Can Batman beat Scarlet Witch?

Without any superpowers, Batman is at a massive disadvantage as he would have to rely on his combat prowess to best Wanda. However, he would have a hard time getting close before she shreds through his armor with a massive blast of energy.
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Which Marvel can beat Batman?

Possibly the most obvious win, Thanos is an all-powerful villain who would take down Batman in the blink of an eye. Especially if the Titan-native had his hands on the Infinity Gauntlet at the time of the fight against the fight, then it would be irrefutable that Thanos would take the win.
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Which DC can defeat Scarlet Witch?

Martian Manhunter's powers make him one of the Justice League's most potent members. It's that mix of abilities that will help Martian Manhunter beat Scarlet Witch. Not only is he a physical powerhouse on par with Superman, but his shapeshifting, invisibility, intangibility, and telepathy make him even more versatile.
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Can any superhero beat Scarlet Witch?

This means that characters with either low-level superpowers or no superpowers, such as Daredevil, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, could defeat the Scarlet Witch in certain situations. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Hawkeye was able to push a taser arrow onto Wanda's forehead.
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Can Superman beat Scarlet Witch?

Superman Is Not Immune To Magic

Scarlet Witch's most important aspect in this fight is that she has the ability to defeat Superman. He is not impervious to magic, so her hits will damage him. Superman gains his power from the sun, and this charging method gives him no more immunity to magic damage than any other human.
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20 Avengers Who Could Beat Superman

Can Scarlet Witch beat Thor?

While Thor is one of the most powerful beings in the MCU, it is known that Scarlet Witch's powers are superior. However, there are a lot of examples, even outside of Marvel, where powerful figures can still be defeated by those less so under the right circumstances.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Goku?

7 Scarlet Witch Would Make Short Work Of Goku

While Goku is certainly stronger and more skilled than Scarlet Witch, he can't really match any of her powers. Scarlet Witch has been fighting evil for long enough to know that anyone who looks like Goku is a fighter that she's not going to want to trifle with.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Hulk?

Scarlet Witch's Powers Can Easily Defeat the Hulk (Under One Condition) Scarlet Witch has proved her magic can stop the Hulk, but the specific spell she needs to use has one condition to be effective. Avengers' Scarlet Witch has already proved she can defeat the Hulk, but only under a specific circumstance.
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Would Spider-Man beat Scarlet Witch?

While the Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, her greatest weakness proves even Spider-Man can beat her.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Thanos?

Her full potential was not showcased until WandaVision. Scarlet Witch was by far Marvel's Phase 4 most powerful character, yet Wanda could not beat Thanos in either Avengers: Infinity War or Avengers: Endgame.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Joker?

He has a cameo in Zack Snyder's Justice League and appears as a secondary villain of his own subplot in Suicide Squad. In both of these appearances, the Joker is unpredictable and dangerous, but only to unpowered humans. Against the Scarlet Witch, the Joker would stand no chance.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Black Bolt?

While it was only meant to be a brief role, it makes sense that Scarlet Witch had to kill Black Bolt first in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Otherwise, the odds are strong that she would have quickly lost against the King of the Inhumans.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat darkseid?

7 Lose To: Scarlet Witch Can Warp The Reality Around Darkseid. Even before her television show revealed that she was the Scarlet Witch, Wanda had enough in her arsenal to at least make Darkseid take notice of her. With the power boost from the show, she's now on a level well above anyone else in the Avengers.
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Who Batman can't beat?

Swamp Thing and Batman have faced off and the same thing always happens. Batman can't stop him. Sure, he can destroy one of Swamp Thing's bodies, but that's not going to destroy Swamp Thing. He can just make another one.
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Who can Batman lose to?

Bane. The page everyone remembers from Batman: Knightfall is Bane “breaking the Bat” over his knee. But Bane beat Batman by working smarter, not harder. Bane was able to defeat the Dark Knight physically by first exhausting him spiritually (and, well, also physically).
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Who has ever beat Batman?

Deathstroke. The greatest assassin has beaten Batman up before and always put up a fight.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Wolverine?

So, it should come as no surprise that Wanda is more than capable of defeating even vicious opponents like the X-Men's nigh-unkillable brawler Wolverine. However, the way Wanda chooses to murder Logan in one alternate universe should horrify many fans of the fast-healing mutant.
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Who is stronger than Scarlet Witch?

Franklin Richards was omnipotent at some point, although his powers did not last forever. At the height of his powers, comic book Franklin Richards was much stronger than the MCU's Scarlet Witch ever was.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor. Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers. His power continues to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Who can defeat Ghost Rider?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his foe.
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Who can beat Deadpool?

Saitama could defeat Deadpool with one punch, but then Deadpool would heal and come back to life. It's possible that Saitama could punch Deadpool so hard that his healing factor would follow to disappear, leaving the Merc with a Mouth as vulnerable as a fruit fly.
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Can Black Panther beat Thor?

Black Panther may not be able to match Thor's mystical potential, but his connection to the Panther God may be able to level that particular playing field in the right circumstances. With Thor's magical abilities theoretically countered, that just leaves his sheer strength to deal with.
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Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Few characters can stand against him, with only a few being so brave and some being very foolish. While the MCU Hulk was not able to defeat Thanos, his comic book counterparts pose a better chance to make an even fight particularly if Thanos does not wield the Infinity Gauntlet.
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Can Goku defeat Thor?

Thor also has tanked hits from Odin, who is far stronger than anyone Goku has ever faced. Wiz: Thor is also far smarter than Goku, and has fought opponents similar to Goku like Hulk or Sentry, and considering that Thor is able to damage Galactus, he could easily damage or kill Goku too.
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Can Saitama defeat Goku?

The mere comparison of strength between the two characters is crazy. Goku is an extraterrestrial being who has to lose a fight in order to get stronger. Saitama is a man that can defeat any foe with a single punch. If the two of them were to face off in a one-on-one battle, Saitama would easily win.
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