add a more authentic touch to the series, actual Cinnabon operations employees have been present during every Cinnabon-set scene on “Better Call Saul” since the show's inception.
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How did Gene get caught?

The episode's present-day story is simple enough: Gene finally gets caught (inside a dumpster, fittingly enough, as Marie Schrader points out). Then Saul cuts himself a ridiculously favorable plea deal by previewing his line of jury-deadlocking BS for a hotshot prosecutor with a perfect case record.
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What happened to Kim Wexler?

Jimmy descends fully into his Saul Goodman persona. After signing their divorce papers, Kim departs Saul's office and meets Jesse Pinkman. Kim rejects her share of the Sandpiper settlement and moves to Titusville, Florida, where she lives a mundane life with a new boyfriend and works a boring desk job.
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How old was Jimmy at the end of Better Call Saul?

When he was introduced in Breaking Bad season 2, he had just turned 48 years old, and by the end of the show, while he is packing his bags for Omaha to live out his nightmare of managing a Cinnabon, he is 49 years old.
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Why did the prisoners chant Better Call Saul?

He no longer sees himself as Saul Goodman, but the inmates he's riding with to the prison don't see it that way. As they chant “Better Call Saul!” in a display of respect to the once criminal lawyer, Jimmy simply looks on, knowing that he's made peace with himself, yet everyone else will remember him for what he did.
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Why did Jimmy only get $5,000?

Chuck leaves most of his estate to his ex-wife, with only a $5,000 bequest to Jimmy, which is just enough to prevent him from contesting the will. When Kim picks up Jimmy's inheritance check, Howard gives her a letter Chuck wrote to Jimmy. Kim eventually gives it to Jimmy, who reads it in her presence.
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What does Gene Takovic drink?

The latter is the Rusty Nail Gene Takovic drinks after a long day at Cinnabon. Composed of Scotch and Drambuie, the beverage has a reputation for appealing to disgruntled older men. This aptly represents Saul Goodman's new identity, which is much less lively than his lawyer persona.
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How long after Breaking Bad is the gene timeline?

However, the events of Breaking Bad take place between 2008 and 2010, with the series finale taking place on September 7, 2010. This means that Gene's story takes place a little more than a month after Walter White's death and probably only a few months since Saul changed his identity.
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Why did Saul become Gene Takavic?

In 2010, after his association with Walter White's drug empire was revealed to the public, Saul was forced to retire from his law career, going into hiding in Omaha for several months, living as a fugitive under the alias of "Gene Takavic", a manager of a Cinnabon in Omaha.
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What mental illness does Saul have?

As described previously, the king may have been afflicted with either manic episode or mixed or major depressive disorder with psychotic features. Thus, it is likely that the king suffered from bipolar I disorder.
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What mental disorder does Jimmy Mcgill have?

Despite displaying several features of antisocial personality disorder (stealing from his family, a history of conning people and defying authority), he can be compassionate and is guided by an idiosyncratic code of ethics.
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Why did Saul not take 7 years?

Because he was no longer Saul Goodman. That's it, that's the explanation. Saul Goodman negotiated the mother of all plea deals, 7 years for enabling and aiding every crime Walter White committed for two years, including several murders, poisoning children, bombing an old folk's home, etc.
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Is Kim Wexler mentioned in Breaking Bad?

Rhea Seehorn's Kim Wexler. Kim becomes as close to Bob Odenkirk's Jimmy McGill as can be during Better Call Saul's latter seasons, but doesn't receive so much as a glancing mention during Breaking Bad - an oddity the spinoff needed to address before the end.
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What were Chuck's last words to Jimmy?

Chuck might've been proud of his brother then, but his final words to Jimmy were "you've never mattered all that much to me." This stinging farewell supersedes whatever niceties might've been written in Chuck's posthumous letter.
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Is Kim Wexler a bad person?

Kim Wexler's involvement in several crimes and moral failings proves that she is far from innocent in the Breaking Bad universe. Despite her generally outstanding moral record, Kim's bad decisions, such as blackmailing and helping Jimmy in illicit schemes, reveal her flawed character.
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