Why is Blade Runner so praised?

The story is very compelling, and also very deep thematically. Blade Runner is further advantaged by memorable dialogue, superb direction by Scott and good pacing. I can understand why some are underwhelmed by the ending, I was at first, but the more I saw the film the more the ending made sense to me.
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Why is Blade Runner considered so good?

There is just so much going on in this film, from the backstory of its development and release, to its iconic production design, its heady philosophical themes about the Nature of Man and the sublime synthiness of its score. Often copied but never replicated, Blade Runner is a true masterpiece of cinema.
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Why is Blade Runner 2049 a masterpiece?

Blade Runner 2049 is certainly a Denis Villeneuve film with his impressive visuals, striking colours and imagery. The pacing of the film may be rather slow but probably it was the intention of Villeneuve to make the audience really take in the shots on screen.
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What is the bigger message of the Blade Runner?

By its conclusion, the film suggests that one's ability and willingness to perceive systemic social inequality is the true measure of humanity. Blade Runner trains us into awareness of flawed social hierarchies by repeatedly emphasizing eyes and connecting them with perception beyond the physical.
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Why is Blade Runner timeless?

The movie remains one of the most visually stunning in cinema history. It plots a planet of perpetual night, a landscape of shadows, rain and reflected neon (shone on windows or the eye) in a world not built to a human scale; there, the skyscrapers dwarf us like the pyramids.
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Blade Runner Tried To Warn You

Is Blade Runner about autism?

Ridley Scott's dystopian classic Blade Runner (1982) is reexamined in these autistic terms, where the cyborg characters are reconfigured as neuroqueer subjects, and the postmodern spectacle is reimagined as the empathetic core of a pro-disability message.
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What makes Blade Runner special?

Hailed for its production design depicting a high-tech but decaying future, the film is often regarded as both a leading example of neo-noir cinema and a foundational work of the cyberpunk genre. It has influenced many science fiction films, video games, anime, and television series.
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What is the deeper meaning behind Blade Runner?

Blade Runner raises the question of whether a constructed being should count as a person. In the movie, replicants lack legal rights and are not regarded as human. Similar questions are raised in later unrelated works such as Her and Westworld.
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Why is Blade Runner so dystopian?

There are many cultural and ecological issues that the film raises with its "silent spring" of a post-nuclear, polluted, overpopulated world coming to its end; where replicants, according to the slogan of their "maker", Doctor Eldon Tyrell, are made "more human than human"; and where animals are mostly extinct or ...
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Why was Blade Runner 2049 a flop?

Much like the original, Blade Runner 2049 became a cult hit but failed to thrive financially due to pacing issues, murky stakes and zero fun factor. Ridley Scott followed up the tremendous success of his science fiction horror film Alien with his cyber-noir thriller Blade Runner.
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Can I understand Blade Runner 2049 without watching the first?

The story continues from the original, but stands completely on it's own, it tells a new story that directly interlink with the original, but without trying to be a copy, it's a natural continuation in the same universe. You don't have to see the original Blade Runner first, though i do recommend it, see the final cut.
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What does Blade Runner 2049 teach us?

Blade Runner 2049 shows viewers a future in which humans have implemented an unethical approach to Artificial Consciousness. It is morally wrong to enslave K and the other replicants just because they are sentient beings.
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Why is Blade Runner so loved?

Blade Runner is quite simply wonderful, and not only is it one of Ridley Scott's best films, but also one of the best of the genre. For one thing, the visuals are superb. Not just in the special effects which are just mind-blowing but also in the cinematography, colours and sets.
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Is Blade Runner a slow burn?

Profoundly philosophical, engrossing to follow, and a seminal work in cyberpunk cinema, Blade Runner uses its slow pacing to gradually tell a deep, fascinating story of class, technology, and identity. It's exactly what the sci-fi genre was invented for.
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Is Blade Runner the best sci-fi movie ever?

Ryan Gosling plays a blade runner who goes in search of the original who disappeared three decades ago. This is, of course, a follow-up to the 1982 classic starring Ford, considered by many (including me) to be the best sci-fi movie of all time.
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Why is Blade Runner relevant today?

Although Replicants may still only exist in the realms of fantasy, Blade Runner still prompts relevant questions about human-computer interactions and the ethics of AI. In the world of Blade Runner, Replicants are simply tools that are to be used for the benefit of their owners.
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Why is everything dark in Blade Runner?

The film is rooted in a futuristic version of the film noir style. Film noir is traditionally shot with a low key lighting approach to play up the mystery and suspense of the film. The lighting scheme in Blade Runner helps achieve this same mysterious and suspenseful feeling.
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Is Blade Runner about capitalism?

As earlier mentioned, the Replicants are key to understanding a Marxist interpretation of Blade Runner. These highly overdetermined symbols enlighten the viewer to the methods employed by the capitalist gods who approach omnipotence, while at the same time exposing the weakness and injustice of the tactics.
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Why does love cry in Blade Runner?

She weeps when they suffer and is heartbroken when they die, but is incapable of acting to stop either. Like so many people who feel helpless in today's society, Luv is a prisoner to her programming. Luv's first very-human tears come as she witnesses a murder.
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Can someone please explain Blade Runner 2049?

Blade Runner 2049 mainly follows Officer K (Ryan Gosling), a Nexus-9 replicant used by the Los Angeles Police Department as a Blade Runner to track down and retire other rogue replicants. As a replicant, K is ostracized by the humans he works with, but as a Blade Runner, his job is to kill his own kind.
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What is the main message of Blade Runner?

“Blade Runner” intricately explores the theme of identity, delving into the complex struggle of defining humanity in a world where distinctions between artificial replicants and humans become indistinct.
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Is cyberpunk based on Blade Runner?

Blade Runner can be seen as a quintessential example of the cyberpunk style and theme. Video games, board games, and tabletop role-playing games, such as Cyberpunk 2020 and Shadowrun, often feature storylines that are heavily influenced by cyberpunk writing and movies.
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Is Deckard a bad guy?

All he wanted to do was leave the city that made him kill his own kind for entertainment, and live the rest of his life in peace. But, that didn't happen, all thanks to the 'heroic' Blade Runner. If Marlowe seems like the obvious bad guy in this situation, it's because he was–and so was Deckard in the original.
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