Can darkseid beat Odin?

^No, he can't. Odin has fought beings on True Darkseid's level many times and held his own. Like who? Galactus, Mangog, and Surtur to name a few.
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Who is stronger, Odin or Darkseid?

DESTRUCTIVE POWER: Odin has quite a big advantage here, as he has destroyed galaxies in his battles. HAX: While Darkseid's omega beams are very Hax Odin is definitely superior in this category.
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Who can Darkseid not beat?

10 Marvel Heroes Who Could Beat Darkseid On Their Own
  1. 1 Darkseid Would Be Overwhelmed By Silver Surfer.
  2. 2 Hyperion Is Marvel's Superman. ...
  3. 3 Thor Has Dealt With Beings Like Darkseid Before. ...
  4. 4 Black Bolt's Power Would Destroy Darkseid. ...
  5. 5 Doctor Strange Is Smart Enough To Take Down Darkseid. ...
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Can Thor defeat Darkseid?

He has superhuman speed and strength, and once fought Zeus to a standstill. Thor would certainly be thwarted by Darkseid. This fearsome villain would be able to drain the lifeforce from him, and even his godly weaponry doesn't seem like it could withstand Darkseid's Omega Beams.
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Can doomsday beat Odin?

Doomsday can wreck Asgard if he was set loose there, but Odin can handle the likes of Doomsday. He has the feats and abilities to defeat Doomsday. He has killed Hela, the Asgadian Grim Reaper.
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Darkseid VS Odin | BATTLE ARENA

Can Superman Prime beat Odin?

Superman is absolutely no match for Odin. The main reason? Divine Magic. In Injustice: God's Among Us, Superman's arrogance when confronting Zeus, the DC equivalent of Odin, helps us see just how powerless he would be, were he facing Odin Borson.
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Can Odin beat Dr Doom?

On normal conditions Doom doesn't have a hope in hell to beat this guy, under normal/common circumstances, no, Odin would wave his hand and Dr Doom would be gone from existence.
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Can Darkseid break Mjolnir?

Both attacks pale in comparison to the omega beams. This should lead us to believe Darkseid can easily blast through mjolnir. The only defence I see is most of the times mjolnir's been damaged or destroyed, it was against magically imbued opponents.
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Can Thanos beat Darkseid?

Thanos Would Lose To Darkseid (Even With The Infinity Gauntlet)
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Who wins, Galactus or Darkseid?

Galactus definitely wins this due to his immense cosmic power.
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Which Avenger can beat Darkseid?

The Avengers would win, only if they were fighting together (Thor, Wanda, Strange, Danvers, Vision, etc) seeing that it took Atlantians, Amazonians and Zeus and Ares at their most mature form to defeat him.
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Who could easily beat Darkseid?

Kara Zor-El has the same basic power set as her cousin, Superman, making her yet another DC superhero capable of defeating Darkseid. Like Superman, Supergirl has also beaten Darkseid in the comics and their adaptations, with one notable example being the animated movie Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.
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Can Doomsday beat Darkseid?

It's likely that if the two came to blows again, Darkseid would have an edge over Doomsday, or at least have some plan to contend with him. But it's still worth noting that in their first serious drag-out fight, Doomsday gained a decisive victory and established just how powerful he really is.
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Could Thanos beat Odin?

Who would win in an MCU fight: Odin or Thanos? Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth.
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Could Odin beat Galactus?

Odin stands a good chance at defeating a moderately-fed Galactus. Odin has been stated to be equal to a moderately-fed Galactus. Though Galan did withstand a powerful headbutt from Odin. The Devourer had just consumed one planet before that.
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Would Kratos beat Darkseid?

8 Darkseid

Overall, this blue-green behemoth of a tyrant is an unbeatable character who has taken down the DC superheroes multiple times. However, his sheer strength and power would probably not work against the killer of Zeus, Kratos.
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Can Ghost Rider beat Darkseid?

Cosmic Ghost Rider will still put up a good fight but it would be futile; none of his powers would be able to affect Darkseid. Sure, he can blast him or punch him but that's not going to do much against a god.
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Is Goku stronger than Darkseid?

When one compares Darkseid's pure brute strength to Ultra Instinct Goku, there isn't that much of a difference. However, the fact that Goku's frequency and power increase while using Ultra Instinct means the Dragon Ball warrior has to be ranked a bit higher.
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Can Batman beat Darkseid?

Batman defeats Darkseid with just a pair of goggles, which completely depower Darkseid. Batman plans to go back in time by controlling Darkseid using a baby version of him and the Omega Effect. The Godwave Goggles negate Darkseid's Omega Effect, making him significantly less powerful.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Can Stormbreaker cut Superman head?

It most definitely could. Its pretty consistent in comics that superman is not Impervious to magic.
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Could Batman lift Thor's hammer?

While Batman does have some of the characteristics that would allow him to lift Mjolnir, he also has committed several acts that disqualify him. This is a man who once kept extensive files on his allies in case he needed to take them down, files that were stolen and used against said allies.
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Could Odin beat Hela?

Unable to kill his own daughter, Odin defeated Hela and imprisoned her using his own power to keep her at bay in another realm for eons. During this respite, Hela attempted to escape imprisonment in Hel and was near successful.
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Who has beaten Odin?

Odin loses to Fenrir, the bestial grandchild he tried to imprison but could not. Odin is one of those gods that is somewhat human, he's a wise elder and a warrior. Fenrir is the son of Loki, but he is animalistic.
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Can a celestial beat Odin?

Unfortunately, no Odin cannot take down a Celestial. How do we know this? Because he tried already when the 4th host of Celestials came back to earth to judge mankind. Odin and all the peoples of Asgard merged their consciousness into the Destroyer to try to make them leave and were utterly defeated.
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