Why does Frankenstein destroy the Monster's female companion?

Why does Frankenstein destroy the Monster's female companion? Frankenstein decides that he has a moral duty to destroy the female companion he is making for the Monster. He realizes that even if the Monster is not innately evil, he can't be sure the female companion won't turn out to be evil.
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Why did Frankenstein destroy the bride?

Victor gets as far as constructing the body only to destroy it in a moment of “ethical concern.” He fears The Bride will corrupt and disrupt the world as the monster has. Her potential for killing joy is the reason he destroys her. Interestingly, he also questions the ethics of creating a creature against their will.
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Why does Frankenstein decide to destroy the creatures mate?

Given these potential consequences, Victor decides he would be selfish to provide the creature a mate to save himself from the creature's persecutions, so he destroys the female. It is a decision based on projected outcomes, but it misses the extent of the ethical problem.
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What are the reasons Victor decides to destroy the female creature?

Victor Frankenstein creates a monster and promises him a bride of his kind not to be lonely. But the scientist changes his mind. He fears that male and female creatures will procreate. Their unnatural children could terrify and destroy future generations.
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Why did the creature in Frankenstein want a female companion?

The monster feels lonely, isolated, and rejected by his creator, he craves the love and attention of a companion or creator like any child would. Victor Frankenstein agrees to make a second monster as a companion for his first monster so that the monster won't be lonely.
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“Mothering Monsters: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” by Anne K. Mellor

Why did the creature want a female?

The Creature wants Victor to feel what it is like to be him. Without any females to care for Victor there is only cold wasteland left. Therefore nature represents the unappreciated female qualities that strike back once Victor has taken actions too far which ultimately leads to his demise.
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What does Victor destroy the female creature by ultimately doing?

By stealing the female's control over natural reproduction, Victor has eliminated the female's primary biological function and source of cultural power. Indeed, as a male scientist who creates a male creature, Victor eliminates the biological necessity for females at all.
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Why does Victor decide to destroy the female monster quizlet?

After he had created the monster he destroyed her because he was worried that they would cause havoc. He was afraid that they would create more monsters and that the monsters would cause havoc.
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What does Victor see immediately before he destroys the female creature?

As he is standing over the partially constructed mate one evening, Victor looks up at the laboratory window and sees the creature smiling back at him. Victor is overcome by loathing and anger. He immediately destroys the creature's mate while the creature watches.
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How does the monster convince victor to build him a female companion?

The monster tells Victor that he and his female companion would live peacefully in the wilds of South America, acorns and berries would provide sufficient nourishment for them, and they would avoid humanity forever. To deny him this request would be cruel and pitiless.
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Why does Victor begin to create a companion for the creature but he then destroys it before it is finished?

One night in his laboratory, Victor starts to fear that his new creation might not stay away from humans, or that the two creatures might breed a "race of devils." At this moment he looks up and observes the monster "grinning" at the window. Overcome by repugnance, Victor demolishes his work.
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When the creature asked for a female partner why did victor refuse?

Still feeling animosity toward the monster, Victor is reluctant to create a mate for it. His prejudice against the monster's appearance initially stops him from doing something that might alleviate the monster's distress and lessen the impact of humanity's rejection.
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When he sees his companion destroyed what does the creature do?

What does the monster do when Victor destroys his companion-to-be? He vows that he will get revenge on Victor's wedding night. He breaks into Victor's lab to rescues the pieces himself.
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What does the bride of Frankenstein symbolize?

While the she symbolizes free thought, shown in her unwillingness to become a mate to Doctor Frankenstein's monster, our bride ultimately seeks to act as the catalyst for social change, spurring her own destruction through independence from man.
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Who was the creature's first victim?

After discovering that he will never be seen as anything other than a horrific monstrosity, the creature wants revenge against his creator. At Geneva, he encounters William Frankenstein, Victor's youngest brother. The creature murders him and frames Justine Moritz.
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What happens to Frankenstein's wife?

After realizing she has the same scars as he, she understands what Victor did to her. Victor and the Monster fight for Elizabeth, but she feels disgusted with herself. She rejects both men with guttural cries and commits suicide by setting herself on fire.
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Why does Victor decide to marry Elizabeth immediately?

He loves Elizabeth and wants one last moment of happiness before his death. Victor is also worried that, if he delays his wedding, the monster may act out with more violence. He writes back and tells Elizabeth that there is no one else and that he will marry her.
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What happens after watching his female companion torn to bits?

After watching his female companion torn to bits, the creature makes an eloquent defense and vows Victor will “repent of the injuries (he) inflicts.” Is the creature justified in his feelings? Why or why not? What is Shelley's purpose in his defense? After hearing of Clerval's murder, Victor falls ill once again.
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Why did Frankenstein isolate himself to create the female monster?

Isolation is initially seen as a self-imposed state by Frankenstein. His desire to be alone to contem- plate his scientific passions or his destined destruction portray isolation as a catalyst for ambition and its consequences.
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What is the monster's specific threat once Victor destroys the female creature?

What does the creature threaten to do when Victor destroys the female? He will get revenge on him either by killing Victor or by murdering one of his loved ones.
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Which of these is not a reason that victor destroys the female creature?

True. The creature never wants to kill Victor, but to bring him everlasting misery. Which of these is NOT a reason that Victor destroys the female creature before bringing her to life? He is afraid the local people living near his hut are suspicious while he builds her.
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Does Victor ever reconsider his actions after he destroys the female creature explain?

Does Victor ever reconsider his actions after he destroys the female creature? Yes, and he resolves that it would be an act of atrocious selfishness. Victor then banishes this thought from his mind to prevent different conclusions.
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Why does Victor change his mind about creating the female who watches him destroy the female and what does the creature promise to do to Victor?

Why does Victor change his mind about creating the female? Who watches him as he destroys the female? Victor changes his mind because he does not want the female to breed other monsters. The creature sees Victor tear apart the body.
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Is Frankenstein a feminist?

Shelley's subversion of culturally imposed, patriarchal, literary tenets allowed her to write Frankenstein as a proto-feminist birth myth.
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How did the Creature save the girl?

More Hatred and William's Death

He sees a young girl playing in the woods. She slips and falls into a stream, and he rushes to save her. However, she was not alone; one of the men she was with immediately grabs her from the Creature's arms and flees. He runs after them, and the man shoots the Creature in the shoulder.
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