Why does Dooku want to capture Palpatine?

In 20 BBY, bounty hunter Moralo Eval, at the time under the employment of Confederacy of Independent Systems Head of State and Sith Lord Count Dooku came up with a plan to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to strike a decisive blow against the Galactic Republic.
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Did Dooku want to destroy Sidious?

Dooku believed that both the Jedi and Sith were corrupt and wanted to destroy them both. Dooku's vision for the Empire was to eliminate corruption and negotiate with Force users, but he was manipulated by Darth Sidious.
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Why did Dooku side with Palpatine?

Embracing the Sith teachings

They had a long discussion, and Dooku found that Palpatine's goals were not dissimilar to his own. Despite the recent death of Dooku's apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn at the hands of Darth Maul, Darth Sidious found it surprisingly easy to convince Dooku to ally with the Sith.
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Was Count Dooku planning to overthrow Palpatine?

Count Dooku Truly Wanted To Overthrow Palpatine With Obi-Wan

Even before Obi-Wan discovered that Dooku had fallen to the dark side, he refused out of loyalty to the Republic and distaste for the Separatists' oppressive leadership.
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Did Dooku know that Palpatine was Sidious?

Until the war was over and the galaxy was united, there was no reasonable way for him to take “total control”. He also tried to tell Obi-Wan in Episode II. Count Dooku knew that Palpatine was Sidious.
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Why Didn't Count Dooku Expose Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith? Star Wars Explained

Why did Dooku try to kidnap Palpatine?

In 20 BBY, bounty hunter Moralo Eval, at the time under the employment of Confederacy of Independent Systems Head of State and Sith Lord Count Dooku came up with a plan to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine to strike a decisive blow against the Galactic Republic.
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Why did Count Dooku betray Yoda?

Once a Jedi -- trained by Yoda -- he became disillusioned with the Jedi Order and thirsted for greater power. Dooku voluntarily left the light side behind and became Darth Sidious' dark side disciple, taking the secret name Darth Tyranus and leading the Separatist army.
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Why does Count Dooku tell Obi-Wan?

So, it's easy to believe that Dooku really meant what he said and hoped that he and Obi-Wan could wipe out all the corruption, including Sidious. Regardless, the Jedi's hubris proved to be their downfall. Dooku revealed a massive part of the Sith plan to them, but they couldn't bear to question their judgment.
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Why didn't Dooku use his Sith name?

Why didn't Count Dooku have a Sith name? He did have a sith name it was Darth Tyranus. However Count dooku was quite different compared to the other sith in the fact that he didn't really submerge himself fully in the dark side and that's why he never had sith eyes.
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Why didn't Count Dooku have Sith eyes?

While Dooku may be powerful enough to hide his Sith eyes, there is another reason for his unusual appearance. Dooku's eyes were never yellow because he did not have the same motivation and emotions as other Sith. Dooku was an idealist who left the Jedi because he thought they had lost their way.
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Was Count Dooku actually a good guy?

While serving Darth Sidious, Dooku is a ruthless terrorist and warlord, whose methods included torture, murder, and even genocide. However, before turning to the dark side, he was a respected Jedi Master, having been trained by Yoda and served as the Master of Qui-Gon Jinn.
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Was Dooku more a grey Jedi than Sith?

No dooku was first jedi then sith lord. He was independent thinker and used/experienced both sides of the force but not grey jedi.
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Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

Summary. Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.
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Did Maul ever meet Dooku?

The two were able to free Maul after he had been interrogated by the Sith Lord Count Dooku, and together the three rendezvoused with more Death Watch forces on the moon of Zanbar. Maul took command of his forces once again, and assured them that the war they had longed for was at hand.
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Who knew Dooku was a Sith?

In the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the Jedi Order learned that Count Dooku was a Sith Lord in the film "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones." The revelation occurred during the course of the movie's events, which were set approximately ten years after the events of "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace."
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What was Count Dooku's Jedi name?

Count Dooku's real name, Dooku, was more fitting than his Sith title, Darth Tyranus, as it speaks to his manipulative nature. Dooku played a crucial role in weakening the Jedi and the Republic from within, planting doubt and eroding trust.
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Why does Yoda scream when fighting Dooku?

It was a scream, of strong frustration, rage, or grief, emitted through the Force.
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Is Darth Maul more powerful than Dooku?

Overall, Dooku was far more equipped to become a Sith Master than Maul was. Had he managed to overthrow Palpatine, Dooku would have been able to use his position, combat abilities, and dark side Force powers to take his place on the throne Palpatine had carved.
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Why was Obi-Wan so useless against Dooku?

Obi-Wan does quite well against every other foe he has faced, if not outright defeated them. But both times he went against Dooku he got easily defeated. Because Qui-Gon was taught by Dooku, so Dooku knows all about Obi-Wan's techniques and fighting style.
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