Why did Tia Dalma give Jack a jar of dirt?

User(s) Tia Dalma gives Captain Jack Sparrow a jar of dirt so that he will always be near land and safe from Davy Jones. She explained that, as Davy Jones was unable to set foot on land but once every decade, Jack would carry land with him at all times.
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Why did Tia Dalma help Jack?

Later, it is revealed that Tia Dalma is Calypso, bound into human form. Her true motives for resurrecting Barbossa and Jack are unveiled when it is learned that both are Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court. Each has their respective "Pieces of Eight", the talismans necessary to free Calypso.
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What does Tia Dalma give Jack Sparrow?

Having told Jack what he wanted to know, and discovering that Jack was marked with the Black Spot, Tia Dalma gave Jack a jar of dirt, so that he would always carry land, where he'd be safe from Jones.
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Was the Jar of Dirt scene unscripted?

(at around 2h) The scene when Jack Sparrow calls Davy Jones "fish face", and sings to them "I got a jar of dirt", was unscripted and improvised by Johnny Depp, most of the reactions of the rest of the characters are real.
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Why did Tia Dalma say she gave Jack the compass?

Tia Dalma said he bartered it, right? Maybe she gave him the location of the compass in exchange for him trapping Salazar or some other favor. Obviously, this is still speculation, but it would explain why he had to get the compass from the captain, and could still be considered a barter exchange with Tia Dalma.
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Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Clips - Jack's Jar of Dirt

Why couldn t Tia Dalma bring Jack back?

Whereas, most who died were allowed to have their souls move on to some form of afterlife, Davy Jones' Locker acted as a form of purgatory. This is why Tia Dalma couldn't bring Jack Sparrow back to life–like she did with Hector Barbossa–as his soul was trapped within the Locker.
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Why Will Turner have barnacles?

Orlando Bloom reprises his role as Will Turner in the fifth film, seen with barnacles forming upon his face, implying he's failing at the responsibilities as Captain of the Flying Dutchman.
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What is Jack Sparrow's most famous quote?

Without further ado, here are the 15 most iconic Jack Sparrow quotes.
  1. 1 "The only rules that matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do."
  2. 2 "I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it." ...
  3. 3 "Bring me that horizon." ...
  4. 4 "If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it." ...
  5. 5 "No survivors? ...
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What is Jack Sparrow's debt to Davy Jones?

Jack Sparrows debt of 100 souls to Davy Jones is because he freed 100 slaves. Freeing the slaves cost him his ship in getting the ship back he must repay the cost of the hundred slaves with 100 souls. But how does all this cast Sparrow differently?
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What is the long pork in Pirates of the Caribbean?

Behind the scenes

This shrimper operated around Tortuga, claiming to have traded spice for "long pork" (a euphemism for human flesh) on Isla de Pelegostos, an island just south of the straits.
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Why does Calypso turn into crabs?

As a heathen goddess, Calypso was able to take many forms. But since the crab was attributed as her symbol, most notably by pirates, she chose that form. When Tia Dalma was transformed back into Calypso, she grew to ten times her normal size and crashed to the deck of the Black Pearl as thousands of little crabs.
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Why did Davy Jones betray Calypso?

However, when Jones returned to shore after ten years, Calypso failed to appear. Believing Calypso had betrayed him, a heartbroken and enraged Davy Jones turned the Pirate Brethren against her, saying that if she were removed from the world, they would be able to claim the seas for themselves.
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Why does Jack Sparrow have a red mark on his chin?

The red spot is actually supposed to be syphilis, and it gets progressively more noticeable in each film.
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Did Tia Dalma love Jack Sparrow?

Although they did not totally brush through their short-lived past, Tia Dalma and Jack have no plans of rekindling their long-extinguished lovers' flame. She, however, still show quite the amicable affection by accepting favors from the rogue pirate.
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Why did Calypso create a maelstrom?

After being released from her human form, the goddess Calypso, enraged over Davy Jones's betrayal and the Brethren Court, used her powers to summon a maelstrom. Calypso's maelstrom consisted of an enormous whirlpool topped with a thunderstorm with strong wind, lightning and rain.
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What does Calypso say when she is released?

After Calypso is set free, she says (roughly translated from French): “Across the seas, find the path to He, who wrongfully entombed me”, pretty much calling for the death of Davy Jones.
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Why did Davy Jones turn into a squid?

4. How did Davy Jones become a squid? After Calypso's betrayal, Davy Jones carved his heart and locked it in the Dead Man's Chest. He abandoned his duty and turned into an ugly monster with an octopus-like face, tentacle beard, and crab legs and hands.
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How does Jack Sparrow get 100 souls?

Grieving the loss of the Wicked Wench, Jack then made a deal with Davy Jones. Jones agreed to raise the ship in exchange for 100 souls – a price chosen out of irony, given the reason the ship was sunk.
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How many souls did Jack owe Davy Jones?

Jack makes a deal with Jones to raise the Wench which then is renamed the Black Pearl. This is why Jack owes Davy 100 lives, because he saved this 100 slaves who should have gone to Davy.
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What is Jack Sparrow's worst fear?

Being trapped in one place. He loves his freedom. If he was forced to stay in one place for too long, he'd go mad (see: Davy Jones' Locker.)
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What is Jack Sparrow's fatal flaw?

Example 2: Jack Sparrow in Pirates of The Caribbean- Dead Mans Chest. Fatal Flaw: He is afraid/ being a coward. Fatal Flaw causes one of s friends to turn against him and not trust him anymore. Tragedy/ End Result: Jack Sparrow is chained to the mast of a ship which is destroyed by the Kraken/ Jack Sparrow dies.
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What is Jack Sparrow's true desire?

Jack wants freedom and to sail the seas for eternity doing whatever, whenever he wants. He loves adventure and is in some ways selfish, but he has a good heart. He's had many opportunities at immortality throughout the films and despite his flaws, he always makes the right decision.
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Why was Bootstrap Bill killed?

Ultimately, the blood of Bootstrap's son was used to lift the curse. When Will reversed the curse by returning the last Aztec coins to the stone chest, he technically killed his father because at that moment, somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, Bootstrap Bill became mortal and would have drowned.
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Why did Jack leave Angelica?

In their time together, Jack stole her innocence; thus Angelica was unable to take her vows. Although they were in love, Jack would soon leave her through unknown circumstances, after which time Angelica became a formidable female pirate.
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Why can't Elizabeth go on the Flying Dutchman?

Bill also explained that he was unable to die and Davy Jones offered him an escape. Elizabeth was not dead nor dying, there was no reason for Will to bring her on the cursed ship.
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