Why is the dance scene in Pulp Fiction so good?

Tarantino intended to pay tribute to his favorite musical scenes which “have always been in Godard, because they just come out of nowhere. It's so infectious, so friendly. And the fact that it's not a musical, but he's stopping the movie to have a musical sequence, makes it all the more sweet.
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Was the Pulp Fiction dance scene improvised?

John Travolta claimed that the dance scene was improvised

“I'd actually told Quentin about the dances I grew up with. The Twist is what he wanted, but I said, 'There were other fun dances from that era! The Spin, The Batman, The Hitchhiker.”
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What was so special about Pulp Fiction?

Tarantino's originality stems from his ability to focus on small details and follow them where they lead, even if they move the story away from conventional plot developments. Perhaps no screenplay has ever found a better use for digressions. Indeed, the whole film seems to consist of digressions.
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What is the controversial scene in Pulp Fiction?

Vincent turned to the backseat to ask for Marvin's opinion, but they hit a bump and Vincent accidentally shot Marvin in the face. Despite its themes, Pulp Fiction only has seven deaths, but they were graphic and shocking enough to cause controversy.
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Why was Pulp Fiction banned?

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Malaysia disregarded Pulp Fiction for release and banned the Quentin Tarantino film scenes featuring drug abuse, explicit nudity and sexual violence.
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The Pulp Fiction Dance Scene — A Masterclass in Tarantino Directing Subtext and Tension

Why is Pulp Fiction in a weird order?

Why Pulp Fiction Isn't In Chronological Order. While Quentin Tarantino's decision to tell the Pulp Fiction plot out of chronological order was partially stylistic, as he had just done so for the timeline of 1992's Reservoir Dogs, the nonlinear format also has a purpose in making the entire story more compelling.
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What is the overall message of Pulp Fiction?

Pulp Fiction deals with themes of redemption and karma. Thus, when Jules and Vincent narrowly miss being shot, Jules decides to retire from his bad business, but Vincent chooses to carry on. Jules' character faces a redemption arc, whereas Vincent does not, resulting in his death.
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Why was Pulp Fiction such a big deal?

Pulp Fiction is widely regarded as Tarantino's magnum opus, with particular praise for its screenwriting. The self-reflexivity, unconventional structure, and extensive homage and pastiche have led critics to describe it as a touchstone of postmodern film.
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Why did the bullets miss in Pulp Fiction?

A theory suggests that Brett's associate actually had a fake gun but didn't know it, which explains why he “missed” all his shots and why the revolver on the gun didn't move when he shot – plus, he was too close to Jules and Vincent to completely miss them.
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Why is the Pulp Fiction dance iconic?

What makes the Pulp Fiction dance a pearl in the sea of cinematic dances is its unexpectedness, delightful choreography, kitschy '50s diner setting, and the way it adds depth to the characters performing it.
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What is the twist in Pulp Fiction?

One of the more shocking narrative twists in Pulp Fiction is the death of Vincent Vega. After Butch betrays Marsellus by taking his money and winning the fight he was supposed to lose, Marsellus and Vincent head to Butch's home to kill him.
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What the heck is Pulp Fiction?

What is pulp fiction? Pulp fiction refers to a genre of racy, action-based stories published in cheaply printed magazines from around 1900 to the 1950s, mostly in the United States.
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Which famous Pulp Fiction scene was filmed backwards?

by injecting her with adrenaline? Well, during filming, instead of John Travolta sticking the needle. into Uma Thurman, they actually filmed him pulling the needle out of her. And in editing, they just reversed the footage.
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Why is the gimp scene in Pulp Fiction?

Apparently, The Gimp is a hitchiker who fell victim to Maynard and his brother. Plus, Tarantino intended for the poor guy to die by the end of the film: “It doesn't quite play this way in the movie, but in my mind when I wrote it, the Gimp's dead. Butch knocked him out and then when he passed out he hung himself.
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Why does Ving Rhames have a bandaid?

Almost gaining an equal amount of attention from Tarantino fans is the curious bandage on the back of Wallace's neck, which caused a whirlwind of rumors and theories. The truth behind the Band-aid is that on the day that they shot the scene, Ving Rhames nicked himself while shaving and used it to cover up the cut.
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Why is Pulp Fiction so praised?

Thanks to the use of a non-linear narrative structure, Tarantino has been able to incorporate a variety of key themes into the movie. Each subplot carries a significant key theme which is unique and different from the rest, and yet unites to form a thematic whole.
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How did Tarantino think of Pulp Fiction?

In an interview with the American Film Institute, Tarantino recalled: “Well, the idea in Pulp Fiction was the idea of taking the – I wouldn't say film noir, but the pulp genre that was represented in the case of magazines like Black Mask where you had Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett writing them.
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Why was Pulp Fiction groundbreaking?

Directed and written by the legendary Quentin Tarantino, Pulp Fiction is the high water mark of the postmodern film. This is because it indulges in copious self-referentiality, challenging structure, and a keen interest in pop culture. This is because the film challenges the traditional narrative structure.
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Why does he call him Ringo in Pulp Fiction?

Because Pumpkin is British. Jules calls him "Ringo" in reference to Ringo Starr. The drummer for British band, the Beatles.
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Why did Butch save Marcellus?

Marsellus wanted Butch dead, but after going through a series of unexpected and traumatic events together, Butch saved Marsellus – and a theory suggests it's because he was honoring the story Captain Koons (Christopher Walker) told him about his father.
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Why does Pulp Fiction have no plot?

Quentin Tarantino utilizes non-linear narrative in Pulp Fiction primarily as a tool to introduce the characters multiple times, through different character's perspectives, in all three timelines.
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What is the deeper meaning of Pulp Fiction?

Pulp Fiction is about our need for meaning in a world that appears meaningless. As an exercise, the next time you watch Pulp Fiction, pay attention to how much time is spent talking about names. The names of things: “What do they call a Big Mac?” “It's not a motorcycle baby, it's a chopper.”
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How old was Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction?

Uma Thurman was only 24 years old when she starred in Pulp Fiction as Mia Wallace, the wife of gang boss Marsellus Wallace who seamlessly dances the twist, overdoses on heroin and takes a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart all in one night.
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How disturbing is Pulp Fiction?

Parents need to know that this film glorifies violence, drug use, and sexual themes. Gunplay, robbery, swearing, drug use, drug dealing, lying, cheating, violence, male rape, sadomasochism, and driving under the influence. A character is shot in the face and it's played for jokes. In one extremely graphic scene (one…
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