Can anything break a lightsaber?

Practically nothing can destroy a lightsaber and there's almost nothing that a lightsaber can't deflect or penetrate. Interestingly, as shown a few times in The Mandalorian season 2, there's some material that can withstand a lightsaber blade - Mandalorian beskar, for one.
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What can destroy a lightsaber?

Cortosis is a type of ore that actually causes lightsabers to short out upon contact. However, it is brittle, so repeated strikes would ultimately break it. It was often woven into body armor, most notably for shadowtroopers. Purified cortosis was called Cortosis-Shield and was used by Roan Fel's Imperial Knights.
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Is there anything a lightsaber can't cut?

Beskar. The most well-known example of a lightsaber-resistant material, beskar is inexorably tied to Mandalorian culture. The iconic Mandalorian suit of armor, made famous but Boba Fett, Din Djarin, and Sabine Wren, is traditionally made of beskar and is passed down through Mandalorian clans for generations.
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Can anything go through a lightsaber?

A lightsaber could cut through virtually anything, from flesh to blast doors. The only ways to block the incoming attack of a lightsaber was with a weapon made with material that conducted energy, such as an electrostaff, a Z6 riot control baton, some rare metals like beskar, or another lightsaber.
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What metal Cannot be cut by a lightsaber?

Phrik. This rare metallic compound was resistant to lightsaber strikes and was used in the construction of battle armor and weaponry due to its light weight. Phrik was first developed by the Arkanian's, a near-human species which resided on the frozen planet of Arkania.
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How To Break The Lightsaber In 60 Seconds

What is the forbidden lightsaber?

The Forbidden Forms were forms of lightsaber combat used by the Sith during the Sith Wars. According to the testimonies of the Jedi Cervil the Uncanny, lightwhips—a lightsaber variant with a flexible blade—were used to defend against Sith Lords who utilized the forms.
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What material is lightsaber proof?

The most recognizable lightsaber-resistant material would be beskar, the silver metal featured throughout The Mandalorian. Beskar could only be found on the planet Mandalore and its moon Concordia, and only became rarer after the Empire destroyed much of the system.
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Could a real lightsaber exist?

Dr. Kaku thinks we probably could if we build a lightsaber blade with hot plasma heated to around 12,000°F, contain it on a ceramic rod with an electromagnetic coil, and power everything using trillions of nanobatteries. The technology necessary to create Dr. Kaku's version of a lightsaber does not exist—yet.
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Would a lightsaber block a bullet?

No, lightsabers can't block bullets. Here's a great video that explains why. The idea was actually put into issue #18 of the Dark Lord of the Sith comic series. During the hunt on Chandar's Folly, Tarkin's team armed up with slugthrowers (firearms) and flamethrowers, two things Vader couldn't block with his lightsaber.
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Can a lightsaber cut through Superman?

The only possible way for a lightsaber to harm Superman would be if the crystal powering the lightsaber were made of Kryptonite. However, that would still credit the Kryptonite crystal, not the actual lightsaber. Unfortunately for any Force sensitive that encounters the Man of Steel, Superman wins.
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Would you bleed if cut by a lightsaber?

Lightsaber Blades Are Hot Enough To Cauterize Any Injury

This extreme temperature explains why lightsaber blades don't cause bleeding; lightsabers generate more than enough heat to cauterize a wound on impact. Cauterization is what happens when tissues (and by extension blood vessels) get melted by heat.
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Has a lightsaber ever been broken?

This has happened in Star Wars Legends before, when a lightsaber hilt was hit with a stun blast; the beam shorted out and the Jedi temporarily couldn't reactivate it. It's because of its fundamental nature that certain material, like beskar, can block lightsabers.
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How hot is a lightsaber?

One of the most memorable moments involving a lightsaber is when it cuts through a thick metal door. The ability to melt through such materials suggests that the blade's temperature must be incredibly high, likely 20,000 to 25,000 degrees Celsius.
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Would a lightsaber hurt Hulk?

It's doubtful a lightsaber would pierce Hulk's skin, and even if it could, Vader would have to get close to use it and it would probably take a while. Even a Force choke wouldn't work against the Hulk, as he can hold his breath for a very long time.
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What is the weakest lightsaber in Star Wars?

However, a groundbreaking study conducted at the University of Leicester's Centre for Interdisciplinary Science challenges these long-held assumptions. The study suggests that, against all expectations, red lightsabers may actually be the weakest of the lot.
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What is stronger than a lightsaber?

Beskar Spear

One of the few things in the galaxy that can withstand lightsabers is Beskar steel. These are precious Mandalorian metals that were used for their armor and some of their weapons. As was shown in The Mandalorian, even a simple weapon like a spear but made out of Beskar can easily best a lightsaber.
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Can a lightsaber block lightning?

A Jedi and Sith could deflect the lightning with a lightsaber, such as when Obi-Wan Kenobi blocked Dooku's lightning with his saber; a powerful Jedi Master such as Yoda was capable of deflecting the attack using Force deflection but only for a short while and with immense effort.
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What would happen if you were stabbed by a lightsaber?

Following the controversy of "Star Wars: Ahsoka" and its non-fatal stabbing scene, a fan has discovered a lightsaber injury might be worse than death. To put it simply, you wouldn't be able to walk it off like Sabine did.
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What was the rarest lightsaber?

The black lightsaber, or Darksaber to give it its proper name, is one of the rarest lightsabers in Star Wars canon. Despite its rarity in canon, anyone who has seen the second season of The Mandalorian is likely to be familiar with the Darksaber.
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What is the most realistic lightsaber?

Ultra Sabers makes that dream come true with the most realistic lightsabers for sale on the market. When you grip a realistic lightsaber from Ultra Sabers, you instantly feel as though you've stepped into the Star Wars universe. Our sabers are customizable, collectible and crafted for both cosplay and combat arts.
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Are lightsabers waterproof?

Lightsabers Underwater

However, several Jedi, from Ahsoka Tano to Luke Skywalker, found their lightsabers were waterproof. This is due to a lightsaber modification that, at least in Legends Canon, Kit Fisto himself invented. It's called the Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse.
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Is Vader's armor lightsaber proof?

The apparatus of Vader's mask was designed to support his breathing. The armor's boots featured magnetic clamps, which could magnetically adhere the suit to a metallic surface, while the legs were heavily armored and able to withstand at least glancing blows from a lightsaber.
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What material is KYLO Ren's lightsaber made of?

The crossguard blades allow Ren's saber to operate safely – his weapon is constructed around a dangerously flawed kyber crystal, which would be overloaded if not for the lateral plasma vents that create the quillons.
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