Why was Worf wearing yellow in Picard?

By putting Worf in a yellow field jacket, the Picard writers' room and costume department imply that, following the Enterprise disaster, he's reverted to the Starfleet division in which he was always more comfortable.
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Why does Kirk wear yellow and Picard wear red?

Starfleet Uniform Variants In Star Trek

Each of the blue flight suits had colored piping around the shoulders reflecting yellow for command and red for operations.
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Why does Worf wear a gold sash?

One such addition to Worf is notable, not only because it's uniquely out of place in comparison to his fellow officers, but that it symbolizes the Klingons and his strained relationship with Klingon culture.
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What color uniform did Worf wear?

Worf started off on the Enterprise in the command division - a red uniform - as a relief officer. After Tasha Yar died, Worf took over for her as acting security chief - no longer a command position, but an operations position, therefore requiring a change of uniform from red to gold.
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What do the uniform colors mean in the Orville?

Command Level: Blue. Engineering Level: Orange. Science Level/Medical Bay: Green.
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Gowron Spits In Your Face

What is the difference between red and yellow uniforms in Star Trek?

As far as Starfleet is concerned, there are three central departments on a Starfleet vessel: Gold is for command, blue is for science/medical, and red is for engineering/security. In the days of "Star Trek: The Next Generation," the red and gold would be inverted.
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Why is everyone called Sir in The Orville?

'Sir' is used as gender-neutral term to address superior ranking officers in the series Star Trek and The Orville.
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Why is Worf wearing yellow in Picard?

By putting Worf in a yellow field jacket, the Picard writers' room and costume department imply that, following the Enterprise disaster, he's reverted to the Starfleet division in which he was always more comfortable.
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Why do Klingons look different in Worf?

The appearance of Klingons in Star Trek has evolved over time, with the original series using minimal makeup due to their tight budget. Later series introduced cranial ridges, and Discovery created a more alien look for the Klingons.
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What does Worf smell like?

Bashir and Chief O'Brien briefly discuss Worf's smell. In an attempt to save his feelings after a distasteful comment about Klingons being “foul-smelling,” they purport to like his scent! O'Brien describes it as an “earthy, peaty aroma” to which Bashir adds “with a touch of lilac.”
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Did Worf sleep with Troi?

Since Pierce was dead at the time of the action, there was no way that Worf and Troi could have interviewed him. And they were shown to have slept together after their interview with him. Also Geordi states that there were no bones found, so that was part of Deanna's vision too.
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Why does Troi not wear a uniform?

Summary. Troi wore civilian clothes for most of TNG to put her patients at ease as the ship's counselor and indicate her position. Captain Picard allowed Troi to wear civilian clothes on the bridge due to her empathic abilities and his disregard for unnecessary regulations.
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Does Worf marry Troi?

In another reality, Worf is first officer of the Enterprise, serving under Capt. Riker, who assumed command after Capt. Picard was killed by the Borg. He is married to Deanna Troi and has a daughter Shannara Rozhenko and a son Eric Christopher Rozhenko.
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Why does Kirk wear green sometimes?

Captain Kirk's green uniform in Star Trek: The Original Series is part of an overall happy accident. Originally, William Ware Theiss, who designed Star Trek's original Starfleet uniforms, intended Kirk's costume to be lime green.
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Why did Picard uniform change?

Captain's variant

The captain's uniform was designed by Robert Blackman to make Captain Picard stand out from the rest of his crew, at the suggestion of actor Patrick Stewart. [1] The creation of the jacket was prompted by Stewart raising complaints about how uncomfortable the standard duty uniforms were.
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What is the red lady in Picard?

The Red Lady is revealed to be a statue dedicated to Captain Rachel Garrett (Tricia O'Neil), which is being unveiled at the Starfleet recruitment center on M'Talas Prime. Cast purely in red, perhaps in tribute to the command colors of Starfleet uniforms, the statue is being dedicated in the run-up to Frontier Day.
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Is Worf 100% Klingon?

Worf is 100% Klingon by birth, although he was adopted by humans at a young age. B'elanna Torres, however was born to a Klingon mother and a Human father, so she is half Klingon, half Human.
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Is Worf half human Star Trek?

Worf isn't half-human, he was just raised by humans.
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Why did Kirk hate Klingons?

In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, Kirk's son David Marcus was killed by Klingons, and it hardened Kirk's heart. He hated Klingons for it and was furious when Spock set him up (three movies later with Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) as the escort and emissary for Klingon Chancellor Gorkon.
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Why did Picard call Worf a coward?

Picard was under severe emotional distress, but the crew was unwilling to call him out on it - except for Worf. When he expressed his concerns to Picard, he was called a coward - a huge insult in Klingon culture. Worf became visibly angry, and told Picard he would have killed him if he had been anyone else.
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Why does Q look older in Picard?

') The creators do go some way to explain this is the show. Q appears at first as the young that man Picard and audiences know, thanks to some fancy de-aging CGI. He would then snap his fingers to appear much older to match his old friend Picard, turning himself into de Lancie as he looks today.
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Who turned down Picard?

But as Beltran explained on Twitter, he declined to return. “I was offered an episode (first 2 then1) in Picard, but I simply did not like what they had written for Chakotay so I turned them down,” wrote Beltran.
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Why did they write Charlie out of the Orville?

The political subtext of Charly's sacrifice is reflective of The Orville's more mature new storytelling horizons. To tell the same story of a prejudiced character who makes the ultimate sacrifice with one of the existing Orville cast members would have required too much complicated retooling.
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Why is Dolly Parton in the Orville?

Her songs and music would help to inspire a revolution lead by the Moclan female author Heveena to protect other Moclan females on a sanctuary planet. Dolly's works would continue to inspire Heveena during her writings and she would eventually have the opportunity to meet a simulation of Dolly.
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Why was the Orville renamed?

In its Hulu-based season 3, the show was retitled The Orville: New Horizons. The New Horizons addition doesn't just refer to the series' new streaming home; it also alludes to the bigger budget, darker tone, and heavier themes that The Orville adopted after leaving the airwaves of Fox behind.
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