Why did Vader still serve Palpatine?

He still believed Palpatine was telling the truth when he said he would help save Padme. So, from Vader's distorted point of view, Palpatine had done nothing wrong and was the only person left by his side. And rather than lose everyone in his life, he figured he might as well commit to his life as a Sith.
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Why didn't Sidious replace Vader?

Darth Sidious believed that he was the culmination of the Rule of Two, and because of that, he didn't need to train an apprentice that would outclass him. However, an apprentice was still a useful tool. Sitting in his Imperial Palace, Palpatine used Vader for all the Empire's dirty work.
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Why didn't Vader overthrow Palpatine?

He just didn't have the allies to make it happen, explaining why he had relied on Luke to join him. Taking after his master, Vader evidently learned from the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise. Unfortunately, he just lacked the proper resources.
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Why did Palpatine tell Vader he killed Padmé?

First, Palpatine did not know the truth about what had happened to Padme. But it was more fun to tell Vader that he had killed her to anger him. Padma was buried with her belly still appearing as if she was pregnant. To any Imperial observers, it would have appeared she had died before birthing any children.
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Did Anakin regret killing Padme?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.
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Why Palpatine Said He was WAY More AFRAID of Luke than ANAKIN

Why did Anakin stay on the dark side even after Padme died?

Anakin Was Already Gone After Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Even if he still desired to do good, his anger had corrupted him to the point of no return. And this anger was amplified even further once he believed he caused Padme's death, as now he had nothing but a deep hatred for himself and everything around him.
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Did Vader regret becoming a Sith?

The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain. Vader destroyed everything he had ever known for a chance to save Padme.
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Did Palpatine care about Vader at all?

He cared for Vader only as a tool and weapon. Palpatine was a great actor. He played the part he needed to whenever he needed to. To further his goals and his quest to put a split between Anakin and the J…
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Why did Darth Sidious stop using a lightsaber?

Sidious himself felt that he and his peers had outgrown the use of lightsabers, and only continued carrying them to mock the Jedi. He ultimately viewed his own lightsabers as little more than an affectation, and rarely wielded them in combat.
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Why did Sidious let Maul live?

Sidious revealed to Maul that he did not intend to kill his former apprentice, as he still had use for Maul; it was Sidious' hope that Maul would lead the Sith to Mother Talzin, Maul's mother and the leader of the Nightsisters, so she could be eliminated as a potential threat to the eventual Sith rule of the galaxy.
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Did Sidious want Anakin to surpass him?

Sidious always said that Anakin—well Vader—would become more powerful than him and anyone in the galaxy. He said this to Yoda prior to their duel and he continued to say it.
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Could Maul have beaten Sidious?

It's already been shown in the source material… more than once… that Darth Maul is not on Darth Sidious's level. Every time he dueled Sidious as his apprentice (in Legends) he got easily defeated.
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Would Padmé have lived if Anakin didn't turn?

Sadly the Clone Wars would have still happened, but Padmé would have also survived, giving birth to Luke and Leia who would have probably been inducted into the Jedi Order. As for what would have happened between the two, with their marriage and all, that's a bit tricky.
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Could Vader have killed Palpatine?

Darth Vader couldn't kill Palpatine before Return of the Jedi because he was everything to him, as that's how consumed with hatred Darth Vader was. It wasn't until he allowed himself to be filled with love for his son, and look past Palpatine at something more important, that Vader was able to finally kill his master.
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Why didn't Vader betray Palpatine earlier?

In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader felt defeated and more importantly trapped, again. He was still reeling over Luke's rejection of his offer and felt that at this juncture, he was far too gone to the dark side, so he might as well remained loyal to Emperor Palpatine.
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Was Palpatine afraid of Yoda?

He understood he lost the ethereal battle before their physical fight even began. Thus, Palpatine never viewed Yoda as a major concern, even though the Jedi Master fought him to a de facto draw during the events of Revenge of the Sith.
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Who was more evil Palpatine or Vader?

Originally Answered: Who was considered more evil, Palpatine or Anakin/Vader (who was not on the light side but not a Sith)? Palpatine. Vader committed murder.
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Did Palpatine know Darth Vader would betray him?

Return of the Jedi, however, proved that Palpatine had a significant blind spot. There were plenty of warning signs Palpatine could have heeded that Vader might turn on him, and yet his ignorance and arrogance led to his decisive downfall.
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Did Vader ever regret killing younglings?

The added risk Darth Vader takes in allowing children to live in a situation where he could have killed them proves that he regrets killing Younglings and will avoid harming any more children for the rest of his days, though intense intimidation is a dark strategy to avoid repeating his Youngling massacre.
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Did Vader regret betraying the Jedi?

Vader constantly regretted what he had done - he knew he made an unbelievable mistake. But, he also knew that it was much too late to change anything. He had to live up to what he had done - and the best way to do that was through embracing his hatred and anger, letting it grow and fester in him.
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Did Padmé cheat on Anakin with Obi-Wan?

Anakin Hated Obi-Wan Because of an Imagined Relationship With Padme. Although Padme and Obi-Wan's affair couldn't have been further from the truth, Anakin apparently built up a scenario in his mind, which was only heightened by the Jedi Council's obfuscation in other areas.
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Why did Anakin choke Padmé if he loved her?

When Anakin had to choose between losing Padme — fearing that she might die in childbirth — or turning to evil to “save” her from death, he chose evil. His desire to “save” her at all costs led Anakin to the dark side. For him, the dark side became a means of saving his loved one.
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Did Padmé still love Anakin when she died?

Anakin's vision did come true, as Padmé, heartbroken by her husband's downfall, loses her will to live and succumbs while giving birth to twins. Before her death, Padmé still believed there was still good left in Anakin and that one day he could be saved with the help of their children.
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