Are Jedi born or made?

With the exception of Anakin Skywalker, prospective Jedi were identified a short time after birth by the quantity of midi-chlorians in their blood, a factor which indicated the level of a subject's Force-sensitivity. Many of these children were listed within Jedi holocrons before being identified by the Order.
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How are Jedi made?

Babies with Force Sensitivities have been born even if both of their parents are not Force Sensitive. So, the Old Jedi Order actively scoured the galaxy for these babies and induct them into the Jedi Order.
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How do jedis reproduce?

Although the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones established that the Jedi Order members couldn't marry or have children, Star Wars creator George Lucas explained that despite their monastic culture, the Jedi were permitted to have sexual intercourse as long they didn't form attachments or possessive ...
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Who created the Jedi?

In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the founders of the Jedi Order were Jedi Masters Cala Brin, Garon Jard, Rajivari, and Ters Sendon.
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How did someone become a Jedi?

After years of training under a Jedi Master, Padawans deemed ready by their teachers face trials to test their skills and, if they succeed, they are knighted. Sometimes, performing extraordinary feat or demonstrating incredible courage can earn a Padawan the title of Jedi Knight.
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Darth Vader Vs Darth Maul

Who trained Yoda?

Legend had it that Yoda—a Jedi who became Grand Master—was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. A Force-sensitive Hysalrian, N'Kata Del Gormo was trained in the ways of the Force and achieved the rank of Master within the Jedi Order.
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Who is the first Jedi ever?

The very first Jedi in Star Wars canon is a nameless figure known as the Prime Jedi. He was likely the builder of the first Jedi Temple on Ahch-To, seen in The Last Jedi.
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Who is the deadliest Jedi?

10 Deadliest Jedi High Council Members
  • 8 Yoda.
  • 7 Mace Windu.
  • 6 Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • 5 Saesee Tiin.
  • 4 Kit Fisto.
  • 3 Agen Kolar.
  • 2 Depa Billaba.
  • 1 Anakin Skywalker.
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Who was the first Sith ever?

The strongest among the Exiles, Ajunta Pall, became the first to hold the title Dark Lord of the Sith. His contemporaries, such as Karness Muur and XoXaan, became Sith Lords. The human Dark Jedi interbred with the Sith species, who also had an affinity for the Dark Side. They would become the original Sith Empire.
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Who was the first Jedi with a lightsaber?

The First Blade was originally crafted by a Je'daii called the Weapon Master on Tython. During the Force Wars, Jedi High Council member Rajivari searched to retrieve the First Blade. He proved worthy of it, and was permitted to take the hilt.
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Can a Jedi have a girlfriend?

In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because it was believed they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry.
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Can a Jedi marry a Jedi?

In both canon and Legends, the Jedi Order forbade marriage for much of its history. In the new canon, the High Republic-era Jedi may have been allowed to form romantic relationships and marry, but this fell out of practice sometime before the prequels.
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Who is the fake Jedi?

In the Disney+ series "Obi-Wan Kenobi," Kumail Nanjiani got to pretend to be a Jedi in a world in which they actually exist. Nanjiani played the role of Haja Estree, a con man who pretends to be a Jedi, using tricks and subterfuge to convince people that he is one with the Force in exchange for credits.
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Can a normal person be a Jedi?

No. Not everyone is Force sensitive enough to become a Jedi. In fact it's fairly rare. Out of the trillions upon trillions of people in the galaxy only a few thousand become a Jedi.
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Can anyone be born a Jedi?

No, not at all. While the Jedi Order did its best to find as many Force-sensitive children and bring them into the fold as they could, the galaxy was simply too huge a place for too few a Jedi.
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Who is Anakin Skywalker's father?

Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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Why was KYLO Ren not a Darth?

Even though Kylo Ren uses a red lightsaber, harnesses the dark side of the Force, and wears a cape, he is not a Sith. Because of that, he can never hold the title of Darth. Instead, he was just a chaotic mess of the dark side (until he eventually found his way back to the light).
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Who killed Yoda?

A year later, in 4 ABY, with his health rapidly declining, Yoda died of old age when Skywalker returned to see him. He became one with the Force, shortly before Luke redeemed his father Anakin, who fulfilled his destiny as the Chosen One by killing Sidious.
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Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

Summary. Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.
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What race is Yoda?

The Jedi Master Yoda was the best-known member of a species whose true name is not recorded. Known in some sources simply as Yoda's species, this species of small carnivorous humanoids produced several well-known members of the Jedi Order during the time of the Galactic Republic.
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Who was the first girl Jedi?

Now She Could Determine the Future of the Star Wars Franchise. The ascendance of Ahsoka, from the Clone Wars to the new Rosario Dawson-starring Disney series, opens up exciting new paths for storytelling.
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What was the first lightsaber?

The earliest known functional lightsabers were called the First Blade, built on Tython and the Ryo Fortress on The planet Shikaakwa. Prior to this news, the items were created in the Force Wars by an unknown Je'daii Master with the help of the Shikaakwa people, the title would known only as the Weapon Master.
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What Jedi rank is Yoda?

By the time of the Invasion of Naboo, two hundred years after the Great Disaster, the still-living Yoda was the sole holder of the rank of Grand Master. Yoda had trained generations of Jedi for eight centuries, and continued as Grand Master through the Clone Wars.
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