Why did Vertigo flop?

In an interview with François Truffaut, Hitchcock stated that Vertigo was one of his favourite films, with some reservations. Hitchcock blamed the film's failure on the 49-year-old Stewart looking too old to play a convincing love interest for the 24-year-old Kim Novak.
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Why did she fall at the end of Vertigo?

When a nun approaches the two to investigate the noise, Judy takes the indistinct figure for a ghost and, in terror, jolts backward. She falls to her death, recreating the scream that will forever haunt the place.
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Was Vertigo a box office flop?

It's rather strange that this film was a box office flop, as it's one of Alfred Hitchcock's better movies.
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What is the twist in Vertigo?

It was an elaborate murder scheme conducted by Gavin: knowing Scottie was acrophobic, Gavin decided to have him trail Judy so that he would be a witness to her suicide and could testify that she was possessed. Instead of Judy jumping, it was the real wife, who was bound at the top of the tower and pushed off by Gavin.
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Why did Vertigo have an alternate ending?

An additional ending was made during post production for some European countries due to certain laws prohibiting a film from letting a "bad guy" get away at the end of a film.
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The Plot Holes of Vertigo (and why they don't matter)

How old was Kim Novak when she starred in Vertigo?

Hitchcock later regretted casting James Stewart in the role who, at 50, was retroactively judged too old for the part opposite the 25-year-old Novak. But the whirligig of time has its revenge. Sixty-four years after its premiere, Vertigo is hailed as a masterpiece ahead of its time.
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Why was Vertigo shot in color?

Madeleine is a 'ghost' and is often scene in green, so is the car, dresses, stones etc. This turns out to be an illusion though. The green haze that surrounds the 'resurrected' Madeleine supports the reading of the sequence as a fantasy. The colour red is associated with Scottie's vertigo and thus a sense of danger.
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Did Scottie really love Judy?

On this unique partner-love view, the film shows that Scottie and Judy cannot have a genuine love relationship for various reasons. For one, Scottie is not attempting to forge a common life-history with Judy. He doesn't want that. He wants Judy as a mere simulacrum of the woman he thought was Madeleine Elster.
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What happens to Scotty at the end of Vertigo?

An inquest declares her death to be a suicide. Gavin does not fault Scottie, but Scottie becomes clinically depressed and is sent to a sanatorium, almost catatonic. Following his release, he frequents the places Madeleine visited, often imagining that he sees her.
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What do the sequoia trees symbolize in Vertigo?

He tells Madeleine that the tree's scientific name means “always green, ever living,” making explicit the idea that sequoia trees symbolize life in the film.
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How old was James Stewart when he was in Vertigo?

At 50-years-old, Stewart was, according to the director, too old to convincingly play then-25-year-old Kim Novak's love interest.
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How old was Jimmy Stewart when Vertigo was filmed?

Hitchcock blamed the film's commercial failure partly on its star, Jimmy Stewart, being too old (which is lame, since Hitch is the one who cast him). Stewart was 50; Novak was 25.
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How old was Jimmy Stewart when he starred in Vertigo?

At the time of filming, Stewart was 50 years old which, according to the Hitchcock was too old to convincingly play then-25-year-old Kim Novak's love interest.
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Why is Vertigo a masterpiece of film making?

Here's what top film critics say about the timeless lure of the film: The plot is mysterious, suspenseful, romantic and hypnotizing — in the most twisted way (and without today's visceral film violence). The film's plot follows a boy (James Stewart) who falls for a girl (Kim Novak).
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Why does Judy jump in Vertigo?

Judy wasn't jumped. She was scared of nun by her scary appearance and by mistake slipped off from that building. What is the ending of the 1958 film Vertigo? Vertigo ends with Scottie and Judy at the top of the bell tower, Judy is racked with guilt and overcome by other emotions as well.
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What does Judy represent in Vertigo?

Judy, on the other hand, is a real person, complete with imperfections, complex feelings, and motivations. Where “Madeleine” represents the unattainable ideal, Judy represents the real.
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What is the climax of Vertigo?

climaxThe world of illusion Scottie has created for himself is permanently shattered when he discovers that Judy had duped him by playing the role of Madeleine and faking a suicide as part of a plot to murder the real Madeleine Elster.
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Why did Scottie have to retire from the police force in Vertigo?

Detective John (“Scottie”) Ferguson (played by James Stewart) has retired from the police force because he developed a paralyzing fear of heights after a rooftop chase that resulted in a colleague's death.
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What structure climbed at the end of the movie Vertigo?

Scottie drives the nervous Judy to San Juan Bautista and there forces her to climb the bell tower, stating that this is his "second chance." As they climb, Scottie realizes that he no longer suffers from vertigo, and Judy confesses to her part in the crime, revealing that Elster discarded her after his wife's death.
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Why does Madeline wear green in Vertigo?

Why did Hitchcock choose green? The first reason is the psychology of color. Green is usually associated with something mysterious and sinister. These features are how Scottie sees Madeleine.
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Who is Madeleine in Vertigo?

Judy Barton, occasionally known as Madeleine Elster in her disguise, is the central antagonist and main deuteragonist of the 1958 Alfred Hitchcock film Vertigo. She was hired by Gavin Elster to impersonate his wife due to her similar appearance and help him kill her by pretending to commit suicide.
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Who is Carlotta Valdes in Vertigo?

Carlotta Valdes was supposedly Madeleine Elster's great-grandmother who lived in San Francisco during the “gay old bohemian days,” as Scottie's friend and ex-fiancee Midge called them in one scene.
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What city is Vertigo set?

The movie stars James Stewart as Johnny (Scottie) Ferguson, Kim Novak as Madeleine Elster/Judy Barton and the city of San Francisco as itself. According to Herbert Coleman, Vertigo associate producer, Hitchcock often picked a location and then developed a story to be filmed there.
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Who made the Vertigo intro?

Computer animation used first time in history. 2) Opening sequence (designed by Saul Bass) correspond with motifs from the movie itself. For Vertigo there is a strong spiral element in the opening sequence, spirals that correspond to the staircase that triggers Scottie's Vertigo.
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What film techniques were used in Vertigo?

He combines the point-of-view shot with the dolly-zoom (physically moving the camera in the opposite direction to the zoom) (2:03:18), (2:03:34) to artistically render Scottie's feeling of disorientation and panic in the tower, creating the famous 'Vertigo effect. '
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