Why did Rapunzel become brunette?

Latest episode. Brown Hair is the natural hair color of Princess Rapunzel that she has gotten from her biological mother, Queen Arianna, had she not inherited the yellow Sundrop Flower's heavenly magic.
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Why did Rapunzel's hair turn brown?

This was also why the hair no longer possesses the healing powers of the Sundrop and it now possesses the Moonstone's destruction powers. In the series finale, "Plus Est En Vous", the hair turns back to brown and becomes powerless when Cassandra strips Rapunzel of the Sundrop opal, but maintains its length.
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How did Rapunzel lose her hair?

Her long hair is what Gothel wants — Gothel doesn't give a crap about the girl, just the hair. So Flynn cuts her hair — even at the cost of risking his own life — because he knows it is the only way to free her, and he wants to make certain she is free before he dies. Because he loves her — more than his own life.
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Why did Rapunzel throw down her hair?

You may recall that Rapunzel was locked in a tower by an old, jealous hag. Each night she lets down her long golden hair so that her lover can use her hair like a rope to scale the tower and visit her in secret.
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Why doesn't Rapunzel's hair grow after its cut?

In the prologue of Tangled, baby Rapunzel's hair is cut by Mother Gothel. It turns brown and remains at this length, confirmed by when she shows that piece to Eugene later on by the campfire. For whatever reason, the magic in her hair allows it to grow; its absence does not.
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Why is Rapunzel blonde again?

In the TV series, Rapunzel's magic hair grows back to the length and color it was in the film. It grows back when Rapunzel and her handmaid, Cassandra, discover some mystical rocks with magical properties during a secret adventure.
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What does Rapunzel's hair symbolize in Tangled?

Rapunzel's hair also symbolizes imprisonment. Because she has such long hair, Gothel can hide her away in a place with only one entrance (the hair). The cutting of her hair does not immediately represent freedom; it represents near-certain death, as she is sent into a world she knows nothing about.
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Did Rapunzel get pregnant?

She asked her lover to bring her linen threads, so she could do a rope out of them and use it to escape. Rapunzel got pregnant, and Gothel noticed this. Either that, or Rapunzel once incautiously exclaimed that the witch was much heavier, thus longer to lift, than her prince.
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What is the real story behind Rapunzel?

Rapunzel's real story is said to have been loosely based on a true story about a woman, Saint Barbara, in Italy around the 3rd century. The story of Barbara was that she was so beautiful that her father felt he had to lock her in a tower to protect her.
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Why is Rapunzel named after lettuce?

According to the Brothers Grimm, Princess Rapunzel is named after the cultivated vegetable of the same name, growing in a witch's garden. The wording of the story suggested to me that the Grimms' contemporaries would be familiar with the plant as a vegetable, that it wasn't a fantastical invented thing.
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Did Mother Gothel love Rapunzel?

Donna Murphy believed that Gothel did really love Rapunzel in her own way. "I also think there is this thread of a kind of love that she does have for Rapunzel. It's not what she set out.
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Who is Rapunzel's child?

The Mattel cartoon Ever After High (2013–2017), features Rapunzel's has two daughters: Holly O'Hair and Poppy O'Hair. Tangled: The Series (2017–2020) is a 2D animated TV show based on Disney Animation's computer animated musical feature film Tangled.
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Does Rapunzel marry Flynn?

He returns Rapunzel to her birth parents, the King and Queen, who grant Flynn a full pardon. He and Rapunzel later marry and he vows to turn over a new leaf and give up thieving. Eugene later appears in the 5-minute short film Tangled Ever After, that features his marriage with Rapunzel.
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Why does Rapunzel tear heal Flynn?

Her tears heal him. They contain the magical healing powers, not just her hair. Now the implications of this are pretty vast. Basically what it means is that the healing powers of the flower were contained not just in Rapunzel's hair but also in her... "fluids".
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What is Rapunzel's signature color?

Inspired by Rapunzel's dress in Tangled, this PANDORA charm features Murano glass in the Disney Princess' signature shade of lavender within a sterling silver setting.
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What is the real ending to Rapunzel?

The Grimm's version of "Rapunzel" ends happily, with Rapunzel finding her lost love the prince, curing his blindness with her tears, and the couple riding off towards his kingdom to live happily ever after with their twins.
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Was the original Little Mermaid dark?

Summary. The original story of The Little Mermaid is much darker than the Disney version, featuring gruesome elements that wouldn't fit well in a family-friendly film.
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Why did Disney change Rapunzel?

In order to market the new film to both sexes and additional age groups, Disney changed the title from Rapunzel to Tangled while also emphasizing Flynn Rider, the film's prominent male character, showing that his story is just as important as that of Rapunzel.
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Did Rapunzel and Flynn get divorced?

Heartbroken, Rapunzel cries over Flynn's dead body but revives him with her tears and they finally share their first kiss. By the end of the movie, Rapunzel and Flynn become a couple and are living happily ever after.
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Why does Rapunzel have a skillet?

Rapunzel's frying pan is Rapunzel's weapon of choice in Disney's 2010 animated feature film, Tangled. It is first seen when Rapunzel bangs Flynn Rider on his head with it upon him entering the tower. Throughout the film, the frying pan is used by Flynn to fight off the Palace Guards and Maximus in a sword vs.
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Why does Rapunzel have a pan?

Latest episode. Flying Pan is a weapon utilized and relied upon by Princes Rapunzel during her years living in the tower with Gothel. she continues to use it on occasion when she does not want to rely on her hair's prehensile strength.
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What are the Easter eggs in Rapunzel?

Rapunzel must've seen the other Disney princess movies — she's painted homages to them on the newel posts in the staircase in her tower. There's an apple for Snow White, a slipper for Cinderella, a rose for Belle, and a shell for Ariel. She also has a real spinning wheel in there, too, as a nod to Aurora.
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