Why did Padmé pretend to be Queen Amidala?

As such, she impersonated Amidala during the Invasion of Naboo in order to keep her safe from the Trade Federation, and continued to do so after the queen and her royal retinue were rescued by the Jedi ambassadors Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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Why does Padmé pretend to be the queen?

In fact, it's in one of the film's more critical moments that we learn that the Queen has actually been a decoy throughout most of the film when Padmé reveals herself to be the true Queen in order to gain the favor of the Gungans to free Naboo from battle droid occupation.
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Why did Natalie Portman play both Queen Amidala and Padme?

She doesn't. Natalie only plays Padmé Amidala, Queen of the Naboo and later a senator in the Galactic Senate. In the first film, Padmé uses a decoy named Sabé who is played by Keira Knightly. They look very similar, which is why Knightly was chosen, so it is easy to think that both roles were played by Portman.
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How did Padme become Queen Amidala?

When Padme was 13, she was elected Princess of Theed and, at 14, she was elected Queen of Naboo. Padme took Amidala as her royal name during her two terms in office. As a security precaution, Padme often used an aide, Sabe, as a body double to allow Amidala to have free movement throughout Theed.
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Why did Padme give up being queen?

In 25 BBY, Amidala ended her second term as queen. Though some on Naboo suggested amending the constitution to allow her to serve a third term, she stayed true to her belief that "popular rule is not democracy." Hereafter, Amidala gave up the throne to her elected successor, Queen Jamillia.
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How Padme became QUEEN AMIDALA

What was Padmé holding when she died?

However, Kenobi did not understand the significance of her gesture, only understanding Amidala's basic feelings about it, and returned it to her. After her death, Amidala's body held the japor snippet during her funeral procession, and was buried alongside her body in a privately owned mausoleum.
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What is the age gap between Anakin and Padmé?

Padmé is Five Years Older Than Anakin Skywalker

In actuality, Padmé was just 14 years old in The Phantom Menace. When she ventured to Tatooine and met an enslaved young boy named Anakin Skywalker -- who took an immediate shine to her -- Anakin was just nine years old.
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Did Luke and Leia ever learn about Padme?

Leia Organa never knew her mother, Padmé Amidala. She thought she could remember Padmé - describing her to her brother Luke as "kind but...sad." But in truth Leia seems to have been confused, instead remembering Padmé's former handmaiden (and doppelgänger) Sabé. But Leia actually knew quite a lot about Padmé.
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Who is Luke Skywalker's wife?

Mara Jade Skywalker is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. She appears in the now non-canon Legends series as the wife of Luke Skywalker and mother of Ben Skywalker. She has been voiced by Heidi Shannon, Edie Mirman and Kath Soucie in various Star Wars video games.
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Who is Anakin Skywalker's father?

Shmi informs Qui-Gon that Anakin has no father, leading Qui-Gon to suggest that Anakin is a product of midi-chlorians (Force-imparting microorganisms). As the film progresses, Anakin leaves Tatooine to begin his Jedi training.
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Was Padmé Queen Amidala the whole time?

Once elected Queen, Padmé took the name Amidala, and amended the constitution to limit the rule of elected monarchs to two terms, in light of Veruna's unpopular long rule. Her birth name was Padmé Naberrie; Amidala was actually a regnal name.
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How old was Natalie Portman when she first played Padmé?

But she's your queen." George Lucas, Rick McCallum, and casting director Robin Gurland auditioned over 200 actresses for the part of Padmé Amidala. They chose 16-year-old actress Natalie Portman to play the role.
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Why did Anakin turn to the dark side?

Anakin is desperate to prevent visions of his wife dying in childbirth from becoming a reality, and the Jedi offer no solutions to his problem, so he turns to the Sith in desperation, believing Palpatine's promise that the power of the dark side would save Padme.
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What is the difference between Padmé and Queen Amidala?

During crisis situations, Sabé and Amidala switch roles. Sabé becomes a decoy, disguised as the Queen, while Amidala adopts a simple gown of a handmaiden, and goes by her less formal name of Padmé Naberrie.
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Was Sabé in love with Padmé?

The life of Sabé is very interesting. She spent her entire life dedicated to the protection of a politician who died suddenly then worked to protect the person who killed her. Sabé was also visibly in love with Padme, though her affections were always unrequited.
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Who killed Padmé?

Padmé's death disappointed audiences when they saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but one theory posits that Palpatine was the one to kill Padmé. A Star Wars theory suggests that Padmé did not die of a broken heart, but rather that she was killed by Palpatine.
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Is KYLO Ren really Luke's son?

It is revealed that Ren is the son of Han and Leia, originally named Ben, and was once one of Luke's Jedi pupils. He was corrupted to the dark side of the Force by the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis), and helped destroy Luke's new Jedi Academy.
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Is Rey KYLO Ren's twin sister?

It's been established they are not twins. Ren is 10yrs older than Rey. Leia might be a badass, but no woman has that long of a labor! How deep is Rey and Kylo's force connection and how do they have one?
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Did Han Solo and Leia have twins?

Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).
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Did Anakin ever know Leia was his daughter?

Darth Vader may have never known Princess Leia was his daughter in Star Wars and never cultivated a relationship with her, even when he was a Force ghost. Anakin Skywalker never knew Padmé was pregnant with twins, and he believed his child had died with his wife.
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Did Leia know Vader was her father?

Alderaan's princess knew she had been adopted by Bail and Breha Organa after the Clone Wars, but she had no idea who her parents were. That was until Luke Skywalker told her the truth - that he was the son of Darth Vader, and that she was his sister.
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How old was Darth Vader when he died?

1 Darth Vader Was 45 When He Died In Return Of The Jedi

Luke's faith in his father leads to his redemption, with Anakin turning against Palpatine at last. The greatest hero of Star Wars is redeemed when he is just 45 years old, finding peace in the Force at last.
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How old was Anakin when he died?

While it seemed like Anakin had lived a long life, his choices eventually led to his demise at 45. Though half of his life was filled with tragedy, he managed to make things right with the time he had and gained a Jedi burial that had him reunite with his old Master and Yoda.
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Did Padme groom Anakin?

She was around 14 years of age. No, she did not groom him because their entire interaction basically amounted to about a couple weeks to a month, before a roughly 8 year separation. Originally Answered: When Anakin met Padme in Phantom Menace, how old was she?
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