Can Hal Jordan beat Black Adam?

Hal Jordan is the most famous Green Lantern as well as one of the strongest. As such, he has more than enough to be able to take Black Adam down. With his ring, Jordan can do and create pretty much anything he wants. Weapons, shields, energy blasts - all are at his disposal.
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Can Spiderman defeat Black Adam?

Spider-Man's webbing just isn't strong enough to hold Black Adam in place longer than a second, following which his punches and kicks will be shrugged off. Black Adam can eliminate Spider-Man in just about any way he wants, whether to drop him from the sky or to pulverize him.
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Who has defeated Hal Jordan?

Hal Jordan himself fought Orion, who effortlessly countered Hal Jordan's attacks and beat Hal Jordan.
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How powerful is Hal Jordan?

As a Green Lantern, Hal Jordan is semi-invulnerable, capable of projecting hard-light constructions, flight, and utilizing various other abilities through his power ring which are only limited by his imagination and willpower. Jordan, as a Green Lantern, has exceptional willpower.
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Who is the strongest in Black Adam movie?

Black Adam: Strongest Characters, Ranked
  • 7 Cyclone.
  • 6 Atom Smasher.
  • 5 Hawkman.
  • 4 Doctor Fate.
  • 3 Sabbac.
  • 2 Black Adam.
  • 1 Superman.
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Black Adam Kills Green Lantern JUSTICE LEAGUE Fight Scene Cinematic - DC Universe Online

Who can easily beat Black Adam?

Darkseid's immense power easily outclasses Black Adam with his Omega Beams, immeasurable strength, and absolutely insane durability. Darkseid has survived explosions and weapons that were specifically designed to kill him.
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What hero is stronger than Black Adam?

Sentry. Given that Sentry is often described as having the power of a million exploding suns, it's easy to see why he handily destroys Black Adam. Being one of the most overpowered superheroes of all time, Sentry has more than enough power to defeat Black Adam in seconds.
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Can Superman beat Hal Jordan?

He's powerful but not invincible, and there are ways to stop him. Hal Jordan, on the other hand, did not need any of these means to beat Superman. Instead, he uses the pure strength of the Green Lantern Corps, proving that a Green Lantern alone is powerful enough to defeat Superman.
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Who would win Hal Jordan vs Superman?

In DC Superman would win. But if you could have this fight based on Bio which would states their abilities. Green Lantern, Hal Jordan or any Green Lantern would trash Superman in seconds. There are just so many ways Green Lantern would defeat Superman to include depower him and kill him that it isn't even laughable.
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What is Hal Jordan's weakness?

8 Hal Jordan's Greatest Weakness Is Overconfidence

However, his smarter enemies know how to use his abilities against him. Hal has moved past his ring's aversion to the color yellow but he is still known for being very sure of himself, and that's a weakness that can be exploited.
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Who is Hal Jordan's biggest nemesis?

Hal Jordan's 10 Greatest Villains, Ranked
  1. 1 Parallax Turned Hal Jordan Into A Universal Threat.
  2. 2 Sinestro Betrayed All That Hal Jordan Believed In. ...
  3. 3 Krona Nearly Destroyed The Green Lanterns. ...
  4. 4 Atrocitus Would Kill Several Of Hal Jordan's Friends. ...
  5. 5 Nekron Forced Hal Jordan To Deal With His Many Failures. ...
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What rank is Hal Jordan?

When he was 18, Hal joined the US Air Force and spent years rising through the commissioned ranks to Captain, where he was decorated as a fighter pilot.
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Who is Hal Jordan's best friend?

Barry Allen and Hal Jordan became best friends, going on double dates with their respective girlfriends together, hanging out in their civilian identities, and basically being there for each other. Theirs is a genuine friendship, and both men know the other always has their back.
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Can Thanos beat Black Adam?

Seeing as he would have lost against Thanos without the upgrade of his new weapons, it's clear who the victor would be in a confrontation between the Mad Titan and Adam. A battle between the god-tier Thanos and Black Adam would be insane, but in the end, Thanos would walk away victorious.
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Could Superman beat Black Adam?

Kryptonians Can Beat Black Adam (Despite His Magic)

As the Justice League reflect, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is the clear winner in any comparison.
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Would Thor beat Black Adam?

Ultimately, pure strength and speed will win the fight of pantheons, with the gods-given power of Black Adam simply being too much for Thor. Black Adam has speed on the level of a Kryptonian or even the DCU's version of The Flash, which is simply too much for Asgard's former prince.
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Can Green Lantern beat Thanos?

In Marvel Comics, Thanos is an ultimate villain who needs no introduction, but when it comes to DC Comics powerhouses, the Green Lantern Corps is a group of beings who are so powerful that they could easily stop Thanos dead in his tracks.
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Can any Green Lantern beat Superman?

Superman is widely regarded to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe, but he has a variety of weaknesses, like Kryptonite, red sunlight, and magic. Which means that of all the Green Lanterns, Alan Scott is the best equipped to defeat him in a fight.
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Who is more powerful Hal Jordan or John Stewart?

Hal has the stronger will, but John is the better tactician, the better strategist, and the better leader. John has more education and uses that education, in engineering, to make things the Hal can't. John's constructs are more durable than Hal's despite Hal's stronger will and greater energy out put.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Superman?

With a record of six wins, four losses, and five draws, they found that Wonder Woman narrowly defeats Superman. While it is difficult to determine the outcome of fights between friends, it quickly becomes clear that the Man of Steel and the Amazing Amazon are almost evenly matched.
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Can Thor defeat Green Lantern?

There is no clear answer as to who would win in a fight between Green Lantern and Thor, as both are incredibly powerful superheroes. However, if it came down to it, Thor would likely have the advantage, due to his ability to control the weather and his powerful hammer Mjolnir.
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Which Avenger can defeat Black Adam?

Black Adam reveals himself to Captain Marvel as the Batsons' killer, and the two battle. Captain Marvel emerges victorious by snatching Adam's scarab, and therefore his power, away from him.
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Can Black Adam beat Darkseid?

Darkseid dies in the fight as his minion Desaad cries out to his dead master. However, Darkseid's defeat in the fight by Black Adam isn't as it seems. Teth-Adam admits that Darkseid could never be so easily defeated as such a decisive win is impossible.
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Could Batman beat Black Adam?

Unfortunately, his own arrogance and ego are soon proven incorrect. The merciless Black Adam is incredibly well-trained and utterly ruthless, shocking and surpassing even Batman's martial arts skill. This sees him completely beat a surprised Caped Crusader, who only gets back up when Black Adam lets him.
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