Can flash beat scarlet witch?

And yes, The Flash has the POWERS to defeat Scarlet Witch: -- The Flash can use a Strong Punch to Knock her Out cold meaning put her to Sleep😴. -- The Flash can use his Phasing attacks (Extract her brain or Make her to explode!).
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Could Scarlet Witch beat the Flash?

15 He Would Lose: Scarlet Witch's Magical Hex Bolts Would Trip Up The Flash. Wanda Maximoff has the potential to be one of the most dangerous members of the Avengers due to her enhanced magical abilities.
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Can any superhero beat Scarlet Witch?

This means that characters with either low-level superpowers or no superpowers, such as Daredevil, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, could defeat the Scarlet Witch in certain situations. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Hawkeye was able to push a taser arrow onto Wanda's forehead.
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Can Shazam defeat Scarlet Witch?

While she wouldn't be able to match up with his physical strength, Scarlet Witch could use her probability-altering hex to disrupt his magic or trip him up in the middle of a battle. Her reality-warping Chaos Magic could then finish the job and take out Shazam.
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Does Wanda beat Reverse-Flash?

Scarlet Witch Takes On Reverse-Flash In Epic Marvel & DC Crossover Video - IMDb. Reverse-Flash takes on Scarlet Witch in a new fan video, defeating her by being faster.
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What If THE FLASH Was In Dr. Strange Multiverse Of Madness?

Who is stronger Scarlet Witch or Reverse-Flash?

Scarlet Witch is no stranger to speedsters, being the sister of Quicksilver. A speedster on a whole other level is the Flash villain Eobard Thawne, AKA the Reverse-Flash. In all likelihood, Reverse-Flash would take out Scarlet Witch before she ever knew he was there.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Black Adam?

While Scarlet Witch can be beaten by certain Marvel Characters, she is far stronger than Black Adam in enough ways that she could take him down, as Scarlet Witch's magical abilities easily outclass Black Adam's own. Her powers are much stronger, and she has access to far more abilities than Black Adam.
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Which DC can defeat Scarlet Witch?

Martian Manhunter's powers make him one of the Justice League's most potent members. It's that mix of abilities that will help Martian Manhunter beat Scarlet Witch. Not only is he a physical powerhouse on par with Superman, but his shapeshifting, invisibility, intangibility, and telepathy make him even more versatile.
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Could Scarlet Witch have beaten Thanos?

Wanda could not defeat Thanos, but she was able to stop the Mad Titan with one hand while destroying an Infinity Stone with the other. What Wanda did in Infinity War is even more impressive considering that Thanos had five of the six Infinity Stones in his gauntlet.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Black Bolt?

While it was only meant to be a brief role, it makes sense that Scarlet Witch had to kill Black Bolt first in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Otherwise, the odds are strong that she would have quickly lost against the King of the Inhumans.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat hulk?

Scarlet Witch's Powers Can Easily Defeat the Hulk (Under One Condition) Scarlet Witch has proved her magic can stop the Hulk, but the specific spell she needs to use has one condition to be effective. Avengers' Scarlet Witch has already proved she can defeat the Hulk, but only under a specific circumstance.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Thor?

While Thor is one of the most powerful beings in the MCU, it is known that Scarlet Witch's powers are superior. However, there are a lot of examples, even outside of Marvel, where powerful figures can still be defeated by those less so under the right circumstances.
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Who has killed Scarlet Witch?

Many mutants harbored deep resentments toward Wanda, even after she reformed, and Rogue perhaps most of all. Rogue killed the Scarlet Witch in the Uncanny Avengers series, during a mission to stop the Apocalypse Twins.
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Can Flash beat Thanos?

While it is fairly obvious that the Flash could run circles around Thanos under normal circumstances as his powers make him virtually untouchable, there wouldn't be much the Scarlet Speedster could do if he was around for Thanos' Infinity Snap as there is no way to outrun the god-like power of cosmic chance.
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Can the flash beat Hulk?

Hurting the Hulk would be hard for the Flash, especially since every missed attack would make the Hulk angrier. However, the Flash can always deploy the infinite mass punch, his most devastating attack. It would be a last resort but it would give the Flash the win.
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Could the flash beat Spider-Man?

The Flash's Speed Would Overwhelm The Wall-Crawler

The fight might be close, but Spider-Man would have a difficult time slowing down the Flash enough to beat him. Spider-Man definitely has a chance to land a few good blows, but the Flash is just too fast and unpredictable for him to beat.
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Why is Scarlet Witch so weak in MCU?

While this limited amount of power makes Scarlet Witch look weaker compared to her comic book counterpart, it was necessary in order to make the MCU more balanced, as giving her more power would render her almost invincible.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Superman?

Superman Is Not Immune To Magic

Scarlet Witch's most important aspect in this fight is that she has the ability to defeat Superman. He is not impervious to magic, so her hits will damage him. Superman gains his power from the sun, and this charging method gives him no more immunity to magic damage than any other human.
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Who is the most powerful Avenger?

Scarlet Witch

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness showcased Wanda's immense potential for limitless powers. She is undoubtedly the strongest Avenger in the MCU.
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Could Scarlet Witch beat Batman?

Without any superpowers, Batman is at a massive disadvantage as he would have to rely on his combat prowess to best Wanda. However, he would have a hard time getting close before she shreds through his armor with a massive blast of energy.
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Who wins Thor or Superman?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. However, with his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning.
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Can Scarlet Witch beat Joker?

He has a cameo in Zack Snyder's Justice League and appears as a secondary villain of his own subplot in Suicide Squad. In both of these appearances, the Joker is unpredictable and dangerous, but only to unpowered humans. Against the Scarlet Witch, the Joker would stand no chance.
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Who can defeat Ghost Rider?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his foe.
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Can Black Adam defeat Hulk?

The key to beating the Hulk is to be stronger and meaner, two things that Black Adam is certainly capable of. When Hulk is still up after a few hits, Black Adam will kick it into overdrive. Between his superlative strength, flight, and speed, he would take Hulk out before he got too strong to handle.
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Who wins Thor or Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel did indeed defeat Thor, but only a hammer-less Thor. So the answer seems to be: Thor-with-hammer defeats Captain Marvel; Thor-without-hammer loses to Captain Marvel.
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