Can Darth Vader beat Thanos?

He can't use the Force against Thanos' mind, and he definitely won't prevail in a fight in the Marvel Universe if Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet, but the Force will provide Darth Vader safe insurance.
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Is Thanos more powerful than Darth Vader?

Given the years between these comics' publications, it's hard to tell if Gillen built this argument intentionally or not. Regardless, the core concept is still true. Thanos wields more power and authority than Darth Vader, existing as a stronger and more capable villain overall.
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Could Darth Vader beat Thor?

Thor is a way too powerful for Darth Vader, but it is very hard to compare characters from different universes. Most likely Thor will be able to defeat Vader, as he dealt with some villains, who can destroy galaxies. Vader is no match for those, but Thor somehow survived.
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Who can beat Darth Vader easily?

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan faced off against Darth Vader four times and physically beat him twice while beating him through his Force development in a third fight. Obi-Wan Kenobi had the high ground that led to Vader's disfigurement and becoming the ultimate Star Wars cyborg.
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Who would win, Kylo Ren or Darth Vader?

As further highlighted by Vader and Kylo's redemption stories, it was a lesson that Kylo Ren never fully learned himself, which makes Darth Vader the more powerful user of the Force between the two of them in Star Wars.
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What Happens if Boss Darth Vader Meets Boss Zeus Fortnite!

Who would win, Vader or Yoda?

There are certainly scenarios where Darth Vader would have the upper hand in a duel with Yoda, but in most cases, Yoda would be the more likely victor. Vader wields absurd levels of Force power during his dark side prime that would certainly rival Yoda's own abilities, but likely not exceed them.
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Who is stronger than Darth Vader?

As Darth Vader, he was one of the strongest beings in the entire galaxy. But even then, he was never able to surpass his master, Darth Sidious. A Sith Apprentice can only become the master when they murder the one who trained them.
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What Jedi almost beat Vader?

Infil'a put up a fierce fight against Vader, almost killing him by throwing the already damaged Sith Lord off of a cliff. Despite severe damage to his suit, Vader survived the fall, and repaired himself with parts from Infil'a's droid, Arex.
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What Sith could beat Vader?

The only Sith Lord who actually killed Vader, Darth Sidious kept his apprentice in line for over two decades. His true advantage was Force lightning, a power which would wreak havoc on the suit keeping him alive.
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Was Maul afraid of Vader?

Yep. Darth Maul didn't really say or show straight up that he "feared" Darth Vader, but he openly stated his belief that he could not defeat Darth Vader without the help of the Jedi, therefore on his own.
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Who wins, Darth Vader or the Hulk?

Vader wins. Hulk has no way of resisting force powers. Nothing to stop Vader from just tossing him off a cliff or just force choking him to death.
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Can Captain America beat Darth Vader?

Darth Vader's power thoroughly outclasses Cap's abilities in ways that Cap just can't over come. None of Cap's skills would be much use against the Force and even if he did get in close with Vader, he'd have to deal with the Sith Lord's crushing cybernetic strength without his shield.
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Could Vader choke Thanos?

And Vader could also simply use the force to rip off the gauntlet or simply cut off the Mad Titans hand, or even just hold him in place and strangle him.
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Can Vader Force choke Thanos?

In the end, Thanos' neck is only as strong as his skin. Even if his lightsaber can't cut through Thanos' invulnerable skin, Darth Vader can still Force choke the Mad Titan and prevail.
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Who wins, Darth Maul or Darth Vader?

Darth Vader defeats Darth Maul. The two Sith Lords engaged in a lightsaber duel, going through the volcano and onto a bridge situated over a river of lava, which collapsed, though they both survived and continued their battle.
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Why does Vader seem so weak?

In a Vanity Fair interview from 2005, George Lucas went deeper into why Anakin became much weaker as Vader. In the interview, he explained that because Anakin's limbs were severed and replaced by robotics, it was harder for him to use the Force than it was before his battle with Obi-Wan.
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Who is the deadliest Sith ever?

Darth Sidious stands out as one of the most powerful Sith Lords, having orchestrated the rise of the Galactic Empire.
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How did Luke beat Vader so easily?

Vader had been using all his energy to intimidate Luke, so when the actual fight began in a flash, he was already weak and panting. This leads to another huge factor, which is the age difference. While Luke was a young and spry 23-year-old, Vader was reaching his late 40s.
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Can Prime Vader beat Yoda?

When it comes down to both combatants in their prime, Yoda was superior to Darth Vader. That debate extends even further to prime Anakin Skywalker as well. He would have been outmatched by Yoda for many of the same reasons Obi-Wan outmatched him, and more.
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Would Yoda beat Vader in a fight?

Aside from agility and telekinesis, Yoda could absorb and redirect Force attacks, like lightning. Because of his higher understanding, he would easily overcome Darth Vader in a fight, though that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a difficult battle.
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Is Starkiller stronger than Vader?

Galen Marek, better known as Starkiller, was the main protagonist of the Legends games before Disney bought Lucasfilm. He displayed incredible control of the Force, from moving a Star Destroyer to defeating both Vader and Palpatine in succession.
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Who's stronger, Luke or Vader?

From the get-go, no. He's certainly able to hold his own, but it's only when he taps into the Dark Side that he's able to decisively overpower Vader.
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Is Palpatine or Vader stronger?

As Powerful As Darth Vader Was, Palpatine Was Always Greater

When all is said and done, Palpatine's brains ultimately trump Vader's brawn.
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Is Kylo Ren weak?

He is also stated by Palpatine in the Secrets of the Sith book to be “equally as powerful as a real Sith despite not being one”. This gives him scaling above Savage Opress and Asajj Ventress, and ranks him close to TPM Maul.
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