Can Ghost Rider defeat Superman?

Superman will forever be known as one of the most powerful and skilled heroes in comics but Cosmic Ghost Rider would take him down. It wouldn't be an easy victory by any means but the Power Cosmic gives Cosmic Ghost Rider a power that will allow him to defeat Superman- the ability to manipulate energy.
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Can Ghost Rider can beat Superman?

Ghost Rider is another powerful character who, without Kryptonite, has the ability to defeat Superman. The primary thing that Ghost Rider uses against his enemies is the penance stare that acts as a punishment for someone who is guilty.
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Who can defeat Ghost Rider easily?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his foe.
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Can Thor defeat Ghost Rider?

Originally Answered: Who would win between Thor and Ghost Rider? Ghost Rider without a doubt. He is immortal, nigh on unkillable demon. Thor is pretty powerful himself, but can be and has been killed.
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Can Hulk beat Ghost Rider?

The Hulk is considered the strongest character in the Marvel universe, but there are some characters that can match the Hulk's strength and power, such as Ghost Rider. The Ghost Rider, however, is not the strongest of the two, and he is able to defeat the Hulk in Banner form.
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Superman VS Ghost Rider | Who Would Win?

Can Ghost Rider defeat Batman?

Ghost Rider has fought the Hulk to a standstill, so it's pretty believable he could defeat Batman easily. Without even using his Penance Stare, Ghost Rider is physically superior to Batman, and in some storylines has been proclaimed close to a god.
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Who would win Thanos or Ghost Rider?

In the recent comics, in the future, Thanos beat Ghost rider fairly easily. Also the penance stare from Ghost rider didn't work because of the fact Thanos doesn't have any regret with all those life he murdered. Also the future Thanos got Ghost rider working for him. So Thanos is way above Ghost rider.
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Can Ghost Rider defeat Moon Knight?

Ghost Rider is pretty much a top tier threat with potential of accessing divinity level powers that could take out Thor or the Hulk under the right conditions, his human host acts as a limiter so he can only use so much at a given time but Moon Knight is a peak level human to low level super human and Deadpool is a ...
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Can Ghost Rider defeat Iron Man?

Ghost Rider would win because of his regenerative healing factor and his resistance to all types of heat. Iron man's repulse blasters must be very hot, because they can melt through metal. Ghost Rider also has a penance stare. This ability allows Ghost Rider to inflict all the pain he”s ever felt onto someone else.
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Has Spiderman ever beat Ghost Rider?

No, even giving Spider-Man the benefit of the doubt and pretending he's immune to the Penance Stare (he isn't) Ghost Rider can only be killed by Holy weapons (not blessed by a priest Holy, For realsies forged in biblical Heaven Holy weapons). Assuming Spider-Man went full defense he has a solid chance of escaping.
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Who can defeat immortal Hulk?

Bizarro is Superman's infamous and sometimes lovable clone/doppelganger opposite gone bad who possesses near-identical powers to the Man of Steel. He has more than enough strength to match the Immortal Hulk's and the addition of his freeze vision and fire breath would be enough to secure a victory.
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Can Deadpool beat Ghost Rider?

Deadpool is incredibly hard to kill and resourceful. In the comic Deadpool defeated Ghost Rider because of an unexpected reaction to Ghost Rider's penance state. But Logic dictates that Ghost Rider would beat Deadpool severely. His hellfire could very well burn Deadpool to a crisp.
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Can Ghost Rider beat Darkseid?

Ghost Rider might be extremely powerful but going up against a villain of Darkseid's magnitude would spell trouble for him. Darkseid is as mighty as a god, and it seems that even with Ghost Rider's demon on his side, he wouldn't be an equal match.
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Can Superman beat juggernaut?

In DC Versus Marvel #1, Superman beat the Juggernaut with a single punch. The question, then, isn't really who would win in a fight - with his versatile powerset and formidable solar-powered strength, Superman is the default victor - but rather if Superman could physically stop the Juggernaut mid-stride.
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Can Shazam beat Superman?

Even though Superman is often considered the most powerful character in the DC Universe, Shazam definitely comes close, and he can even beat the Man of Steel. And with a massive power upgrade, there's no question that Shazam can meet Superman blow for blow—despite the upgrade's terrible side effects.
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Can Superman defeat Goku?

To summarize, the most powerful heroes in DC Comics will always out-muscle the most powerful ones from Marvel, and the most powerful hero in DC (Superman) will always lose to Dragon Ball's most powerful hero (Goku) simply because, at this point, Dragon Ball's power cap is beyond human comprehension.
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Who is stronger Phoenix or Ghost Rider?

The Phoenix can't really be fought or defeated, but it looks like the Ghost Rider's attacks prove to be one of the cosmic entity's weaknesses.
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Has Ghost Rider beaten the Avengers?

Despite the fact that Ghost Rider is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, he has never been able to outshine the Avengers in terms of renowned popularity and heroic recognition–though Marvel just proved that Ghost Rider is not only more powerful than most of the Avengers, but is also a much better ...
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Can Ghost Rider beat Captain Marvel?

GR would win bc only God could kill a gr and Captain Marvel is just an Alien same with Superman. Thor is a demigod same as Wonder Woman. GR could theoretically end all of them and he even stalemated King Thanos whose waaayyy more powerful than original Thanos.
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Can Ghost Rider beat Green Lantern?

Though Ghost Rider may not be able to kill Green Lantern, he could definitely wear him down until his ring lost power.
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Can Joker beat Ghost Rider?

Despite his long-standing role as one of the baddest guys in the DC universe, the Joker has no superhuman powers. Due to this, Ghost Rider could easily defeat him. Not only is Ghost Rider physically superior but using his Penance Stare against Joker would render his already questionable mental state completely crushed.
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Can Ghost Rider defeat Eternity?

However, Eternity is on a completely different level, and his power is almost immeasurable. Considering this, it's highly unlikely that Ghost Rider could defeat Eternity in a straight-up battle.
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Who would win Goku or Ghost Rider?

Ghost rider CAN put Goku down. Hellfire absolutely will hurt Goku, no doubt. Penance stare might even have a mild effect, and since Goku will likely be in character, he might not instantly speed blitz ghost rider. But overall, ghost rider doesn't really have alot of good ways to even hit Goku.
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Can Thanos beat Odin?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Why Ghost Rider is so powerful?

It is possible that they are genuinely immortal, as it is said that God created them and only God can destroy them. Despite being composed of bone and hellfire, the Ghost Riders possess formidable superhuman strength, enough to easily pick up a truck and hurl it across a road.
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