Why did Jack punch Piggy?

Once Jack and the hunters return with a dead pig, Ralph blames Jack for the fire going out. Jack becomes defensive and takes out his anger by punching, slapping, and mocking Piggy.
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Why did Jack punch Piggy in the stomach?

Ralph and Piggy confront Jack's group about letting the fire die out because they went hunting instead. With provocation, Jack reacts violently by punching Piggy and shattering his glasses- the first physical altercation in the novel so far.
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Why did Jack strike Piggy?

Jack strikes Piggy because Piggy yelled at Jack for letting the fire out. The other boys agreed with what piggy said and this made Jack embarrassed and angry.
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What happens when Jack punches Piggy Why is this significant?

Later, Jack punches Piggy which cause the glasses to fall, smashing one side. Piggy is now half-blind, a foreshadowing of later events in the book when Jack's tribe steal the spectacles, leaving Piggy completely blind and vulnerable.
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How does Jack torment Piggy?

When Piggy shrilly complains about the hunters' immaturity, Jack slaps him hard, breaking one of the lenses of his glasses. Jack taunts Piggy by mimicking his whining voice.
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What happens to Piggy in Chapter 4?

What does Jack say after killing Piggy?

Roger sends a rock topping over the cliffs and onto Piggy, which kills Piggy and destroys the conch. Jack is not remorseful. Instead, he is further excited, and he says that he "meant that," and he tells Ralph that he no longer has a tribe.
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What does Jack say after Piggy dies?

Piggy's skull breaks open, and the waves quickly carry his body away. Jack begins yelling, telling Ralph that there is no tribe left for him, the conch is gone, and that he is chief. Jack cuts Ralph with his spear, and Ralph barely escapes into the forest.
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How does Jack feel about killing Piggy?

Jack exults in the kill and is unable to think about anything else because his mind is “crowded with memories” of the hunt. Golding explicitly connects Jack's exhilaration with the feelings of power and superiority he experienced in killing the pig.
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Why is Jack jealous of Piggy?

Piggy's intelligence and sensitivity lends him insight into Jack and Ralph's relationship, and he can understand how dangerous Jack would be if Ralph were ever removed. Jack's jealousy and anger toward Piggy culminates in Piggy's murder in Chapter 11.
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What does Piggy's death symbolize?

Piggy's death signifies the end of Ralph's fragile troop, and a victory by the forces of violence and brutality over the forces of wisdom, kindness, and civility. The death is foreshadowed in the early pages, when Piggy tells Ralph he has asthma, can't swim, needs his glasses to see, and is sick from the fruit.
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Why didn t Jack stab the pig?

What was the real reason he didn't kill the piglet? Jack says he was waiting to decide where to stab the piglet and promises he will do it next time. All three boys know he couldn't stab the piglet because of the knife cutting into flesh and the unbearable blood.
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What did Jack call Piggy?

Piggy, in his desire for friendship, makes his first mistake on the island by revealing the name given to him from former tormenters. Later during the first meeting, Jack calls him 'Fatty' but Ralph interrupts with a shout: 'His real name's Piggy! ' (23).
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Why is Piggy so afraid of Jack?

Why is Piggy so frightened of Jack? Piggy is confident that Jack would not hurt Ralph, but if Ralph were not there to protect Piggy, Jack would hurt the next thing, Piggy.
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Why does Ralph smash the pig's skull?

Ralph hits the pig's head because, for him, it has become a symbol of everything that has gone wrong. The pig is a representation of the boys' hidden violent tendencies.
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Why won t Jack let Piggy have meat?

Jack refuses to give Piggy meat because he resents his relationship with Ralph and because he sees Piggy as an outcast. By treating Piggy poorly, Jack feels a sense of power within the group of boys, for everyone seems to enjoy watching the poor boy suffer.
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Why does Jack call Piggy fatty?

When Jack calls Piggy fatty, that shows that Jack has no respect for Piggy's feelings. Next, another example of when Jack is evil is when he becomes bloodthirsty and slaughters the pig in a very cruel and harsh way. In these moments he has been on the island for so long that he is not thinking straight anymore.
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Why did Jack hate Ralph?

Why does Jack hate Ralph? From the beginning, Jack, who is the head choir boy back home, thinks he should be the chief, but the other boys choose Ralph. The tension between Ralph and Jack grows because Jack has different priorities—to hunt and have fun—than Ralph, who wants to hold onto civilization and get rescued.
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What does Piggy suffer from?

Piggy is the intellectual with poor eyesight, a weight problem, and asthma. He is the most physically vulnerable of all the boys, despite his greater intelligence.
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How does Ralph betray Piggy?

This quote shows how hurt and disappointed Piggy is when Ralph betrays him by telling all the other boys to call him Piggy. He is realizing that Ralph may not be a good friend, and lacks integrity.
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How did Piggy get killed?

Piggy dies when approaching Jack's camp with Ralph. The two hope to appeal to reason and get the whole group of castaways together again in cooperation. Up above on the rocks, Roger dislodges a boulder that glances off Piggy's front from face to knees and sends him over the cliff to his death on the rocks below.
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How does the pig head represent evil?

The pig's head is a ghastly symbol of evil, the Lord of the Flies being a direct reference to Beelzebub, the Prince of Devils, lord of flies, and dung. The head is the embodiment of the actual beast on the island, the darkness that lives within all people, original sin, and/or human nature itself (Bufkin 48).
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What are 5 reasons Piggy is considered an outsider?

There are many things that mark Piggy out as "different". He comes from a lower social class than the others and has been brought up by an auntie. He wears glasses, is fat, has asthma and seems to be a bit lazy.
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Why did Jack stab Ralph?

Jack arrives from hunting, and tells Ralph to leave them alone. Ralph finally calls Jack a thief, and Jack responds by trying to stab Ralph with his spear, which Ralph deflects. They fight each other while Piggy reminds Ralph what they came to do.
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Who cries when Piggy dies?

Ralph Stands Alone

At the end of chapter 11, Ralph is completely alone on his side of the conflict because Piggy was killed and Jack captured Sam and Eric and forced them to switch over to his side. He runs into the woods, crying and fearful that Jack and his group will come after him.
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What was Piggy holding when he died?

But the boulder strikes Piggy, shatters the conch shell he is holding, and knocks him off the mountainside to his death on the rocks below. Jack throws his spear at Ralph, and the other boys quickly join in.
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