Why does Jack try killing Ralph?

By the end of the story, Jack is so obsessed with power and his hate for Ralph that he would do anything to get rid of him, including hunting him like an animal and killing him. Jack burns down the jungle in an attempt to flush Ralph out, which, ironically, catches the attention of a passing ship and gets them rescued.
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Why does Jack need to destroy Ralph?

Each serves as the others symbolic enemy. Jack symbolizes a descent into savagery and Ralph symbolizes society and order. As long as the other exists the other can never truly be in power. Jack must destroy Ralph and all he stands for.
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Why does Jack fight Ralph?

Ralph struggles to make Jack understand the importance of the signal fire to any hope the boys might have of ever being rescued, but Jack orders his hunters to capture Sam and Eric and tie them up. This sends Ralph into a fury, and he lunges at Jack. Ralph and Jack fight for a second time.
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Why does Jack rebel against Ralph?

The first one is Jack's thread. His frustration with not being "chief" of the group comes to a head, and he decides to withdraw from the group. He chooses to go into the woods with his hunters and leave Ralph and Piggy with a few others at the hut on the beach.
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Why did Jack turn evil Lord of the Flies?

When Ralph is elected leader Jack is far from happy and spends the rest of the novel trying to win back the power he has lost. To do so he has to form a separate group and then rules them with terror and fear. In the end Jack is a vicious dictator.
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Ralph Character Guide for Lord of the Flies: Summary, Key Quotes and Analysis for English Literature

Why does Jack want Ralph dead?

By the end of the story, Jack is so obsessed with power and his hate for Ralph that he would do anything to get rid of him, including hunting him like an animal and killing him. Jack burns down the jungle in an attempt to flush Ralph out, which, ironically, catches the attention of a passing ship and gets them rescued.
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Why did Jack go crazy in Lord of the Flies?

Perhaps acting out of some guilt he is unable to acknowledge, Jack becomes paranoid and begins feeding misinformation to his tribe, a typical practice of dictatorships to control the collective thinking by controlling the information that is disseminated.
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Who is stronger Jack or Ralph?

Who is a better leader in Lord of the Flies? Ralph is a better leader as he works to make sure the boys get rescued. Jack is a more effective leader because he gathers support for himself quickly, but he is a poor leader because he is unconcerned with being rescued.
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Does Ralph ask Jack why he hates him?

At one point, Ralph calls on the knowledge passed on to him by Piggy and challenges Jack directly by asking him, "Why do you hate me?" He doesn't get an answer from Jack, but the reaction of the other boys is that "something indecent had been said." The boys recognize that Ralph is opening up the floodgates of ...
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Why is Ralph so mad at Jack?

Ralph is furious with Jack, because it was the hunters' responsibility to see that the fire was maintained. Jack and the hunters return from the jungle, covered with blood and chanting a bizarre song. They carry a dead pig on a stake between them.
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Why does Jack hate Ralph LOTF?

Why does Jack hate Ralph? From the beginning, Jack, who is the head choir boy back home, thinks he should be the chief, but the other boys choose Ralph. The tension between Ralph and Jack grows because Jack has different priorities—to hunt and have fun—than Ralph, who wants to hold onto civilization and get rescued.
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Why does Jack hit Piggy instead of Ralph?

Once Jack and the hunters return with a dead pig, Ralph blames Jack for the fire going out. Jack becomes defensive and takes out his anger by punching, slapping, and mocking Piggy.
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What happens to Piggy's body?

While Piggy admonishes the boys for becoming savages, Roger releases a huge boulder in Piggy's direction, knocking him off the cliff to his death on the rocks below. A large wave quickly carries off his body. Jack screams in victory at Ralph and then throws his spear at him.
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Why does Ralph cry at the end of the novel?

Why did Ralph cry at the end of ''Lord of the Flies''? Ralph cried because of the ''end of innocence'' and the ''darkness that lies in all men's hearts. '' He also wept for the loss of his friend, Piggy.
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Does Jack stab Ralph?

Jack declares himself chief, and hurls his spear at Ralph, which tears the skin and flesh over his ribs, then shears off and falls into the water.
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What causes the fight between Ralph and Jack?

Jack discovers a passionate enjoyment of hunting, and allows the signal fire to go out while killing a pig, leading to a clash with Ralph, who has seen a ship pass while the fire was out.
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Why does Jack want to hunt Ralph?

Jack and Roger want to kill Ralph in Lord of the Flies because they view him as an obstacle in their way of having fun and behaving like violent savages. Ralph represents everything Jack and Roger are opposed to, and as long as Ralph is alive, Jack and Roger feel like their uncivilized way of life is in jeopardy.
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How does Ralph annoy Jack?

Ralph, annoyed that Jack, like all the other boys, is unwilling to work on the huts, implies that Jack and the hunters are using their hunting duties as an excuse to avoid the real work. Jack responds to Ralph's complaints by commenting that the boys want meat.
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How does Jack manipulate Ralph to fight him?

In Chapter 5, Ralph's attempt to reason with the boys is ineffective; by Chapter 6, Jack is able to manipulate Ralph by asking him, in front of the other boys, whether he is frightened. This question forces Ralph to act irrationally simply for the sake of preserving his status among the other boys.
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Why is Jack the most evil in Lord of the Flies?

Jack in Lord of the Flies is power-hungry and impulsive. These traits make him a bad leader. He is also insecure, a trait that drives him to commit savagery and violence.
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How does Ralph hurt Piggy's feelings?

Piggy tries to join them as well, but Ralph tells him he can't come along. Piggy is hurt and humiliated, not just at Ralph's rejection but also because Ralph told all the other children that his name was Piggy, after he told him that he didn't want to be called that.
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Why is Piggy not considered to be chief?

He cannot be the leader himself because he lacks leadership qualities and has no rapport with the other boys. Piggy also relies too heavily on the power of social convention. He believes that holding the conch gives him the right to be heard.
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Why do the boys become savage in LOTF?

Without adult supervision and conventional society, the boys socially devolve and succumb to primitive instincts. Jack leads the boys into savagery.
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Who kills Piggy?

In Lord of the Flies, Roger is the one who kills Piggy.
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What mental illness does Jack have in Lord of the Flies?

The writer notices in the novel Narcissistic Personality Disorder, self defense mechanism, and violent behavior of a character named Jack Merridew.
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