Why did Love kidnap Gil?

Worried that Gil would report Love for assault, Joe and Love imprison Gil in their bakery's basement while they scribble up dirt on him. They eventually uncover that his son is a rapist, but the guilt of the revelation prompts Gil to hang himself. Love proceeds to frame Gil for Natalie's murder.
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What mental illness does Love Quinn have?

That's further complicated by Love's trajectory throughout the season. Seen mostly through Joe's first-person perspective as a lovable, if not a bit naïve, young woman longing for love after experiencing her own trauma, she is revealed to be suffering from severe PTSD.
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What happened to Gil in You?

Gil ends up dying by suicide while in the box.
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What happened to Joe's first girlfriend in You?

Throughout the first season she is considered to be missing and mostly appears in flashbacks, hallucinations, and conversation- until she shows up in the final episode. We learn that Candace cheated on Joe and later left him, telling him she never loved him.
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Does Joe find out about Love and Theo?

Joe discovers that Love has been paying for Theo's Uber trips and confronts her. Love says that Theo has nobody to look after him and confesses that Theo kissed her at the bakery. During the retreat, Cary takes Joe on a night hunt provokes him into fighting him; Joe pushes Cary over a cliff, knocking him out.
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Why did Love hurt Theo?

In the end, Love turned against Theo and tried to kill him, after he finds out Love and Joe were behind his mother's death. Somehow, Theo survived the near-death experience but the same could not be said for Love, who was brutally killed by Joe.
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Do Sherry and Cary know Love killed Natalie?

Their argument builds to her shouting, “I KILLED NATALIE FOR YOU,” which, unfortunately for everyone involved, Cary and Sherry totally heard. This earns them a free, indefinite stay in the human aquarium in the bakery basement!
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Did Beck really Love Joe?

Devastated, Joe wrenches the truth out of Beck, who admits she was lying and says she loves him like she's never loved anyone — she got confused because she didn't know what to do with that love. That speaks straight to Joe's heart, and they make up; she's completely forgiven.
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Who did Joe actually Love?

Season 3 of You saw Joe and Love attempt to settle down in Madre Linda as a married couple with their baby son, Henry, but Joe's obsession with his co-worker got the best of him. After realizing that Joe was in love with Marienne, who worked at the library with him, Love put in place a plan to end Joe's life.
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How did Love get rid of Candace's body?

Candace is killed by Love.

Love uses the bottle to slit Candace's throat. This is more or less the same way she'd previously killed the au pair who was hooking up with her brother, Forty, when they were kids. Later, Love takes Candace's body to Anavrin where she presumably disposes of it.
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Why did Love knock out Gil?

Together, the couple captures Gil, a local dad and geology professor who admits his unvaccinated children gave Henry measles. Love knocks him on the head with a rolling pin; to deal with the Gil problem, they lock him in their convenient cage downstairs.
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Why does Joe not Love Love?

When Joe's mother left him for a new family, it left a super deep mental and emotional scar in Joe. that has never healed. That scar has always made Joe feel unloved and unwanted. So when Joe looks at love after he finds out who she truly is, he can't stand her because he's literally her.
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Where did Joe's baby go in you?

After originally planning to escape with him, Joe gave Henry to his friend Dante and his husband Lansing, as the two often babysat Henry and were looking to raise a child together.
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Is Love Quinn as crazy as Joe?

However, she is actually an obsessed, cunning, and manipulative serial killer just like Joe, and she would do whatever she could to get Joe close to her.
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Could Love Quinn still be alive?

Love dies from the aconite. With her final words, she tells Joe they're perfect for each other, but bad for their son.
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How did Love Quinn paralyze Joe?

Love found Joe's bloody shirt and realized how strong Joe's feelings for his boss were. She put aconite — a paralytic — on the handle of a knife, so when Joe grabbed the knife to defend himself, he was rendered paralyzed.
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Does Beck cheat on Joe?

Yes, I was. I did, I. I cheated. But it's over now.
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Who killed forty in You?

As he is about to pull the trigger, Officer Fincher enters the room and shoots Forty, killing him instantly. Love cradles her dead brother's body and bawls as Joe comforts her. Even after marrying Joe, Love still mourns Forty. While seething about her mother in the bath, Love even drunkenly hallucinates Forty.
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Why is Joe so obsessed with Beck?

1 min 40:08)” Joe finds that Beck has charming, smart, and talented personality which makes him fall deeper for her. With her charming personality, Beck should not fall in love with a person like Benji. Joe believes that he is way better than Benji and more worthy of Beck's love.
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Was Joe in love with Rhys?

Like Lady Phoebe's (Tilly Keeper) stalker, Joe has been suffering from erotomania, which is characterized by the delusion that one is the object of another person's desire. He imagined his entire passionate (if antagonistic) relationship with Rhys, a man he actually barely knows.
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What did Joe do with Beck's body?

She pretends to forgive Joe and tries to convince him that she won't tell the police what he's done, but he strangles her before she can escape. Again, Joe seeks revenge on Dr. Nicky for his affair with Beck, and buries her body in his backyard.
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Does Joe cheat on Karen with Beck?

Later, she confronts Beck and thanks her for being her "get out of Joe free card". She says that she was aware of their lying and cheating while she and Joe had been together, and that Beck had shown her who he really was.
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Did they hear Love say she killed Natalie?

Love catches Joe fantasizing about someone else, at which point she shouts their safe word, ending all operations. Love and Joe have a truly unhinged screaming fight, during which Love mentions that she murdered Natalie. Back in the bedroom, the Conrads pretend, unconvincingly, that they didn't hear the argument.
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Does Theo know that Love killed Natalie?

After Love kills Natalie, Theo's relationship with his stepfather grows strained. Matthew becomes obsessed with finding his wife's killer. Theo grows closer to Love, falling in love with her and sparking up an affair, unaware that she's the murderer.
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