Why do wizards need the Knight Bus?

For witches and wizards who are Floo-sick, whose Apparition is unreliable, who hate heights or who feel frightened or queasy taking Portkeys, there is always the Knight Bus, which appears whenever a witch or wizard in urgent need of transportation sticks out their wand arm at the kerb.
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Why do wizards need the night bus if they can apparate?

The Knight Bus is one of the most versatile and useful means of transportation for the wizarding community. Whether a witch or wizard can Apparate or not or has the money for a broom or the authorization to connect to the Floo Network, anyone can take the Knight Bus.
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What is the point of the Knight Bus?

A magical bus that appeared whenever a witch or wizard was in urgent need of transportation, all they had to do was stick a wand arm out at the kerb for it to instantly appear. Distinctive in appearance, the Knight Bus was purple and triple-decker with seats during the day and beds at night.
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Why can't muggles see the Knight Bus?

The reasoning given by Stan Shunpike for muggles not seeing the Knight Bus is that they do not notice; they do not see what is in front of them because they never really look.
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Can a Muggle go to Azkaban?

Those who could not prove that they had magical heritage — in other words, any Muggle-born and potentially some half-bloods — were sentenced to Azkaban for having "stolen" magic. Some, however, were apparently released after being stripped of their wands and their jobs, and ended up homeless.
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Wizards Unite - HOW to Find Friends on the Knight Bus

Can Muggle see Dementor?

Even Muggles feel their presence, though they can't see them. Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself...
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Why didn't Harry just apparate?

Harry was still underage at the point, but he was holding Dumbledore's arm, and therefore the Ministry would not have Traced him. After Harry turned 17, he Apparated at least once alone to Grimmauld Place under his Invisibility Cloak, and several times side-along with Hermione and Ron under the cloak.
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What if Harry didn t destroy Elder Wand?

At the end of Deathly Hallows (the book), Harry simply leaves the Elder Wand intact, so it can die with him. So, if Harry is ever disarmed in ANY SITUATION, the Elder Wand will revert to that person.
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What happens if you get sent to Azkaban?

Most of the prisoners inside its walls died of despair, having lost the will to live. This was due to the presence of Dementor guards on the island. Dementors drained people of all happiness and left them with their worst memories. Long-term exposure usually led to insanity and even death.
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Is the Knight Bus Guy a Death Eater?

Stanley "Stan" Shunpike (born c. 1975) was a wizard and was the conductor and helper of the Knight Bus. In 1996, he was arrested and sent to Azkaban for being a Death Eater when he was overheard claiming to have inside information about the organisation, although in all likelihood, he was only fooling around.
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Can the Knight Bus go to Hogwarts?

In January 1996, Harry, Ron, and Hermione travelled back to Hogwarts from 12 Grimmauld Place on the Knight Bus after the Christmas holidays.
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Why did Harry choose the Leaky Cauldron?

Harry only discovered the Knight Bus in Third year when he ran away from home, fearing he was expelled from Hogwarts. Once found, Fudge thought it would be a good idea if Harry stayed at the Leaky Cauldron, somewhere he'd be safe and surrounded by grown wizards/witches.
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Why can only Dumbledore apparate in Hogwarts?

Dumbledore is the only person who can both apparate and disapparate from the school grounds, since he is the headmaster, and then only from certain locations, such as the top of the astronomy tower, which presumably protrudes above the domain of the anti-apparation charm.
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Why do wizards use portkeys if they can apparate?

Useful for transporting large numbers of people, for instance to the Quidditch World Cup, or for wizards and witches who were unable to Apparate, Portkeys were fast, easy and if not comfortable - mostly safe. Non-magical people could use Portkeys, as Jacob Kowalski found out when Newt Scamander introduced him to one.
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Can Dumbledore apparate without a wand?

Apparition as a Bystander

You will need see or hear a wizard using an incantation to apparate. While a wand is in fact needed to apparate, there is no incantation involved. Particularly powerful witches and wizards can apparate without a wand, such as Albus Dumbledore.
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Why did Dumbledore let Voldemort get the Elder Wand?

Unbeknownst to Snape, Dumbledore had also done this to ensure that when Snape killed him, Dumbledore would not unintentionally be "defeated" (as they had agreed to it beforehand, the Elder Wand's power will end with Dumbledore, who was ready to accept death) and thus the mastery of the Elder Wand would be vanquished ...
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Was Harry's son put in Slytherin?

After arriving at Hogwarts, Albus and his fellow students attended the Sorting ceremony. The Sorting Hat placed Rose in Gryffindor and both Scorpius and Albus in Slytherin, to the surprise of many.
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How was Draco able to disarm Dumbledore?

The plot also had another unintended but fortuitous side-effect: when he came to confront Dumbledore on top of the Astronomy Tower, Draco used the Disarming Charm upon him and in so doing, inadvertently won the allegiance of the Elder Wand for himself. At the time, no one realised this, not even Draco or Snape.
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Why 7 Potters?

Just as Tom Riddle split his soul in seven parts through Horcruxes to preserve his life, Harry Potter "split" into seven "bodies" to preserve his life. Instead of accomplishing this by killing people, Harry's friends volunteered to help him in this task out of love.
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Why didn't Hermione save Dobby?

Honestly, Hermione knew Dobby was a lost case... nothing could have revived Dobby after the attack or she would have definitely helped Harry with Dobby considering she was the girl who started S.P.E.W(Society for the Elfish welfare) and fought for elf rights. There was nothing to be done at that point.
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Why did Lily Potter not disapparate?

Though James and Lilly are talented indeed, they did not master wandless magic and unfortunately they did not have their wands with them the night of the attack which means that they weren't able to preform magic which includes apperation.
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What happens if a Muggle sees magic?

If, by unfortunate means, Muggles do happen to observe the working of magic, the Ministry of Magic sends Obliviators to cast Memory Charms upon them, causing them to forget the event. Some Muggles are aware of the wizarding world.
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Why did Lupin stop the Boggart?

Later, Professor Lupin explained that the reason he didn't let Harry face the Boggart was that he thought Harry's Boggart would turn into Lord Voldemort, and he didn't want to panic the students.
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What happens when a Dementor feeds on you?

Dementors feed off human happiness, and thus cause depression and despair to anyone near them. They can also consume a person's soul, leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state, and thus are often referred to as "soul-sucking fiends" and are known to leave a person as an "empty-shell."
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