Can a 12 year old go to a PG movie alone?

General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. A PG film should not unsettle a child aged around eight or older. Unaccompanied children of any age may watch, but parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger, or more sensitive, children.
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Can a 12 year old get into a PG-13 movie alone?

Originally Answered: Does a parent need to accompany child at PG-13 rated movie? A parent does not need to accompany a child to a PG-13 rated movie. Only R-rated movies require children to be accompanied by their parents.
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How old do you have to be to go to a PG movie alone?

Will they let two 13-year-olds in? You do not need an adult chaperone to attend a PG movie, or even a PG-13. Adults are only needed for R movies, and even then it may be acceptable for the adult to just purchase the tickets and allow the teenagers to attend the movie by themselves. Theater policy varies.
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Can kids go to PG-13 movies by themselves?

Films rated PG13 is an advisory rating for parents to note there are scenes or themes unsuitable for younger children. However, there's no age restriction; so the parent can choose to allow or bring the child for the movie.
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Is PG-13 the same as 12?

Broadly speaking, current British classifications are similar to US ones - G equals U, PG equals PG, PG-13 equals 12A (barring a one-year age difference) and NC-17 equals 18 (though the British version doesn't have the cultural problems discussed above).
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Can a 13 year old go to a PG 13 movie alone?

Does PG mean 12?

G: Appropriate for people of all ages. PG 12: Parental guidance is required for children under the age of 12. R 15+: People aged 15 and above will be admitted. ID is required to confirm your age.
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Is 12 higher than PG?

12A is advisory, which means that as with U and PG, parents can make up their minds about whether they think a film is suitable for you. 12As are stronger than PGs and Us though. When BBFC Compliance Officers recommend a film should be a 12A this means they think it is suitable for children aged 12 and over.
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What is allowed in PG movies?

There may be some profanity and some depictions of violence or brief nudity. But these elements are not deemed so intense as to require that parents be strongly cautioned beyond the suggestion of parental guidance. There is no drug use content in a PG-rated motion picture.
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Can a 12 year old watch a rated R movie?

The R rating means that children under 17 years are not admitted to the theater without a parent. Movies may get an R rating for different reasons. This rating is given for nudity, profanity, or violence. Nudity, depending on the context, may be harmless.
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Is Barbie PG-13?

But if you haven't heard, the Motion Picture Association actually gave Barbie, Ken, and the gang a PG-13 rating! It never once crossed my mind that perhaps Barbie might be inappropriate for my 8-year-old daughter. First of all, the movie is being marketed to girls well under 13.
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Can a 13 year old go to a PG 13 movie alone?

Originally Answered: Does a parent need to accompany child at PG-13 rated movie? A parent does not need to accompany a child to a PG-13 rated movie. Only R-rated movies require children to be accompanied by their parents.
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How old do you have to be to watch PG without a parent?

Parental Guidance (PG)

PG-rated content is not recommended for viewing by people under the age of 15 without guidance from parents, teachers or guardians.
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Does PG require a parent?

The term “PG” means “Parental Guidance”, so if their parental figure, or legal guardian deems the film appropriate, then yes, they can. However, if the film or series is “TV PG” it's typically slightly less appropriate for children, and if it's “PG 13” a 3 year old should probably be kept clear of it.
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Can a 12 year old watch a rated R movie without a parent?

Children under 17 must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian over the age of 21 for R-rated movies. I.D. is required for proof of age. Children under 6 years of age are not permitted into R-rated features at all.
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Can a 12 year old watch a 13+ movie?

According to the Motion Picture Association, the PG-13 label means the movie is fine for kids over the age of thirteen. It may not, however, be appropriate for children under thirteen because of language, violence, nudity, and other mature content.
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Can 11 year olds watch 12 rated movies?

No. However, the BBFC considers the content of 12A rated films to be suitable for children aged 12 and over, and we would not recommend taking very young children to see them. Works classified at these categories may upset children under 12 or contain material which many parents will find unsuitable for them.
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Can PG movies say the S word?

Words that could be used in a PG film include “bloody,” “bugger,” “s---,” and some “milder” four letter words.
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Can a PG film swear?

Profanity may be present in PG rated films, and use of one of the harsher "sexually-derived words" as an expletive will initially incur at least a PG-13 rating. More than one occurrence will usually incur an R rating as will the usage of such an expletive in a sexual context.
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What are G rated swear words?

  • Ballsagna.
  • I swear to John.
  • Are you effingham kidding me?
  • Son of a motherless goat.
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Do cinemas check age?

We always follow national rules about film ratings, and if you're lucky enough to be looking younger than the film's rating, we'll have to ask to see some ID. Another reason you could be asked for ID is to make sure you're getting the right ticket for your film. Our ticket types can be found here.
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Is PG and 12 the same?

In a 12A rated film, violence, sex and bad language are more likely to appear and, although they will be slightly less mild than in a PG rated film, they shouldn't glorify the behaviour of the characters in an inappropriate way. Or be shown in a way that encourages imitation.
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Does PG mean 13?

All ages admitted. PG: PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED. Some material may not be suitable for children. PG-13: PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
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Why is Barbie a 12?

The BBFC's 12A rating of Barbie was a result of the movie containing "moderate innuendo, brief sexual harassment, implied strong language", and the ratings page contains extra details about those categories.
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Can I take my 7 year old to see Barbie?

Barbie has been rated 12A for its age rating by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). That means anyone under age 12 must be accompanied by an adult to the cinema. The adult does NOT have to be a parent, but can be an older sibling, babysitter or other relative.
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Does PG-13 mean 13+?

Movies that are labeled PG-13 are not considered suitable for children under the age of thirteen, but parents can decide whether or not to allow their children to see the movies. PG is an abbreviation for `parental guidance.
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