Why do Dementors kiss?

The Dementor's Kiss is the act of a Dementor sucking out a person's soul. It was sometimes used as a sentence for criminals by the Ministry of Magic, and is considered a fate worse than death. Before Voldemort was in control of the Ministry, Dementor's Kiss was ordinarily used against those who escape from Azkaban.
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Why do the Dementors try to kiss Harry?

All through Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, though the Dementors are nominally seeking Sirius Black, they seem to have fixated on Harry, to the point of trying to administer the Kiss to him rather than Sirius when both of them are trapped.
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Why is Dementors kiss worse than death?

The Dementor's Kiss was generally considered to be a punishment worse than death. Victims were left in what Muggles would call a 'Persistent Vegetative State': empty shells that were still alive but irretrievably 'gone'.
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Why are Dementors so attracted to Harry?

He was that time rescued by Dumbledore, who slowed Harry's fall and then drove the Dementors away with a Patronus. They seemed to be particularly attracted to Harry because, due to his miserable childhood and many bad memories, he was particularly vulnerable to their influence.
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How are Dementors born?

Dementors are born when there is so much pain and suffer in the air that it can materialise it's self. That means that most Dementors were created during the First and Second wizarding war or in the time of Grinwald's attacks in Europe. That's why Dementors can only be destroyed by the Patronum summoning charm.
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History of Dementors (Everything You Need to Know)

Can a Dementor be killed?

Dementors are amortal, meaning that you can't kill them because they were never alive to begin with (even though they do die off eventually 😕).
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Is a Dementor human?

One of the most terrifying creatures in the wizarding world, Dementors were wraithlike creatures that fed on human happiness and generated terrible feelings of despair within any person in close proximity.
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Why do Dementors obey wizards?

They were also intelligent enough to bargain: they obeyed the British Ministry of Magic for years because, in guarding Azkaban, they were provided with the sustenance of any remaining hope or happiness in the prisoners.
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Was Umbridge a death eater?

Harry describes Umbridge to Sirius Black, saying that she's vile enough to be a Death Eater, despite not being one. Umbridge is also depicted to be a prejudiced person, despising half-breeds and Muggle-born witches and wizards to the point of firing Hagrid due to his half-giant birth status.
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Did Dumbledore know Sirius was innocent?

Dumbledore's lack of belief that Sirius is innocent is also suspect. Sirius was a member of the Order of the Phoenix which fought against Death Eaters, but Sirius also was as close to James as a brother, the Potters even took him in when he ran away from home.
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Can Dementors kiss muggles?

Dementors nearly kissed Mary Cattermole during one trial, but Harry Potter repelled them, and he and Hermione Granger freed her and the other Muggle-borns being held prisoner, helping them to escape, along with Ron Weasley. It is possible that some innocent Muggle-borns were kissed before the Ministry was taken back.
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Why did McGonagall give Hermione the time turner?

Hermione Granger received one from Professor McGonagall in 1993, so that she could attend more classes in her third year than time would allow.
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Can Dementors talk?

"They could also communicate what they had heard Sirius Black (harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Sirius_Black )saying in his sleep to the Ministry (harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/British_Ministry_of_Magic )in 1993 (harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/1993 ), implying that they can speak or otherwise communicate with wizards."
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Why was Sirius in Azkaban?

Sirius was arrested, accused of murdering Pettigrew and the muggles and of serving Voldemort, and was promptly thrown in prison by Barty Crouch, Sr. without receiving a trial. He spent the next twelve years in Azkaban, brooding over his friends' deaths and obsessing over Pettigrew's betrayal.
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Why does Harry faint when he sees a Dementor?

Dementors bring about fear, depression, and hopelessness. “That suggests that what you fear most of all is—fear. Very wise, Harry.” It's true that the graveyard scene was traumatizing for Harry.
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How did Sirius escape Azkaban?

After spending 12 years locked away in Azkaban, he saw a newspaper that showed Pettigrew in his Animagus form as a rat and realized he had to get out to help Harry. He turned into his dog form and easily slipped out of prison without any Dementors realizing it. However, he wasn't the first person to escape Azkaban.
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Who is the weakest Death Eater in Harry Potter?

In fact, some of these Death Eaters are so weak that most fans of the series don't even know who they are.
  • 8 Jugson. ...
  • 7 Walden Macnair. ...
  • 6 Mulciber. ...
  • 5 Nott. ...
  • 4 Augustus Rookwood. ...
  • 3 Evan Rosier. ...
  • 2 Thorfinn Rowle. ...
  • 1 Selwyn.
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Did Hagrid become a Death Eater?

He is closely associated with the Order of the Phoenix, and has explicitly denied the anti-Muggle/Muggle-born ideology of the Death Eaters. There is quite literally NO plausible way Hagrid could be or ever have been a Death Eater.
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Did Malfoy become a Death Eater?

Draco Malfoy

Draco becomes a Death Eater in his sixth year at Hogwarts and is assigned to kill Dumbledore. However, he fails and Dumbledore is ultimately killed by Snape. Draco, like his family, is part of Slytherin house. Draco repaired a vanishing cabinet to let the Death Eaters in from the inside.
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Who created Dementors?

they come from Azkaban, which wasent originally a prison, but a fortress build by an old "science" dark wizard (Ekrizdis). It states online that "dementors are born where there is so much pain and suffer in the air that it can materialise it self".
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Why did Dumbledore hate Dementors?

Albus Dumbledore harbors an intense dislike of dementors, noting he has long felt the Ministry of Magic erred in "allying" with such creatures, implying that dementor society in general exists apart from the general wizarding world.
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How did Voldemort get control of the Dementors?

Voldemort's affinity for dark magic means he is not a threat to the Dementors and is why he can control them, so even though he does not produce a Patronus in the Harry Potter franchise, it does not mean that he cannot.
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Who controls Dementor?

The Ministry was able to control the Dementors.
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Is Snape good or bad?

Snape's true intentions were revealed in the final Harry Potter installment, showing that he was never truly evil but was instead protecting Harry from Voldemort.
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Can Dementors fly?

In the films, Dementors also appear to possess the ability of unsupported flight, which differs from the books, where they are described to merely glide over the ground.
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