Why did Littlefinger give Ros to Joffrey?

Naturally, Varys' actions conflicted with Littlefinger's agenda to use Sansa for his gain and a bid for Westeros' Iron Throne. Realizing Ros had betrayed him, Littlefinger handed her over to Joffrey, who wanted to try "something new," "something daring."
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Why did Littlefinger sell Ros to Joffrey?

When Littlefinger finds out she is spying on him for Varys, he gives her to King Joffrey, who wanted to try something "new and daring". Joffrey uses Ros as a live target, brutally killing her by having her tied to his bed and shooting her multiple times with a crossbow, his first personal kill.
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Why did Littlefinger help Olenna kill Joffrey?

Originally Answered: [SPOILERS] Why did Littlefinger kill Joffrey? Littlefinger needed Joffrey dead for two main reasons: Joffrey was a psychopath and stood in the way of Littlefinger's grand scheme to get himself on the Iron Throne.
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What did Joffrey make Ros do to Daisy?

Joffrey forces Ros to hit Daisy with his belt, hard enough to make her scream.
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What did Littlefinger do to Ros?

Murdering Ros with a crossbow

Littlefinger promised he would make money off of her one way or the other, delivering a veiled threat that he would sell her to a wealthy patron for a sadistic purpose. He made good on his promise and made us hate Joffrey a little bit more.
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Game of Thrones (2011) Cast: Then and Now [11 Years After]

Why was Joffrey so obsessed with Sansa?

Joffrey was not obsessed with Sansa. At least, not before the events of Trident and his public humiliation. Before that, he played the part that was expected of him, a charming and gallant prince. After that he was fixated on her because she was the most perfect choice for his sadism.
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Why was Sansa crying at the ship?

In King's Landing

In private, Tyrion informs Sansa of his father's plans for them, with Shae present. Baelish tells Varys he has given Ros to a friend (revealed to be Joffrey) to kill for his pleasure. Sansa watches tearfully as Baelish departs by ship, losing her chance at leaving the capital.
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What syndrome does Joffrey Baratheon have?

Joffrey Baratheon: Conduct Disorder and Sadistic Personality Disorder.
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Who actually poisoned King Joffrey?

At the conclusion of the dinner, however, Joffrey dies from poisoned wine. Tyrion is falsely accused and arrested by Cersei in A Storm of Swords (2000) but it is later revealed that Lady Olenna Tyrell and Lord Petyr Baelish were the true perpetrators.
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Who was the old lady that poisoned Joffrey?

Olenna conspires with Petyr Baelish to murder Joffrey, so as to protect Margaery from Joffrey's beastly nature – it is Olenna who actually does the deed, using a poison Petyr arranged to have smuggled into the wedding on Sansa's person.
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Did Littlefinger know who killed Joffrey?

In reality, it was Olenna who had poisoned the wine. She had arranged with Littlefinger to end Joffrey's life and used Sansa Stark in the process. Littlefinger had worked with Dontos Hollard to deliver the poison, which was hidden in a stone attached to a necklace given to Tyrion's wife by Olenna.
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How did Littlefinger betray Sansa?

Petyr betrayed the two women he claimed to love, Catelyn and her daughter Sansa. He set up Sansa's marriage to the Boltons. He led Sansa to the marriage by telling her if she wanted to build a better home, she would have to destroy the old one.
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Why did Sansa kill Littlefinger?

She accused Littlefinger of several crimes: killing their aunt Lysa Arryn, conspiring to kill their uncle Jon Arryn, committing treason by holding a knife to Ned Stark's throat and attempting to assassinate of Bran.
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Did Littlefinger really love Catelyn?

Witnessing the encounter, Lysa tries to kill Sansa a short time later. Petyr rushes to comfort Lysa, but reveals that he had only ever loved Catelyn and pushes Lysa to her death. He immediately implicates the only other witness, the minstrel Marillion.
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Why did Baelish betray Catelyn?

But as Sansa points out in “The Dragon and the Wolf,” he ends up betraying both Catelyn and Sansa — the two women he purported to love — in truly horrible ways. That's because Littlefinger ultimately does everything for the sake of power. Nothing, not even his so-called love, can sway him from that.
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Did Catelyn Stark love Petyr Baelish?

Petyr became obsessed and in love with Catelyn, but she never returned his affections. Lysa was infatuated with Petyr, but he only loved Catelyn.
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Is Joffrey inbred?

History. Joffrey was born of incest to Queen Cersei Lannister and her brother Jaime. However, the truth of his birth has been kept a secret and he was presented to the world as the son of King Robert Baratheon and heir to the Iron Throne. He grew up as a spoiled and indulgent child with a cruel streak within him.
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What is the age difference between Tommen and Margaery?

In the books, he starts out at 7/8 (born 291 AC) years old and is only 9 when he marries Margaery Tyrell (born 283 AC), who is 17 when they wed.
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Why was Olenna tyrell killed?

However, when Daenerys sends her forces to take Casterly Rock, Jaime Lannister's army sacks Highgarden. Offering Olenna a peaceful end, he allows her to drink poison. However, before dying she reveals that she was the one who murdered his son, Joffrey Baratheon, at the Purple Wedding.
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What is Cersei's mental illness?

CERSEI: Narcissistic personality disorder

“Cersei Lannister's pervasive behaviors suggest she suffers from symptoms consistent with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She holds herself with an air of entitlement and arrogance.
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Would Joffrey have abused Margaery?

Most definitely. Joffrey was a sadistic psychopath. She was better at playing the game of manipulation than Sansa so it probably wouldn't have been as frequent, but yes he eventually would have abused her.
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Is Joffrey a sociopath or psychopath?

Joffrey Baratheon did not reach the line of definition of a psychopath or a sociopath. Sociopathic individuals harm a bigger group of people and cannot function in a normal society. Joffrey took pride more than pleasure in harming a cat, a person and a whore, among others.
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Why didn t Sansa like Daenerys?

The Rude Reception At Winterfell

Sansa had reason to distrust Daenerys. The Mad King killed her uncle and grandfather, and Sansa was at the mercy of a queen while a hostage in King's Landing. However, she rebuffs the Dragon Queen even when Daenerys risks her life to defend Sansa's home against the Night King.
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Who does Sansa love?

Sansa's affection for Loras grows; she is unaware that Loras is gay and, while he likes her and enjoys spending time with her, he can never love her. Margaery proposes the idea that Loras will marry Sansa, meaning Sansa can leave King's Landing, which delights Sansa.
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Why does Sansa cry when she sees Theon?

Her emotional response, which cracks her frequently stoic resolve, is a recognition of what they've been through together. Theon's return to Winterfell, where he spent his childhood as a hostage, suggests he views House Stark's keep as his true home, not the Iron Islands.
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