Why is Beauty and the Beast a favorite?

The Romance They have a very mutual, well-developed, touching romance. They don't instantly fall in love at first sight, they both have to come halfway with each other. Belle helps the Beast regain his humanity and will to live. The Beast shows Belle that there is more to him than meets the eye.
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Why Beauty and the Beast is the best love story?

It demonstrates love in the boldest way because by definition it's selfless. So when Beast releases Belle from the agreement so she can save her father, we know it's purely for her benefit. It is a truly selfless act that shows Beast has finally learned to feel love for another person.
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Why is Beauty and the Beast so famous?

Along with its contemporaries, The Little Mermaid and Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast kicked off the Disney Renaissance, a movement that changed animation forever. Beauty and the Beast was the first animated film to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture. It actually won the Oscar for Best Musical or Comedy.
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Why the beauty and the beast is my favourite book?

Apart from the point that books are important and should be treated as precious gems, what Beauty and the Beast also teaches us is that we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. It could be ratty and torn and even though people don't want those damaged books, those could be the very ones that have hearts of gold.
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What's so special about this girl Beauty and the Beast?

Throughout the movie, Belle is portrayed as a woman with a great virtue that makes her beautiful as inside than outside. For instance, when her father loses his riches, Belle, agrees to do household chores with a lot of humanity and willingness. She never complains about the situation and doesn't lament on her loss.
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Beauty And The Beast: The Truth About Belle's Favourite Book

What is the overall message of Beauty and the Beast?

The moral of Beauty and the Beast is that we should value inward characteristics such as kindness over other superficial qualities, such as wit and appearance. This moral is presented by showing that Beauty valued the inward characteristics of Beast, and fell in love with him despite his outward appearances.
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What is the mental illness in Beauty and the Beast?

The original Beauty of Beauty and the Beast did suffer from Stockholm syndrome. She developed feelings for the Beast under duress, alone and unsupported, rather than through genuine connection. However, as the story has been altered for modern audiences, elements of Stockholm syndrome have all but vanished.
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What is the best part in Beauty and the Beast?

And now onto my favourite moments from the story (Disney film and original book)...
  1. Belle sacrificing her own freedom for her father's. ...
  2. The first time we lay eyes upon the library of dreams. ...
  3. Belle and Beast's first dinner together. ...
  4. When the Beast lets Belle go. ...
  5. The swoon moment where they live happily every after.
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Who is the Favourite character in Beauty and the Beast?

There's no doubt that the most likeable character within Beauty and the Beast was absolutely Belle. She is the princess here, but she's not the stereotypical type of person that would fit into this slot. Belle is a very intelligent, kind, and caring individual who is all about thinking of others before herself.
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Is Beauty and the Beast about love?

Beauty and the Beast is generally considered one of the most romantic movies of all time, so yeah, l'amour is front and center. Belle and the Beast follow the classic arc of hating each other so much, it must be love.
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What impact did beauty and the beast have on society?

The biggest shift both Beauty and Beast have endured is their roles in modern tales. Beauty has undergone a subtle yet significant change as modern authors choose not to make her beautiful. The modern Beauty is not ugly, but she is no longer considered undeniably beautiful by all who see her.
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Is Beauty and the Beast a good story?

In fact the original fairy tale is probably the best of all fairy tales and even though that is just my subjective opinion the premise, characters and overall story is pretty solid and you can understand why Disney have had success with it.
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Is Beauty and the Beast popular?

Parents need to know that Beauty and the Beast (remade in live action in 2017) is one of Disney's most beloved "princess" stories -- and the first animated film to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.
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Did Beauty sleep with the Beast?

Beauty finally agrees to sleep with the Beast and marry him in the original Villeneuve. The Beast then sleeps beside her during the night, although no other activities beyond Beauty's mysterious dreams are described.
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Who is Beauty and the Beast rival?

Gaston doesn't care about the village very much, even if he genuinely does believe the Beast is a threat. Everything he wants is to slaughter his rival so he can have Belle as his property. By the time of his demise, Gaston feels that if he cannot have Belle, nobody can.
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How would you describe the beast in Beauty and the Beast?

He has the head structure and horns of a buffalo, the arms and body of a bear, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the jaws, teeth, and mane of a lion, the tusks of a wild boar and the legs and tail of a wolf. He also bears resemblance to mythical monsters like the Minotaur or a werewolf.
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Is Beauty and the Beast good for kids?

In addition to the violent scenes mentioned above, Beauty and the Beast has some scenes that could scare or disturb children under five years. For example: The castle and the surrounding forest are dark and scary. Wolves attack both Belle and her father in the forest, and these scenes are quite confronting and scary.
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What is the beauty in Beauty and the Beast called?

Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
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Which Disney character has schizophrenia?

Finally, let's consider Alice from Alice in Wonderland (Geronimi et al., 1951), who has symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
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What mental illness does Gaston have?

The writer wants to find signs of narcissistic personality disorder from movie chararter, so the writer chooses the tittle “Narcissistic Personality Disorder of Gaston's Character in Beauty and The Beast Movie Directed by Bill Condon” for final assigment.
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Why does Belle have schizophrenia?

Clearly, Belle is schizophrenic, and the strain of her efforts to reconcile the ease and luxury of an aristocratic lifestyle with the oppression and social injustice required to perpetuate its existence causes her to experience increasingly vivid hallucinations.
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What does beauty and the beast teach children?

Beauty and the Beast is a great portrayal of finding your inner self, voice, and strength and not falter. Bell shows unconditional love for her father and the Beast through the sacrifice she makes for both of them. Unconditional love is a rarity in our world.
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What lesson can you learn from Beauty and the Beast?

Ultimately, it really doesn't matter how good looking someone is, it's what's in their heart that will make a lasting impression. Belle sees right through the exterior to the intentions of people, and forms her bonds based on the kindness they show, not by how attractive they are.
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