Can Dr. Doom beat Flash?

Doom's armor will allow him to take Flash's initial attacks and when the moment is right it will let him drain away the Flash's power, giving Doom the power of Speed Force. Doom is a pretty daunting foe but a Doom with the Speed Force would be nigh unstoppable and Flash would find that out the hard way.
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Who in DC can beat Dr. Doom?

As one of the most powerful magicians in the entire DC universe, it is understandable that Zatanna would be able to defeat Dr. Doom. Considering all the threats that Zatanna has taken down herself, it is entirely plausible that she would be able to take Doom down.
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Who is powerful than Dr Doom?

Summary. Thanos, Kang, and Doctor Doom are all major villains in the Marvel Universe, with Thanos having been the most powerful due to his possession of the Infinity Stones.
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Who has beaten Dr. Doom?

Morgan le Fay traveled to present day Latveria to punish Doctor Doom for failing to come through on his end of their bargain. The Dark Avengers went to Doctor Doom's aid after Morgan le Fay defeated him in mystical combat.
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Can Dr Doom shoot lightning?

Doctor Doom learned magic from a combination of monks and from Morgan le Fay of Arthurian legend, one of Marvel's most powerful supernatural villains. This makes Doom a major threat to most heroes since he can cast a variety of spells, not just shoot lightning or use telekinesis like in the movies.
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Why Is It Impossible To Get Doctor Doom Right?

Can Doom lift Thor's hammer?

Doom isn't exactly a good character, despite his manifest intelligence and feats of both science and magic. Still, he was able to lift the hammer. This comes with an asterisk, though. Doctor Doom was able to finally wield Mjolnir after the hammer fell into Hell.
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Can Dr Doom lift Mjolnir?

Other Marvel characters have lifted Mjolnir not through worthiness but through technicalities such as absorbing Thor's powers, including the Air-Walker, Awesome Android, Magneto, Rogue, Wonder Man, and Doctor Doom.
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Could Dr Doom beat Goku?

On a sheer power level basis, Goku dwarfs Doctor Doom and his armor. Even with Doom's magic skills, Goku is still his superior in power, but that doesn't mean he's superior to Doom. Doctor Doom is much smarter than Goku could ever imagine being.
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Can Dr Doom beat Superman?

Wiz: Also, nothing Doom had could kill him, since Superman has survived hits from god-like beings. Doom also has been beaten by people like Luke Cage and Spider-Man, so he wouldn't last long against Superman's power.
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Can Odin beat Dr Doom?

On normal conditions Doom doesn't have a hope in hell to beat this guy, under normal/common circumstances, no, Odin would wave his hand and Dr Doom would be gone from existence.
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Can Dr Doom beat Magneto?

Utilizing his endless array of gadgetry and nearly uncontested intellectual superiority, Doom easily generates a forcefield that counters the electromagnetic fields Magneto creates. Interestingly, this isn't the first time Doom has countered Magneto's powers this way. During the Avengers vs.
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What is Doctor Doom IQ?

Abilities. Super-Genius Intelligence: Van Damme held multiple doctoral level degrees and an IQ of 198. Doom was a child prodigy and scientific genius though unlike Richards he approached science as an art rather than as a system.
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Who is stronger Dr Doom or Galactus?

A master of science and magic, Doctor Doom has long been perhaps Marvel's most capable evil-doer. Doom has stolen the powers of Galactus on multiple occasions, as well as those of the all-powerful Beyonder (as seen in both 1984 and 2017's Secret Wars.)
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Can Dr. Doom beat Darkseid?

Darkseid and the power of Apokolips would be able to overwhelm any defenses Doom could set up in Latveria. While Doom has been able to overcome powerful beings in the past, Darkseid and all he can bring to bear would allow him to destroy Marvel's powerful being.
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Can Doctor Doom beat Spiderman?

Spider-Man, for all his superhuman powers and skills, is little match for the Latverian monarch known as Doctor Doom (aka Victor Von Doom).
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Can Dr. Doom beat Wanda?

4 Doctor Doom Is Too Smart For Wanda

Doom doesn't suffer defeats, merely setbacks. Doom and Scarlet Witch haven't faced off many times, but he's always been able to out-think her, which made all the difference.
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Can Doctor Doom beat Iron Man?

Iron Man and Doom go on to tangle many times over the years and while Doctor Doom is never able to defeat the Armored Avenger, he still takes him down to the wire.
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Could Doctor Doom beat Thor?

Who would win: Thor or Doctor Doom? They have tangled a few times, and Thor has generally proven to be the stronger one. This was back when Thor had a weakness where if he didn't hold onto his hammer for sixty seconds, he would revert back to his mortal civillian identity Donald Blake.
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Who is smarter Tony Stark or Dr. Doom?

Should Doom succeed at stopping Tony, he'll have proved the superiority of his own "unique and unmatched genius." It's not too surprising that Doctor Doom is Tony's intellectual better.
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Can Goku beat Galactus?

Galactus may have immense power, but he needs to constantly feed on planetary-levels of energy to sustain it. Goku, on the other hand, often reaches his most powerful form when he's at the very end of his rope. So while Galactus would get weaker as the fight went on, Goku would get stronger, giving him the edge.
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Who beats God King Doom?

However, the heroes were a distraction, allowing the Molecule Man the time he needed to strip Doom of some of his power. This enabled Reed Richards to defeat his nemesis in combat and restore the multiverse, ending the reign of God Emperor Doom.
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Can Vegeta beat any God of Destruction?

His power, when fused as a Saiyan, is Goku's power multiplied by Vegeta's. If those two warriors can fight on par with the Gods of Destruction, Vegito easily surpasses them. He has proven to be a match with Beerus and took him down in the manga.
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Can zombie Thor lift Mjolnir?

Weapons. During the beginning of the zombie onslaught Thor was still able wield the legendary hammer Mjolnir as a zombie, however, by the time Ultimate Reed Richards arrived in the zombie universe he was no longer able to wield the hammer because he was no longer worthy.
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Is Batman can lift Thor Hammer?


While Batman does have some of the characteristics that would allow him to lift Mjolnir, he also has committed several acts that disqualify him. This is a man who once kept extensive files on his allies in case he needed to take them down, files that were stolen and used against said allies.
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How many tons can Dr Doom lift?

Strength Level: Without his armor, Doctor Doom possesses the normal strength of a man his age, height, and build who engages in regular exercise. Doom's armored suit contains an electrically powered skeleton which enables Doom to lift (press) approximately 2 tons.
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