Are the Star Trek cartoons canon?

Until 2010, everything outside of the live-action television episodes and films were "traditionally" considered non-canonical, including The Animated Series. However, large portions of the fan base, as well as Star Trek affiliates, supported The Animated Series being adopted as fully canonical.
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Is Star Trek: The Animated Series considered canon?

The biggest is whether or not Star Trek: The Animated Series is canon. The short answer is "yes," though it took a convoluted path there, and its status remained open on the canon front for many years. Furthermore, its cheap animation and weird storylines don't always fit into popular conceptions about the franchise.
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Are Star Trek video games canon?

Star Trek video games. While there have been no official statements, none of the Star Trek-based computer and video games produced over the years should be considered canonical.
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Is Star Trek Generations canon?

The canon live-action series and movies are: Star Trek: The Original Series - Star Trek: The Animated Series - Star Trek: The Next Generation - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Star Trek: Voyager - Star Trek: Enterprise - Star Trek films.
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Should you watch Star Trek: The Animated Series?

This is a terrific show for sci-fi fans, especially those of the Star Trek franchise. Content collapsed. You'll find 22 half-hour episodes that, for the most part, hold up with the best of the live-action series.
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Star Trek I: Specter

Why is Chekov not in the animated series?

The Animated Series featured most of the original cast voicing their characters. The major exception was the character of Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig), who did not appear in the series because the series' budget could not afford the complete cast.
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Why was the Star Trek animated series cancelled?

That's why the show didn't catch on – while it was well-received by critics, it might have done better in prime time. The show won a Daytime Emmy for best children's series, but it was cancelled after two years because of low ratings.
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Which Star Trek series are canon?

Official policy. "Classic" Star Trek comprises the following canon series and movies (in production order): TOS (since 1964), the TOS movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise (until 2005). All these series and movies take place in the very same uninterrupted continuity. There is only one timeline.
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Do Picard and Kirk ever meet?

After Picard met Kirk, he remained as Captain of the USS Enterprise-E for another 14 years before he was promoted to Admiral (and subsequently quit Starfleet in protest) in 2385.
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Is Star Trek 2009 a cannon?

Yes. It is a production by the owners of the intellectual property accepted as officially part of the “history” fictional universe(s) of that franchise. It is a parallel alternative timeline that exists alongside and independently of the Prime timeline.
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Are any Star Trek novels canon?

"As a rule of thumb, the events that take place within the real action series and movies are canon, or official Star Trek facts. Story lines, characters, events, stardates, etc. that take place within the fictional novels, the Animated Series and the various comic lines are not canon.
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Is Star Trek 5 canon?

Star Trek creator Roddenberry considered elements of this film to be "apocryphal at best", and particularly disliked the idea that Sarek had fathered a child (Sybok) with a Vulcan before Amanda. Nevertheless, the film is considered canon.
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Are any Star Trek books canon?

What is and is not considered canon in the Star Trek fandom has changed throughout the years, however, most of the Star Trek novels remain not-canon. That said, many of them are still great reads!
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Is Star Trek Visions canon?

So as to ensure the storytellers had the most freedom possible in developing their Visions shorts, Lucasfilm allowed the shorts to break from the pre-existing Star Wars timeline. Matt Martin of the Lucasfilm Story Group clarified this means all shorts are non-canon.
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What Star Wars is canon and not canon?

Canon is everything that has been made post-Disney buyout as well as all of the movies and the Clone Wars show. This includes any books, comics, and games released after 2012. These are the "actual" events of the Star Wars universe, whereas Legends is its own story that concluded when Disney bought Lucasfilm.
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Is Star Wars anime canon?

When is Star Wars: Visions set? While Star Wars: Visions is evidently not a canon entry in the sci-fi saga, some anime creators working on the series clearly considered the franchise timeline during the writing process.
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Were Spock and Kirk lovers?

Star Trek: The Original Series writer David Gerrold, has also spoken about K/S slash sometimes. In 1985, Gerrold commented: One of the truths I've been telling lately is that Kirk and Spock are not lovers ... they're not even boyfriends. They're just good friends.
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Has Picard ever met Spock?

At some point, Picard mentions that he has met Spock only once in the past. Indeed, in "Sarek" Picard mentioned that he had met Sarek during Sarek's son's wedding (the son presumably being Spock). While conversing with Picard, Sarek mentioned the many times that Spock would disobey him and travel to the mountains.
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What was Captain Kirk last words?

Shatner explained that the iconic character was curious, courageous, and filled with awe and wonder, leaving the actor to regret not hitting the right note when he uttered Kirk's last words, 'Oh my,' at the point of his demise.
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Is Star Trek 4 confirmed?

Yes, Star Trek 4 is in "active development," but currently lacks a director. While progress has been slow, there's still hope for the movie's eventual release.
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When did Star Trek stop using models?

Wikipedia says that Voyager stopped using models in Season 3. Voyager was also the first Star Trek TV show to eliminate the use of models for exterior space shots and exclusively use computer-generated imagery (CGI) instead.
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Is Star Trek of Gods and Men canon?

Star Trek: Of Gods and Men is a noncanonical and unofficial Star Trek fan film, which contains many cast members from the Star Trek TV series and movies. Described by the producers as a "40th-anniversary gift" from Star Trek actors to their fans, it was filmed in 2006, but its release was delayed until 2007–08.
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What was the banned Star Trek episode?

TOS episodes "The Empath," "Whom Gods Destroy," "Plato's Stepchildren," and "Miri" were all banned. Although TNG's "Conspiracy" may be the most well-known episode to have been banned, this kind of censoring wasn't new to Star Trek.
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Why is Netflix removing Star Trek?

Star Trek may be loved by its US fan base. However, it's no longer available on Netflix in the US because of licensing agreements, copyright laws, and distribution rights. While these agreements don't bar you from watching Star Trek in the US, they limit what streaming platforms Star Trek is on.
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Did Netflix dump Star Trek?

Three Star Trek Series Leaving Netflix | Fandom. I read an article on Daily Star Trek News that stated that Star Trek- The Orginal Series, Star Trek- Voyager and Star Trek- Enterprise are leaving Netflix at the end of September.
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