What mental illness did The Riddler have?

The Riddler in the films "Batman Forever" and "The Batman" may show signs characteristic of borderline personality disorder. The Riddler in "Batman Forever" reveals an unstable, incomplete identity characterized by chaos in his moods, actions, and self-concept.
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Is the Riddler depressed?

It's a question you should ask as you read this book, too. Edward Nashton is a depressed, complicated man with plenty of reasons to hate the personal hell he lives in. In many ways, he displays a series of traits and experiences you will find in many of society's disenfranchised.
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What problem does the Riddler have?

The Riddler's compulsion stems from parental abuse that he endured as a child. After Edward got high scores on some important tests in school, his father, unable to grasp the fact that his son was brilliant and believing he had cheated, beat him out of envy.
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What mental illness does Ed Nygma have?

Firstly, based on the Show, Ed has DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder.
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What disorder does Harley Quinn have?

So, it is clear that Harley was suffering from Histrionic personality disorder. So why did it take so long to see?
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What mental illness does Riddler have Gotham?

Does the Joker have BPD?

The character of Arthur Fleck is an authentic and well-researched depiction of a man with borderline personality disorder.
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What mental illness does Joe Goldberg have?

Released earlier in February, the new season of Netflix's 'You' has once again got fans talking about protagonist Joe Goldberg's condition – erotomania. Goldberg, a character played by actor Penn Badgley, is a bookstore manager who has a delusional obsession with a new woman each season.
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Is Gotham Riddler autistic?

So what's his diagnosis? Edward's persistent deficits in social communication and interaction—as well as his restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior and interests—point to autism spectrum disorder. And if that assessment is correct, his riddles could even be seen as a learned social interaction strategy.
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What is the Riddler's OCD?

In his comic book appearances, the Riddler is depicted as a criminal mastermind in Gotham City. He has an obsessive compulsion to incorporate riddles, puzzles, and death traps in his schemes to prove his intellectual superiority over Batman and the police.
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Does the Riddler have a personality disorder?

The insecure Riddler may demonstrate a pattern of identity disturbance, affective volatility, preoccupation with abandonment, and other instability suggestive of borderline personality disorder (BPD). He tries to fill a void in himself by making a big mark in the world and by identifying with someone else.
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Who is The Riddler's love interest?

In the Prelude to Batman's Wedding, The Riddler and Batgirl face off - with the evil genius expressing his love for the caped heroine. The Riddler has a new woman in his life - and it's none other than Batgirl A.K.A. Barbara Gordon.
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Is Riddler in love with Batman?

In The Riddler's mind, Batman is is partner. They want and need the same things. They think the same way, and they're both too smart for this mundane world. Therefore The Riddler is courting Batman and helping him stay out of danger during the grand finale.
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What mental illness does Scarecrow have Batman?

Phobia: Jonathan suffers from a severe case of chiropteraphobia (fear of bats) and a chronic fear of Batman. Obsession: Since childhood, Scarecrow has become motivated by an obsessive need to create fear in others.
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How much IQ does the Riddler have?

1. Ra's Al Ghul (140 IQ) Due to his centuries of experience, and his ability to see the future. 2. The Riddler: (190 IQ) Because of his intelligence, combined with his experience and outstanding knowledge of him in various fields.
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Which Batman character has OCD?

The Riddler's war with OCD is surprisingly accurate. Despite being exaggerated for entertainment purposes, he embodies the base symptoms of OCD by portraying literal obsessions and compulsions.
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What IQ does the Riddler have?

The Riddler's IQ is somewhere between 150–160, so he is smart. HIs problem is that he has book smarts, but not much common sense. He has college sense, not common sense. He also is anti-social and thus cannot read people and situations like Batman can.
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What is the rarest OCD?

Harm OCD. This subtype of OCD involves intrusive thoughts of harming others or committing some sort of violent act. Someone who suffers from these types of thoughts experiences significant distress, because thoughts of harming others are inconsistent with their values and who they are.
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What is the Riddler's fear?

What is the Riddler's fear? He prides himself in his intelligence, and to be out riddled by batman is one of his greatest fears, and ultimate failures.
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What are scary OCD thoughts?

Worrying you're going to harm someone because you'll lose control. For example, that you'll push someone in front of a train or stab them. Violent intrusive thoughts or images of yourself doing something violent or abusive. These thoughts might make you worry that you're a dangerous person.
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What superhero has autism?

Fantastic is both a claimed and a named autistic character. Reed Richards, or Mr. Fantastic, is a seminal character in the Marvel Universe, emblematic of the Silver Age collaboration between Jack Kirby and Stan Lee.
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Is Riddler more intelligent than Batman?

So is Ridder smarter than Batman? That's up for debate, but in the eyes of the Batman writer, that appears to be the case. It's not an outrageous claim, but the Dark Knight has a genius-level intellect, so it's definitely close if the Riddler is smarter overall.
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Did the Joker have autism?

Since it's a fictional character and the story never mentions autism no-one could possibly know. However, when looking at Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of the Joker it certainly doesn't shout autism at all… It's more likely that he's a psychopath where his Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) certainly doesn't help.
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What mental illness does Walter White have?

It is no coincidence that Walt encompasses all nine characteristics of having a narcissistic personality disorder, as outlined in DSM-5. This shows that the more wealth he obtains, the further into narcissistic personality disorder he falls.
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Why is Joe obsessed with Rhys?

The Rhys that Joe's been talking to is the personification of his dark side, the Mr. Hyde to Joe's Dr. Jekyll, and a manifestation of his fractured psyche.
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Is Joe from you a sociopath or a psychopath?

CW: This talks in detail about some of Joe's personality traits, so if discussion of that bothers you, please don't read this.
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