Why were old movies so good?

With them, it was easier to become attached to a character's story arc as there was a lot of time put into explaining their past and what led them to the moment you're watching. Previous research has also suggested that older movies introduced their viewers to different and 'better' worlds.
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Why did the 80s have so many good movies?

Use of green screens and CGI were rare back in the day. Budgets were also smaller. This meant movies relied on good practical FX and excellent story telling. The acting itself is a byproduct of the script.
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Why are old movies important?

Despite being made decades ago, these films still resonate with people today. The themes of love, loss, and tenacity are timeless and transcend the boundaries of time and space. Additionally, classic films provide a window into the past, giving us a glimpse into the values and attitudes of different eras.
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Why were movies better in the 90s?

Due to different things such as the reign of directors, filmmaking techniques of the time, and the general cultural landscape of the day, the 1990s produced some of the greatest and most memorable films of all time.
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Why do old movies look more real?

Older movies most likely minimized the use of special effects because the technology to make them look credible didn't exist yet. If the moviemakers of yore thought that heavy FX would bring in more box office, rest assured they'd have used them. That said, you can see some pretty imaginative effects in old flicks.
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Why I Mostly Just Watch Old Movies & TV Shows

Why are 90s movies so cozy?

Maybe it's the color grading that's used in so many 90s movies or the image noise that makes everything feel cozy and inviting. Or maybe it's the generic OST that so many movies from that era used, which creates a sense of familiarity that's comforting.
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Why do 90s movies look grainy?

Film grain used to be a natural part of filmmaking. That textured, “noisy” look of old movies was a side effect of shooting and recording onto celluloid film. It was a natural part of the process, and so it became something people automatically associated with watching a movie. Flashforward to 2020.
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Which decade had the best movies?

Most film scholars will tell you that the 1970s were the greatest decade of film.
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Why was 1994 such a good year for movies?

1994 is also cited as one of the greatest years for movies thanks to the booming American independent filmmaking scene and the number of high-quality movies made within the Hollywood studio system.
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Why are old movies relaxing?

Like children who love to hear the same story before they go to bed, we too love to hear a familiar story that lulls us to sleep. That is the key: the story. Stories that delve into the nature of the human spirit usually involve timeless themes.
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Why does everyone in old movies talk like that?

BrainStuff explains that the plummy, upper-crust accent is reminiscent of British aristocracy and was actually the style of speaking taught to students in New England boarding schools. The style includes enunciated T's -- in words like water or writer -- and dropped R's -- in words like winner or clear.
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What causes people to age in old movie?

Despite a cardiothoracic surgeon, a psychologist, and a nurse among them, the rapid aging on top of their socially distant location seals most of their fates. The beach itself causes cells to age in accelerated fashion, while would-be escapees run into an overwhelming magnetism that result in blackouts.
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Why are old movies rated so high?

Quantity vs quality. Another reason older movies receive higher ratings is because more and more movies are being made each year on average, and most of them are bad. Before digital videography became the mainstream in the 2000s, far fewer people had the resources to actually make a film.
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Why is Gen Z obsessed with the 80s?

Well, for Gen Z it's about the whole vibe. Many feel that the era represents a carefree time that was about having fun. Considering the stressful reality we've been experiencing over the last few years, it's no wonder Gen Z are feeling nostalgic for a simpler time.
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Why are we so obsessed with the 80s?

Part of why the '80s have stuck around because the fashion and aesthetic is so recognisable. But the true spirit of the decade – if there is one at all – isn't just about having big hair or saxophone solos. It's about the willingness to be flamboyant – and potentially embarrassing.
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Why do the 80s feel so nostalgic?

No other decade has shaped pop culture like the 1980s. Many of the most influential media franchises started during this decade. And that is why nostalgia for the 80s will last as long as those properties stay relevant. And there are no signs of big eighties brands slowing down any time soon.
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What is the oldest movie year?

1888 – Roundhay Garden Scene, the earliest surviving film by French inventor Louis Le Prince, is shot in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, through a groundbreaking 20 frames per second.
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When did movies become really popular?

Cinema's Golden Age

The advent of sound secured the dominant role of the American industry and gave rise to the so-called 'Golden Age of Hollywood'. During the 1930s and 1940s, cinema was the principal form of popular entertainment, with people often attending cinemas twice a week.
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Why is 1999 the best year for cinema?

It was also the year that Pedro Almodóvar released his Oscar-winning film, All About My Mother. The directors George Lucas, Stephen Sommers and The Wachowskis were able to kickstart infamous film franchises. There were certain actors that delivered brilliant performances in 1999 and went on to become big names.
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What is known as the greatest movie of all time?

1. Citizen Kane (1941)
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What was the first best movie ever recorded?

Citizen Kane is a 1941 American drama film directed by, produced by, and starring Orson Welles. Welles and Herman J. Mankiewicz wrote the screenplay. The picture was Welles' first feature film. Citizen Kane is frequently cited as the greatest film ever made.
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Which decade was known as the golden age of movies?

The Golden Age of Hollywood 1930s/1940s

The 1930s produced some of the most iconic films in cinema history. Think The Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for example. These movies seemed more magical than their predecessors for two groundbreaking reasons.
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Why are old movies jerky?

Economics dictated shooting closer to the threshold of the illusion, and most silent films were filmed around 16-18 frames per second (fps), then projected closer to 20-24 fps. This is why motion in those old silent films is so comical, the film is sped up: Charlie Chaplin.
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Why were old movies so shaky?

Older films were run through projectors and over time the sprocket holes would wear out a bit. This would cause the film image to not be totally steady in the projector gate. When tbose films were transfered to tape/digital those artifacts went along for the ride.
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Why do movies from 70s look so good?

The 1970s movies were still using film while the 1980s were going video. This makes everything look brighter. The cuts are also neater and sound is better. The 1970s movies aimed for looking gritty.
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