Why does Jack have the Doctor's hand?

The right hand of the Tenth Doctor was severed by the Sycorax leader shortly after the Doctor's regeneration. At some point, Captain Jack Harkness had acquired it and brought it to the Torchwood Three hub.
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Why does Jack Harkness have the Doctor's hand?

Severed hand

After the Tenth Doctor's hand was severed by a sword during the Sycorax invasion of Earth ("The Christmas Invasion"), the hand was recovered by Jack Harkness.
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Was Jack in love with the Doctor?

Discussing whether his character could ever find a soulmate, John Barrowman refutes that Jack "likes everybody, and his love for each person is different". He believes that Jack does harbour romantic feelings toward the Doctor, but "would never take that beyond infatuation" and "would never let the Doctor know".
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How did Jack become immortal?

Jack was shot by a Dalek and then brought back to life by Rose, Rose couldn't control what she was doing so she brought him back to life forever, Jack is now immortal. The Doctor wasn't comfortable with what had happened so he ran from the scene leaving Jack behind on Satellite 5.
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Why is Jack from Doctor Who immortal?

Rose Tyler as the Bad Wolf is a one-off phenomenon - a rare combination of Time Lord energy and human biology that allows Billie Piper to grant Jack his immortality. But the Bad Wolf's power is still Gallifreyan in nature, and it's well established that Time Lords can only cheat death for so long.
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When Doctor Who's continuity is on point: Handy Spare Hand

Who brought Jack back to life?

Rose brings him back to life while suffused with the power of the time vortex, but when the power leaves her she doesn't remember doing it.
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Does Jack ever meet the 11th Doctor?

Captain Jack Harkness was one of the Doctor's foremost allies, but the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors never met him. Why did Jack disappear until now? Doctor Who's Captain Jack Harkness was a longtime ally of Doctors Nine and Ten, but then he disappeared from the scene until his recent arrival to help Thirteen.
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Is Captain Jack really the Face of Boe?

Captain Jack Harkness becomes the Face of Boe in Doctor Who, revealed in season 3 as a nickname he used. The show never officially confirms how Jack transforms, but it can be traced back to the season 1 finale when Rose Tyler saves him from death.
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Why is Rose called Bad Wolf?

After looking into the Heart of the TARDIS, the Time Vortex itself filled Rose Tyler, who then temporarily became the Bad Wolf entity. She scattered the two words throughout time as a sign to herself that she was linked to The Doctor, creating a looped ontological paradox.
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Do they know Jack Jack has powers?

In the first movie, the only people who see Jack-Jack's powers are the babysitter, Kari McKeen, and the villain, Syndrome. From their vantage point on the ground, the Parr family missed out on the aerial fight between Syndrome and Jack-Jack, and they're certainly not home when he tortures the unwitting babysitter.
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Does Jack sleep with Kate?

Jack and Kate eventually moved in together and became engaged before breaking up. They did spend one night together after Jack convinced her to return to the island.
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Did the Doctor know Jack was alive?

Jack's alive!" when TARDIS left Satellite Five, but then The Doctor reveals in "Utopia" that he knew all along.
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Is Captain Jack a time lord?

"Captain Jack Harkness" was the alias adopted by Time Agent and con man Javic Piotr Thane (AUDIO: Month 25) from the 51st century who became an associate and occasional companion of the Doctor.
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Can Jack Harkness regrow limbs?

He can regenerate fully destroyed limbs or body parts, recover his life-force. Each time Jack came back to life, he would awaken with a very deep gasp of breath as his respiratory system resumed its functions.
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Why was Jack Harkness called the face of Boe?

Speculation that Captain Jack Harkness might be the Face of Boe occurred after he revealed that he was the only person from the Boeshane Peninsula, to become a Time Agent, earning him the nickname of 'The Face of Boe'.
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Can Captain Jack fly the Tardis?

This isn't really a thread the show picks up on again; at the end of the three-parter, the Doctor asks Jack to travel with him again, and in Journey's End the TARDIS lets him fly her no problem at all.
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What did Dr Who whisper to Rose?

In the Doctor Who Confidential episode End of an Era, executive producer Julie Gardner confirmed that the intention was that the new Doctor did indeed say "I love you" when he whispered in Rose's ear. On screen, this character was only ever referred to as the Doctor.
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Why is Rose Tyler so important?

Rose holds so much importance to both the character of the Doctor and the DNA of the modern era show. Rose is the one who gave the Doctor the humanity lost in the Time War, taught him how to love, showed him to have compassion, and was the one who would ultimately help the Doctor out of his lowest point.
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Does Dr Who Love Rose?

Truly, madly, deeply

To some, companion Rose Tyler was the greatest love of the Doctor's life. He seemed to have a closer bond with her than almost anyone he'd travelled with before, and as time went on it was increasingly clear that she was deeply in love with him.
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Who does Captain Jack owe a debt to?

Jack is approached by a reincarnated Bootstrap Bill Turner, Will's long-deceased father, who reveals he is now part of the crew of The Flying Dutchman captained by Davy Jones, and Jack must pay his debt to him - Jack asking Jones to raise his ship from the depths and make him captain for thirteen years.
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How does Clara become immortal?

Clara was forced to face the Raven, killed by the touch of a Quantum Shade. However, death would not be the end for the impossible girl, and using Time Lord technology, the Doctor was able to extract Clara a second before her death, between one heartbeat and the next.
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Who betrayed Captain Jack?

Three days into the voyage, the first mate of the Pearl, Hector Barbossa, tricked Captain Jack Sparrow into giving up the bearings to Isla de Muerta. That night, mutineers led by Barbossa overtook the Black Pearl and marooned their former captain to die on a deserted island.
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Was the 11th Doctor autistic?

Does the Doctor have Asperger's, the interviewer asks bluntly? "No, he does not," Smith retorts a mite crossly. "That's too easy a choice. 'Oh someone's strange, let's give them Asperger's.
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Does River recognize the 12th Doctor?

River meets the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) for the first time in the 2015 Christmas special, "The Husbands of River Song." She doesn't recognize this incarnation of the Doctor, so he remains incognito for most of the episode, before finally revealing that he's the Doctor.
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Did the 11th Doctor Love River?

The Doctor loved River Song enough that he suppressed the urge to roam for over two decades. This is something he was never able to do before River, and has never done again since.
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