Why did't Pring and Spock break up?

Justifiably hurt, T'Pring logically concluded Spock doesn't trust her, and she decided they should take "a break" from their engagement. This could be one of the biggest contributing factors to why Spock and T'Pring's relationship ended in Star Trek: TOS.
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What is the relationship between Spock and T pring?

It's on Vulcan that we meet Spock's betrothed, T'Pring; they were both telepathically bonded to each other as children. It's through their relationship that the Enterprise crew (and viewers) learned about pon farr and the kal-if-fee (passion challenge) ritual.
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Did Spock ever marry T. Pring?

Spock (Leonard Nimoy) never married T'Pring (Arlene Martel) in Star Trek: The Original Series and the foundations as to why are laid in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Set about a year after the end of Star Trek: Discovery season 2, Strange New Worlds sees Lt.
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Why did Nyota and Spock break up?

Final voyage of the Enterprise

In 2263, Spock and Uhura had ended their relationship after Spock began considering leaving Starfleet to help his endangered species.
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What happened to T-Pring in Star Trek?

The characters recollect that T'Pring entered religious study six years after her marriage. She refused to return home to Stonn and T'Ariis, choosing instead to become a Matriarch at the Temple of Kolinahr.
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Another Star Trek Series Cancelled!!! Is The Franchise In Decline Or Ready For Rebirth?!?!

Why do Spock and T-Pring break up?

3 T'Pring Feels Spock Doesn't Trust Her

Justifiably hurt, T'Pring logically concluded Spock doesn't trust her, and she decided they should take "a break" from their engagement. This could be one of the biggest contributing factors to why Spock and T'Pring's relationship ended in Star Trek: TOS.
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What is the saddest Star Trek episode?

As one of the darkest (and saddest) Star Trek episodes, Star Trek: Voyager's season 5 episode "Course Oblivion" sees the deaths of the entire USS Voyager crew. The episode opens with the wedding of Lt. B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson) and Lt. Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill), but their happiness is short-lived.
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Who is Spock in love with?

T'Pring is arguably Spock's greatest Star Trek love interest, considering that she was once his fiancé. In Star Trek: TOS season 2, episode 1, "Amok Time", Spock (Leonard Nimoy) was forced to return to T'Pring (Arlene Martel) on Vulcan when he began undergoing the symptoms of Pon Farr, the Vulcan drive to mate.
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Did Spock love Uhura?

Certainly, pairing the young and attractive Vulcan and Communications Officer looked good on-screen, but Star Trek fans took issue with it, and Spock being lovers with Uhura never quite clicked as intended. In Star Trek Beyond, Uhura and Spock broke up as a course correction.
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Who was Uhura in love with?

The intersectionality of Uhura as a Black woman was considered important when discussing her romance with Spock, because romances between Black women and white men are largely portrayed as cautionary tales in Hollywood films.
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Who did Spock have a child with?

T'Val (mirror), daughter of Spock and Saavik.
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Did Spock sleep with Saavik?

When Spock aged into adolescence, he underwent Pon Farr, the painful Vulcan mating ritual. Understanding what this meant, Saavik has sexual intercourse with the young Spock to alleviate his suffering — and originally, this resulted in Spock getting Saavik pregnant.
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What does Spock say to T-Pring?

SPOCK: T'Pring, parted from me and never parted, never and always touching and touched. We meet at the appointed place. T'PRING [on viewscreen]: Spock, parted from me and never parted, never and always touching and touched. I await you.
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Who did Spock mate with?

IMHO - Saavik and Spock had sex. Pure and simple. Spock was going through the hell of Ponn Farr. He was suffering from the blood fever and she knew the only way to get him through it was to mate with him.
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Why did McCoy hate Spock?

My impression was that McCoy's usual relationship with Spock was needling him about his Vulcan culture of “logic,” which McCoy thought silly, irritating, and unhealthy. But if Spock needed help of a medical or situational nature, McCoy was always there for him.
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Why did't Pring choose Kirk?

She chose Kirk as her champion since every outcome she calculated was advantageous to her: if the human won, Kirk would not wish to keep her as his bride, while if Spock won he would probably release her because she had challenged the marriage, and even if he kept her he would quickly return to space.
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Why does Spock not marry pring?

In Star Trek: The Original Series' season 2 classic, "Amok Time," T'Pring (Arlene Martel) formally ended her betrothal to Spock (Leonard Nimoy). The reason given was that T'Pring wanted to marry Stonn (Lawrence Montaigne) because Spock was more devoted to his Starfleet career aboard the USS Enterprise than his fiancée.
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Were Spock and Kirk lovers?

Star Trek: The Original Series writer David Gerrold, has also spoken about K/S slash sometimes. In 1985, Gerrold commented: One of the truths I've been telling lately is that Kirk and Spock are not lovers ... they're not even boyfriends. They're just good friends.
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Why did Spock get divorced?

Star Trek: The Original Series' canon records that Spock (Leonard Nimoy) and T'Pring (Arlene Martel) formally end their Vulcan matrimonial bond in the classic episode, "Amok Time." Spock, who underwent pon farr, was manipulated by T'Pring to return to Vulcan so that she could break their betrothal with the kal-if-fee ...
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Does Spock marry Uhura?

At the beginning of the third movie, we learn that Spock and Uhura decided to break up, after Spock mentioned his dilemma about going back to New Vulcan, getting married and helping to rebuild instead of going through his Starfleet carrier.
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Does Kirk kiss Spock?

Did Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock ever kiss? Very much no. If they had, it would have created ripples that likely would have made the creation of any new Star Trek series impossible until right about now, and Star Trek Next Gen has been out for over 30 years.
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What is Spock's full name?

The beloved Vulcan's full name is officially S'Chn T'Gai Spock. The name actually comes from a popular fan work-turned novel for The Original Series in Barbara Hambly's Ishmael which was published in 1985.
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What was the banned Star Trek episode?

TOS episodes "The Empath," "Whom Gods Destroy," "Plato's Stepchildren," and "Miri" were all banned. Although TNG's "Conspiracy" may be the most well-known episode to have been banned, this kind of censoring wasn't new to Star Trek.
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Why did Picard laugh when he got stabbed?

It's therefore implied that "Past" Picard was laughing because he somehow knew what would happen in the future and therefore was aware that, in getting stabbed, that horrible alternate reality would never come to pass.
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What is the scariest Star Trek episode?

Top Ten Scariest Episodes of Star Trek
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  • The Birth Of The Gorns • Star Trek Strange New Worlds S01E09.
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